Please cover, instead, those who are out and motivating citizens like Bernie and these two. These are scary times but before you think we as citizens have no recourse, take a deep breath and enjoy this 30 minutes of wisdom and hope.
As much as I love Bernie, I would be shocked if he had another 4 years in him. We can't center him right now because if he kicks it or loses his mind while people's hope is tied closely to his leadership, the despair would be too much
That's a great observation. The thing is he has the most visibility. The president doesn't need to do all the footwork (as we have witnessed) but is the symbolic figurehead. He does need more younger pro·té·gées and a framework of emerging leaders. His fireside chats would be awesome.
Our leaders need to project a coherent, aligned and believable plan for public to rally support. GOP did so with P25 (it seems).
Offering better ideas is not a heavy lift -- use media more effectively, be timely in response to events, align talk points, stiffen resolve with solutions. #makeaplan
they can't, not that they won't but the neoliberal agenda is not aligned with public interests. They would need abandon capitalist interests to appeal to the public otherwise they will continue to be republican-lite and lose from the left and gain none to the right
We not only need to primary Schumer and Jeffries, we need to primary anyone who insists on keeping Schumer and Jeffries in leadership positions. We demand better leadership and anyone who stands in the way of getting better leadership has to go.
I was out at a protest this weekend. Very manicured. Very demure. A lot of these folks only know performative shit and it is painfully obvious when you're standing next to someone like that.
Anyone who has watched Schumer over the years knows that he is not a guy who cares deeply about the issues. It’s like he’s playing Survivor. His core alliance is Wall Street. He compulsively thinks about the numbers and what’s going to get him ahead.
He wished Muslims Ramadan Mubarak just as Israel ended the ceasefire and blocked aid.
Maybe we should form a party or group of some kind to go look for him.
I’m so sick of the ancient Dems. They need to either put down their walkers and DO something or step aside and let the younger Dems do it. (Just for the record, I’m an ancient Dem myself.)
I’m no Schumer defender but I do think the kind of leadership it takes to get to Senate minority or majority leader does not translate to having the charisma needed to counter someone like Trump.
Offering better ideas is not a heavy lift -- use media more effectively, be timely in response to events, align talk points, stiffen resolve with solutions. #makeaplan
We thought that the Pelosi cringe was bad. Schumer said, “Hold my Arctic Nail Ale.”
I suppose the more mythical alternative—awaken by the the kiss of a beautiful Slovenian princess—is rather unlikely.
It's why we need a new party.
Maybe we should form a party or group of some kind to go look for him.
We are now under par.