Trump has hacked the media by lying so relentlessly and egregiously that whoppers that could be career-ending for other politicians don’t even rouse our fact-checkers. He claims American towns are occupied by migrants in every one of his speeches and it elicits yawns. We need to wake the fuck up.
- Report factual claims he makes, if any
- Report statements of opinion
- And include a line like: "Trump also lied on a half-dozen/two dozen/a hundred dozen occasions"
The more lies, the higher it appears in the article.
What a complete fucking waste of time
They are completely unchecked and actually amplified by our complicit press.
There is only one Pravda; what makes any of the dozens of “news” orgs think that THEY will be the designated survivor?
Fox already betrayed him once and he’s nothing if not vindictive.