They were totally fine with globalism when it was enabling them to drive up share prices on the backs of slave labor and pushing all the worst practices they couldn't get away with under US law (even as much as it bends over backwards for them) to other countries--WEIRD how their tune changes...
That's a really good point--a lot of reconciliation of apparent contradiction goes on in their gerrymandering of definitions--when they say "globalism" their base doesn't hear "shipping jobs overseas" (or, to the extent they do, they won't
remember that, and vote against Republicans for complicity in it, when they're whipped up into a frenzy against some other boogeyman--which is of course the point of the messaging) they hear "THOSE people, you know the BAD people!"
The problem is that CPAC became the rule book every far right party in this world executes, regardless whether it makes any sense. The German AfD executes it, and the GOP in New Hampshire despite the majority of people not wanting it. No free thinking. Just execution.
No more globalism for MAGA? Ok. No cellphone for MAGAts anymore. No TV. No cars (all contain electronics from Europe and Asia). No jobs (80% of production jobs rely on export of goods and on import of materials). No shoes. Nearly no clothing. Because all of that is globalist and not American!
Their messaging on Globalism is pretty sus, but critical support for their war on streaming services. We really *don’t* need them, “woke” or otherwise.
Openly, I mean.
Are they bringing Viktor Orbán and other autocrats back as honored guests?
and kissing up to Donald Trump because he’s blackmailing them probably