Wow. The Telegraph, Britain's right-wing conservative newspaper of record (very supportive of the armed forces, pro-Brexit), punches with full force against Trump's immoral attempt at extorting Ukraine, calling it "a new Versailles" and a "second violation of Ukraine".
Wow. The Telegraph, Britain's right-wing conservative newspaper of record (very supportive of the armed forces, pro-Brexit), punches with full force against Trump's immoral attempt at extorting Ukraine, calling it "a new Versailles" and a "second violation of Ukraine".
Reposted from
Edward Hunter Christie
Massively shocking and dishonourable American behaviour in its proposal to Kyiv of 7 February:
Telegraph: "If this draft were accepted, Trump’s demands would amount to a higher share of Ukrainian GDP than reparations imposed on Germany at the Versailles Treaty"
Telegraph: "If this draft were accepted, Trump’s demands would amount to a higher share of Ukrainian GDP than reparations imposed on Germany at the Versailles Treaty"
"Ukraine cannot possibly meet his $500bn demand in any meaningful timeframe, leaving aside the larger matter of whether it is honourable to treat a victim nation in this fashion..."
"... after it has held the battle line for the liberal democracies at enormous sacrifice for three years. Who really has a debt to whom, may one ask?"
"In genuine commerce the other side can usually walk away. Trump’s demand is iron-fist coercion by a neo-imperial power against a weaker nation with its back to the wall, and all for a commodity bonanza that exists chiefly in Trump’s head."