How uncomfortable would she be if she had to go for a month or longer with no announced end date with NO income? Asking American families to do that is obscene.
Yeah that must be the criterion. Everybody survived. First, she has no idea whether everybody survived or not. Second, everybody survived the Stone Age. Doesn't mean we should have a Stone Age every other year.
Really? How does Martha know everyone survived? She needs to realize that impacted employees would’ve likely suffered a setback. But, then again, no caring response detected.
Callous bitch 🙄 - Fed employees were missing mortgage & rent pmts during the FIRST Trump shutdown. Talk show hosts were giving out money to viewers to help~
United States of Amnesia!
Imagine living paycheck to paycheck and working hard to build good credit. You buy holiday gifts for your your family expecting your last check of the month to cover rent, and now you can't pay it, so you get charged late fees and your credit gets dinged. But yeah, laugh it off, not your problem.
The poor shouldn’t be poor even though we in congress legislate to keep you bums struggling. We got one job while we’re in congress and that’s to make sure we end up rich.
Why can’t Senator Coons correct her and tell her that it is not because of spending alone, but massive tax cuts for the very wealthy? How come he can’t say anything like that? Honestly, is he even thinking it?
He’s a corporate apologist from Delaware. Why do you think all the corps incorporate in Delaware. 68% of Fortune 500 co’s in Delaware 80% of ipo’s registered in Delaware in 2022.
Parks department wasn’t an essential group. So when they were told to go home people came in & trashed the parks. It cost more to send them home than if they would have been paid & stayed there.
Shutdown really ought to mean shutdown. Imagine if Repubs had to choose between funding government or having border guards not showing up for work. They would then truly be responsible for an open border. Why should those folks be forced to work without pay? How about no air traffic controllers?
Martha’s version of “ surviving it” is really skewed. Military personnel waited months for their back pay. In the meantime bills piled up and interest rates accumulated etc. That isn’t surviving it Bitch!
The question becomes, "Is surviving enough?" #PresidentMusk will allow you to survive. You might end up living in a cardboard box with no healthcare, struggling to afford food. But hey, you survived. Get over it.
STFU Martha! Are you going to say the same thing about spending & waste when trump wants to add to the debt by giving rich fucks like you more tax breaks? What's that?
Trump and the Republikan party brought us more of the trickle down garbage (and exploding the deficit) that they have been selling since Reagan. It never works. Don't be a sucker. We have the worst income inequality since the great Depression because of the Republikan party.
These smug, vainglorious, entitled, dispassionate people are appalling. What I wouldn’t give to have the opportunity 2 talk to her-5 min-about the real world and paycheck 2 paycheck people she knows absolutely zero about, or knows of + doesn’t care about. “Don’t mess w the momma bear” applies here.
Over a month (shutdown was 35 days) but doesn’t matter. Businesses legally aren’t allowed to skip payroll in the US. This is ludicrous. My son is a young man in the military by the way. He makes like $60k. He does fine but he can’t just not get 2 paychecks. He has rent, bills. People have kids.
About "that tremendous amount of debt this country is in from government spending", seems to me I heard Trump say something about the debt ceiling the other day. What could he have said?🤔
Martha can eat shit.
Last time around my DHS job was deemed essential...that meant going to work without getting paid.
Thankfully my wife had a good paying job but some of my colleagues living check to check got squeezed pretty hard.
Republicans/Fox are assholes.
This is a person who's never had to worry about a late fee being the thing that makes their bank account go negative which in turn causes more fees and compounds the stress one already feels when they have to punch pennies. Fuck off, Martha.
What an absolute bitch. Everyone gets paid back. She is so fucking clueless. The lower level enlisted troops barely make it to the next payday but she just laughs it up. Gross.
jesus christ ..does she live on different planet...? let's talk with the Coast Guard families...guess what? they didn't get paid...and most live check to check.....what assholes....
She says debt is only due to spending. Drives me nuts. Cut taxes and then blame spending for increase in debt. I guess that nonsense does fool most people.
Martha, since you are cheering for a shutdown, here’s some helpful info: Essential employees (like ICE/DHS team members) have to work through shutdowns. For many of them, missing a paycheck means they can’t pay for child care, food, transportation, heating oil. Trump’s last shutdown lasted 35 days.
Who cares about essential workers or the 6 million households that lost their homes in banking crisis. As long as it doesn’t hurt rich people, they don’t care and that includes most of congress.
Is that a terrorist threat? I have lost track on what defines that term. Probably is as it was directed at a pro-corporate entity. Better turn yourself in. Shoot, now I'm an accomplice! Off I go.
