Kaizo Mario Nerds!
What are your favourite or most memorable kaizo levels? Why?
What are your favourite or most memorable kaizo levels? Why?
Every level from Unlit Candles is extremely memorable.
UKW2: Vale of Arryn, Persistent Serpents
Invictus: Scorched Earth, Built to Fall, Plumber's Nightmare, Die-Tree, Biohazard
Quickie 1: Sawrfing, duh
Hacker's Dreams: Going too Far. I've played the demo of this far too much.
Baron: Hunt Sic Dracones, Shadar Logoth, Ruins of Babel, Soul Smasher
Sheffy 2: The Gate, Path of Patience/Flame/Infinity
Team Shell: Shao and Brakkie's level, my own level
Beautiful Dangers: Above the Waves, Adventure Awaits
Riff 2: The whole thing
Garlic: Zone 3 Manufactory, Explosive Waste
GPW2: Marathon, Caradhras, Weathertop, House of the Undying, The Eyrie, Idle Hands
Akogare (OG): Toxic Passage, Silverthorn Hallow, Labrys Abyss, Grim Shade Manor (fuck this level), Whynot's Lookout, Underscore Burrows
Chain Reaction: Level 5, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, hard mode
Midair Risers: That room you do midairs in
New Comfy: Cave Johnson, Ghost in the Forrest, Haunting House, Empty Hot Tub, Dank Fridge, Trustfall, Platform Abuse
Titan: Recycle, Aaron Fleet, Dilly Dally, Mutation Run, Bloodlust
Waterworld: Whole thing except the Yoshi level. I told Baba to ditch it. Baba no listen
JUMP: bowser's castle, shattered dreams, 1f8
volpey's friend: most of special world
way ahead of their time, sick as fuck
storks: RNG castle and several other levels
JUMP: new jersey, manky bridge, disco dance party
they beat my ass
Also Plumber's Nightmare from some janky old hack.
Ultra Kaizo World 2: Persistent Serpents, that door at the end of the level was something
Riff 2: Red Eyes and Tears, the setups with the power ups and damage boosts
Day Trip and Fill the Coffers from Fire & Ice.