I’m sure he would have proved truly excellent in the role. Such a loss. Bumptious little prick. Great work by the potential employer to weed out the idiots by using pronouns. Who would have thought it would be that easy to identify fascists?
Seems like a Linked In article, purely performative, probably never happened. More than likely he got turned down and then rage tweeted this work of fiction.
On the other hand he might just be a massive, bigoted cunt.
On the other hand, it is helpful for dickheads to broadcast their unsuitability for employment, in writing, prior to wasting any more time on their application for the job.
Fuckwits exposing themselves as hapless losers, due to their idiocy, is definitely a thing.
He thinks DEI is performative but he also felt the need to share this exchange... hmm. He wanted to be seen to reject this due to DEI. Not performative at all!
The good news is that potentially other employers will see this.
However I do wonder if some Americans who do not get a job now will try and blame it on DEI and attempt to bring lawsuits, even though Trump's Executive Order has put all govt DEI staff on immediate paid administrative leave.
It's just so self-satisfied. I bet he is looking at himself in a mirror with half a perk on over that.
And yet he's one step closer to not having a job.
Also, if he is to be believed, the recruiter had selected him, so his suggestion that DEI inclinations get in the way of picking the most talented people sounds like what we would call an "own goal"?
God forbid we live in a society where you have people trying their utmost to ensure, women, LGBTQ, POC are NOT treated with the equal opportunities they deserve by rights, by standing against DEI. Pathetic.
Well it makes the recruiters life easier I suppose.
Now if all gammons and incels did this then recruiting can focus on hiring people that aren’t… well… gammons or incels 🤣
Josh obviously has loads of money and doesn’t actually *need* a job. Which can now go to someone who won’t make colleagues puke in their mouths when they see that person sitting at their desk.
The best team I ever worked on had a mixture of people. Cookie-cutter teams all think the same so there’s no challenge. Good team performance is not the sum of the parts but the way they interact. Diversity outperforms his sad little model.
@joshdaws.bsky.social > what a horrible excuse for a person you are! Imagine spending your life hating on others! "Performative signalling" not even said unironically, as you post your saddo email. Bet you call others "snowflakes" as you moan about pronouns! Block this dude on here!
He's likely right that he wouldn't like it there, and goodness knows if you're a company that wants to foster inclusion you don't want a colleague who hates everything about that approach and just has to tell the world...
One (that's me) does so hope that Tosh Jaws, hisself (that's Glaswegian), one day lands in a US organisation populated entirely by LGBTQ+ and their allies.
And hisself will never know... cos the daft bastards will have eradicated Equality Monitoring...
Looking at his timeline, he popped on a couple of months ago, posted a few 'edgy' memes to try and get some outrage engagement, got totally ignored, and flounced off again.
Looked at the screenshots of his YouTube Channel.
He reminds me of a British man who has started a organisation called Justice for Men and Boys (and the Women Who Love Them.
Men's Rights Activist.
Twice divorced with 2 daughters.
Very anti feminist and seems quite bonkers
"Thank fuck for letting us know. You sound like a right c***. We've dodged a shitty bullet there. Phew!"
It's all the rage these days apparently.
Still not going to get him laid though.
On the other hand he might just be a massive, bigoted cunt.
Fuckwits exposing themselves as hapless losers, due to their idiocy, is definitely a thing.
However I do wonder if some Americans who do not get a job now will try and blame it on DEI and attempt to bring lawsuits, even though Trump's Executive Order has put all govt DEI staff on immediate paid administrative leave.
Twat signalling = good
And yet he's one step closer to not having a job.
You mentioned bashing the bishop on another skeet, I wonder if this guy bashes the bishop to posters of Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos...
Now if all gammons and incels did this then recruiting can focus on hiring people that aren’t… well… gammons or incels 🤣
With those kinds of viewing figures, you'd think he'd grab any work he can get.
I wonder if he knows that Jesus was woke AF?
is he admitting he doesn't know what a pronoun is, but objects to them anyway?
What a dickless loser.
He's likely right that he wouldn't like it there, and goodness knows if you're a company that wants to foster inclusion you don't want a colleague who hates everything about that approach and just has to tell the world...
And hisself will never know... cos the daft bastards will have eradicated Equality Monitoring...
THAT's what's so great about this place.
"I'm sorry for bothering you, ma'am"
"Well, why didn't you say so?"