When old man Murdoch buys the 3x6' farm with mineral rights, his 4 daughters will take up the challenge. His 2 sons are as far right as dad, but I have faith in the girls.
There are thousands of Coast Guard families who weren't laughing about it, many of whom had their credit wrecked and families distressed while they were out there serving without pay.
Yikes. I saw a post recently from a small business owner saying it took them months to recover from the last shutdown bc nobody was spending money.
Definitely doesn’t just hurt gov’t workers.
I’m sure the military and border patrol will be delighted to target shoot at Mexicans and brown American citizens after they’ve overdrawn their bank accounts and stood in line at food pantries on Xmas. MAGA!
We lost so much money during that shutdown. Easily in the billions. We lost good employees who got tired of the uncertainty and got jobs elsewhere. We paid contractors to do nothing, then had to contract them again to get the jobs done.
In debt through spending she says. I guess being in debt through tax cuts is better. At least when it's through spending, you actually get things to show for it.
Ah classic, "It doesn't effect me and I don't know anyone it affected so it can't mean anything to anyone else!" demonstration of the lack of even a sliver of empathy.
Which is what one needs to work for Fox I would assume.
Nobody of any importance was furloughed.
Maybe some librarians, some lowly clerks, and anybody else responsible for interacting with the public.
Nobody of any consequence.
We all survived, thanks to food banks.
Why can’t Coons say “we don’t have a debt problem we have a revenue problem because corporations and billionaires don’t want to pay their fair share.”?
She has no clue what it is like as a “non-essential” federal employee to be furloughed and not know when you can return to work. And who voted for that guy (undocumented immigrant who profits mightily off the US government) anyway? As far as I know he was not on any ballot.
Martha is MAGA full stop. She is also a wealthy elitist snob. She has no idea what living paycheck to paycheck means. Let’s start calling out these rich assholes all day everyday.
The debt ceiling is a tool for fiscal responsibility.
It forces spending accountability, encourages balanced budgets, and checks unlimited borrowing
Getting rid of the debt ceiling weakens Congressional oversight and gives uncontrolled borrowing and spending to the executive branch + their group.
It hasn't render fiscal responsibility when Congress has not demanded accountability from either party who holds the administration. Nevertheless, it's the correct step. Similar to a credit limit in a credit card, it encourages responsible debt even though some people end up defaulting their loans.
I remember I had a trip scheduled at the start of the shutdown and thanked every TSA agent I saw during that trip. I cannot imagine having to go to work not knowing when I am going to be paid.
Only people who have no idea what it’s like to not get a much-needed paycheck And be forced to work For Free would be so callous. She should be ashamed.
Time to flood her email, complain to FoxPropaganda (not that they’ll care, but still) & make other networks call her out.
Tell me you live in a protective bubble without telling me you live in a protective bubble
United States of Amnesia!
the stupidity is record-setting
She spends more on makeup than we spend on mortgage or food.
Last time around my DHS job was deemed essential...that meant going to work without getting paid.
Thankfully my wife had a good paying job but some of my colleagues living check to check got squeezed pretty hard.
Republicans/Fox are assholes.
Prudence, Elizabeth and James said emphatically no - and won there case - for now.
Also can maybe suggest a good tailor.
and they still dont understand why sane people despise them
"Fox News "hard news" anchor Martha MacCallum dismisses the 2018-2019 government shutdown: "Everyone survived it. Yup! [laughs]""
States will run themselves..bye won't be missed.
Definitely doesn’t just hurt gov’t workers.
And then replacing the remaining non-political civil positions with loyalists who won't care...
Because either ignorance or privilege. Or both.
These people are so fuckin gross
Here's some of the departments affected: Homeland Security, DoT, Ag, HUD, DoJ, Commerce, State, EPA, NASA and more.
Over a month of shutdown for these. Where's the data saying no one ended up dying because of this?
But we now know how close we came to missiles flying...
Which is what one needs to work for Fox I would assume.
Maybe some librarians, some lowly clerks, and anybody else responsible for interacting with the public.
Nobody of any consequence.
We all survived, thanks to food banks.
It forces spending accountability, encourages balanced budgets, and checks unlimited borrowing
Getting rid of the debt ceiling weakens Congressional oversight and gives uncontrolled borrowing and spending to the executive branch + their group.
• Trump is the USA's President.
• Musk is the USA's Chief Executive Officer.
• Putin is the USA's Chairman of the Board.
#Writers #Resist
Still mad about his scuttling the second impeachment trial.
Time to flood her email, complain to FoxPropaganda (not that they’ll care, but still) & make other networks call her out.