Bill Clinton: He's interested in people who are loyal to him 100% of the time no matter who gets hurt. He believes that his supporters have no confidence whatever in the federal government. And Lord knows he's done everything he could to destroy that confidence.
Oval Office
“Vast right wing conspiracy”
He abused the power dynamic between them.
with hindsight we know now that had he been republican they wouldn’t of cared and let it slip by
But was nice when we expected better of our politicians.
Loyal to Trump
Little or no experience
Has to look good on TV
Sounds like a reality show casting call.
Well, ain't that a switch for a politician?
We're all going to prison camp anyway
These are the groups that Trump fully manipulated.
This election was literally about people who don't know how to drive pushing their way into the driver's seat and steering us all toward the cliffs.
Bill & Trump are both on the Epstein flight logs multiple times.
Americans who never voted for a fucking pedophile
Blackmail has ever been the best warranty for authoritarian regimes.
And America learned nothing.
He asked him how he did it. Clinton's humble answer was basically, "with great difficulty."
"But you just voted for Tr*mp, and he was and will be the head of the federal government"
"Well ah trust Tr*mp!"
"You just said you don't trust the federal government"
HAS America been sold
to a small group of well-funded investors who now have
controlling interest and will be governing as an
Ersatz Oligarchy
Your just a fucking hater aren't you.
Goodbye loser
Wild though that Bill was president 25 years ago, but he’s younger than Trump and Biden. We are living the bad timeline 100%
Can the Clintons just go away?