Q: Mr. President, you talked about some of the violence that's been going on around the country at Tesla dealerships. Some say they should be labeled 'domestic terrorists' —

TRUMP: I'll do that.


Who was the shitbag “reporter” that planted that question and answer?

Such nakedly transparent propaganda.
There goes the stock again. Who is the intended audience? Trumps been talking down EV:s for years now, no MAGA would buy one?
Trump can't drive!!!😅🤣😂
Was that Klan Mom's boyfriend saying that stupid shit?
What’s all this about people playing violins at Tesla showrooms?
Sometimes it feels like these journalists are just giving him suggestions rather than doing their job.
I hate them both beyond words
"Domestic Terrorists"?

Are the Proud Boys on that list, or?....
"some say they should be labeled domestic terrorist" said no one ever. Wtf is the reporter talking about? I never heard that from anyone. That fucking question was asked like Trump wrote it with his "many people are saying" bullshit!
Fascists gonna fash... Not much more to say
"Everyone I don't like is a terrorist"
Was it MTG's thumb?
Reminder: These are what domestic terrorists look like ...

#TeslaTakedown #ElonIsADick #January6th $TSLA
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Has anyone considered going up and yelling ‘some say we should have universal healthcare’
Musk slowly creeping in frame desperately trying to be included
According to him, he learned that trick from his pal, Ghislaine.
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So would such designation mean that Musk could apply for compensation from the US govt. for losses due to vandalism and/or stock loss/value loss?
He’s so gross
Trump sued the NFL
As opposed to folks walking around with machine guns…
those that fail to heed the history of Nixon will have their political career ruined by the history of Nixon...
Would you buy a used car from either of these clowns?
Tessra. 😂
There you go Americans - you can try to overthrow the gov't & it's all good so what's holding you back? Just don't damage any teslas while you do it.
He’s the domestic terrorist.
Why is the camera all washed out like it's the end of the Lord of the Rings?
Who asked that?
Elon says he’s 6’2 and Trump claims he’s 6’3. This does not compute
The lifts in Florida Fatties shoes still don't make him 6'3.
Why isn’t Elon jumping up and down?
Can he not afford a better fitting suit? Jesus, he looks and sounds like a trash bag, ugh
Musky's height is estimated no taller than 6'2". So is TFG like 5'7"? With lifts?
First amendment, schmirst amendment.
His dumb ass just agrees with whoever he spoke to last. Unfortunately for all of us that he surrounds himself with Nazis.
This is what you get when a Sham-wow infomercial impregnates a 90s car dealership commercial. Point being this is why we need reproductive rights in America.
genuinely one of the most pathetic things i've ever seen
Some Say
See you at our #TeslaTakedown in Columbus on Saturday!
This is far from the point, but what’s going on here
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Trump was never close to 6'3".
Didn't realize lobbying was that easy
Citizens United paved the way
Who are these fucking people asking this shit?
Just smear some shit on the walls and bring a prop gallows set and you're fine, beat a cop up with a flag pole and a fire extinguisher, Trump will pardon you immediately.
Look at how Elon moves... such a little druggy freak
New Whitehouse remodeling is now underway:
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Trump looks a fair amount shorter than Musk on the last couple of pix with the 2 of them standing together. 🙈
wild fealty. i suspected trump was setting musk up to take a fall but now I'm not so sure
I wanted to link to Mike saying, "Hitler's death car!" on MST3K, but couldn't find a clip of that.
Is drawing a dick on a Tesla with a sharpie considered "terrorism"?
Asking for a friend.
He's an artist...
Shit is so funny
Sorry, can't make the tesla rally. Got a busy schedule of screwing around with schools and universities today
So many jobs...
BIG Trouble...
More Proof cognitive deterioration
Looks like Elon needs to catch a sale.
Terrorism is when you don't buy a Tesla.
"Well, it goes real slow with the hammer down,
It's the country-fried truck endorsed by a clown!

Canyonero! Canyonero!"🪕🎶
is elon wearing lifts like desantis? lmao
Lmaoooo this makes Elon look more pathetic 😭 really "I'm gonna tell on you" vibes
Why is douchey Musk standing like a bodyguard? LOL
Give it a rest w/ your chainsaw
Elon creeping in to frame is going to set DJT off. He doesn’t like sharing the spotlight, so I’m waiting for a ‘get the fuck away from me’ to burst out of him on live tv. lol. But seriously, Elon is never more than five feet away from him.
how come Elon is allowed to make cars in China?
but Ford Motor can't make any in Canada?
Some also say trump is a domestic terrorist, in addition to a moron and convicted felon.
First president to succumb to a lithium ion battery fire.