In 2025 we could all start by agreeing...
That billionaires
Left or right
Foreign or domestic
Unhinged or not
Should not be allowed to dictate and dominate our UK politics and media.
That billionaires
Left or right
Foreign or domestic
Unhinged or not
Should not be allowed to dictate and dominate our UK politics and media.
Ensure only real persons (no corps/orgs) who are citizen and/or eligible voters can donate money to politicians & political parties, and only a fixed amount each year.
The middle class pay accountants.
The super rich pay politicians.
'Should not be allowed'
The ones where some vulnerable person that looks different to them just needs stamping on.
That’s why they love GBNews.
Obvs it depends on how we're defining what is left, right and centre as any previous consensus of those terms appears to have atomised.
Better yet, tax billionaires (and centi-millionaires) out of existence.
Ban Twatter, as Brazil did, and Musk backs down.
Look at his posts, if they break our laws, put out an international arrest warrant.
MP need to start going to jail if we are to stop their corruption.
Freedom of the media doesn't seem to be working and is corrupt, yet it is one of our pillars of democracy.
Where do we encounter those?