But, you see, he was cheated out of his first term by the DeEp StAtE rUsSiA hOaX, so it didn't count. (I've actually heard this argument more than once)
To directly answer the question- democrats would never do that and Republicans would in a heartbeat. It's an uneven playing field - they create circumstances that require Dems to fight as aggressively or as dirty (as Repubs) to protect the country, knowing they never will.
I’m 99% certain that most of Trump’s MAGA army believes the Deep State has quietly instituted laws targeting only him. Otherwise they might have to confront the notion that the reason he’s the first president to retroactively demand total immunity is because he’s the first to go on a crime spree.
I mean, if they say presidents have absolute immunity, Biden should have trump killed, resign, have Kamala pardon him and everyone is golden, right? Seems like a really stupid road for trump to be leading folks down
God I can’t wait until this malignant piece of shit abruptly dies of a heart attack because he eats like a five year old and doesn’t believe in exercise.
Trump the con man has pulled a brand new legal concept out of his ass - Presidential Immunity - & figures if he Capitalizes it & beats it over our heads over & over he can will it into existence. Always the con artist.
President Biden’s honor and integrity that’s what. Can you imagine the howls from the MAGAts were he to actually do something like that? I almost want him to so we can watch the largest explosion of heads the world has ever seen! 🤯🤯🤯🤯
If the president is immune what's to keep him from outlawing the republican party and removing every last one of them and their judges from power by force?
ALSO: the OLC says you can't charge a sitting President so Biden could:
1. Cancel elections
2. Declare himself POTUS for life
3. Get impeached
4. Get exonerated
5. Literally not face prosecution until he leaves office *when he dies*
to echo Chris Hayes' point, the question under Trump's legal theory is "what will 40 US Senators let their party's President get away with?" so to answer your question...if 40 Senators were on board, he'd be golden!
22nd amendment limits all presidents to two 4 year terms. So neither could go longer than that. Doubt the Surpreme Court would overturn that. State of emergency, all elections are held till 90 days after the State of Emergency ends but can be renewed yearly. Now, I could see either one abusing that.
biden should send drones to mar a lago and blow it up and if trump tries to take action against it then its clear he doesnt really believe in presidential immunity. get it all cleared up without waiting for supreme court
The question "presented" to the Supreme Court seems to be, "If a former president asserts that an alleged crime was committed in the line of duty, how much immunity does the former president get?"
Either we are a nation of law or we are a nation ruled by fiat. It makes no difference if that fiat comes from a single executive, a majority of justices, or through legislative impeachment and conviction.
If law doesn't underpin and demand fealty from all of the foregoing then we have tyranny.
But they *likely will* and the question then is: do we wait for Dark Brandon to loose the hounds of Hell or do we do what must be done to murder the infant before it grows full, taking America into the 21st Century as a White Christian Fascist State?
Trmps without fearing consequesces.
it's the same playbook used by schoolyard bullies. they make up rules to favor themselves then get violent when that doesn't work as planned.
they are deeply maladjusted
No Dem would ever do that
GOP would so it in a heartbeat, as we’ll see during the next GOP administration.
1. Cancel elections
2. Declare himself POTUS for life
3. Get impeached
4. Get exonerated
5. Literally not face prosecution until he leaves office *when he dies*
If law doesn't underpin and demand fealty from all of the foregoing then we have tyranny.
SCOTUS must not rule that "alleged official acts" excuse lawlessness, especially absent a political conviction in a Senate.