😁🤭 This is my greatest wish for all of them that are vacating their senate and house seats. It may also open up special elections and give us a chance to win some more seats. I’m not sure how that works though.
Ok at this point it’s clear to everyone Trump has something on these people right? Otherwise why would they continue to humiliate themselves like this? It’s so pathetic
EXACTLY!🤣 Half these fools will be some of the vengeful targets to ‘fire’ for Humiliation but in their worthless minds they think the are in so good with this ‘not my president’ idiot!
I'm more worried that DeSantis will try to appoint himself to Rubio's vacated seat since he's term-limited as governor & Rubio's seat isn't up until 1/3/29. Just the kind of skunky thing DeSantis would pull. Either himself or his wife. Repubs no longer recognize rules.
He literally repeats all of his past successes until they are dead. This is literally the formula for The Apprentice. Bring in seemingly successful people, give them difficult tasks, and publicly humiliate the worst performer. He is just keeping the brand alive.
Musk, Rubio, Vance - all former never trumpers. The old man better watch his back for the "et tu JD?" moment via the 25th. But that's just how incompetent he is
For Marco Rubio, the most appropriate kiss-off would include a misinterpreted Bible verse, and since it's coming from Trump, there's no chance it'll be accurate and a high likelihood it'll be a Hannibal Lecter quote.
I think DT is giving Rubio this job precisely so he can fire him. Get Lara in his Senate seat, then fire Rubio, leaving Rubio out in the cold. See Chris Christie for how this play works.
Trump wird die meisten wieder feuern, hat er ja das erste Mal auch gemacht, ich befürchte nur, er wird nicht alleine die Fäden ziehen, da haben sich ein paar Oligarchen fest platziert.
Rubio has that two decision button meme problem: 1) SecState is a good platform for him to go for the presidency he wants so bad 2) if he gets fired his political life is over
He won’t do that until he gets his tribute. Do you think Trump is going to let Kushner be the only one in the family to shake down someone for billions…?
Not to mention smarter. I definitely don't think Elon is the genius that he claims to be, but he's sure as hell smarter than Trump. Richer, smarter and more successful will drive him insane. And what's funny is Elon has enough leverage where Trump can't steamroll him like everyone else.
Then why was he accepted? Money. When Institutions become corrupt, they lose all credibility and power. Trump understands this which is his superpower. He knows that he can break the rules and institutional power is helpless to stop him bc they are all corrupt.
“I only hire the best people” will turn into “I never liked him. He’s a traitor. He’s scum. He’s (insert whatever degrading name trump decides to tag him with)”
You know it will happen. We should take bets on which cabinet members will be fired and how many there will be by the end of his term (or Vance's term).
Actually watching Trump pick all his former GOP haters for cabinet positions just to later humiliate them would be very deserved for their hypocrisy and fun to watch as well!
What’s the over under on the total hirings and firings of the major Cabinet positions? I mean, I lost count of the number of SOS’s, Defense Secretaries, NSA Directors and so forth.
It won’t take the Burger King long to start sweeping out the nasty mess he picked. They will start falling like dominoes because he doesn’t know what he’s doing. Never has.
I wonder what would happen if the media ignored his Truth Social and X posts, and only reported on his press releases, press conferences, WH briefings, presidential announcements, public addresses, what he says, and what he does. 🤔
As much as their "friendship" is so close... wouldn't surprise me at all that once Marco is settled into his office that a tweet of some sort would announce what a fool he is. It will be glorious if it happens like that. I'm evil I guess cuz don't care about his supporters/followers
I heard Rubio had been looking to be a college president. I know he won here in Florida for senator again but outside of FL he may not be a likeable guy. He always sounds arrogant, nasty and monotone
He'll fire everyone... or they'll leave... or they'll be plagued by scandal. He had the most transient cabinet and administration in history because no one can stand dealing with him.
“Lil’ Marco is out as Secretary of State. Nice guy, but low energy and not the brightest—A LOT OF PEOPLE ARE SAYING low IQ! Big changes coming in two weeks, believe me. Make America great again!”
he is buttering up Rubio so De Santis can give his senate seat to Lara, then Rubio is totally out for saying mean things in the past, and Lara gets to be a loyalty spy, squealing on anyone not 100% ass licking trump
Appointing a senator from a state they could conceivably lose in an off cycle special election just to fire him the first time he says something that slightly contradicts you is just *chef's kiss* chaos. We're back, baby!
Talking with my wife last night, this is what I basically told her. During djt's first campaign Little Marco was brutal during the debates telling the truth about djt. This will be his way of destroying Rubio's political career in the GOP & politics.
For us to make headway in the mid-terms, he and his minions have to be awful....and I mean awful. That won't be difficult btw. Every story of loss because of what he does must be a Trump voter, every single one.
Hiring unqualified people only for the kick of firing them afterwards. He’s that evil.
Thanks for the laugh and positive vision - I needed that
Min ago. ONE anti against T’s orders will be a fireable offense.
..he is a sad sorry little wanna be man. You're fired!
Now, what kind of job can we find for Lindsey Graham and Jim Jordan?
Any Blue's out there, follow and I'll follow back!! It's much better together!💙💙💙
big strong daddy fires marco when he doesn't jump high enough...
He will do anything Trump asks him to do.
That is if Trump makes it to Day 1.