Rep. Zach Nunn: "We will certainly help those thousands of homes & families who have been devastated, but we also expect you to change bad behavior. We should look at the same for these blue states who have run away with a broken tax policy. .. those governors need to change their tune"
I’d vote for that.
Fuck you, Nunn.
And there is nothing we can do about it.
My expat search continues
Kim Reynolds won't change her tune.
California should withhold all federal contribution.
If they’re willing to violate the law and Constitution without repercussion, what’s stopping anyone else?
What idiots.
Why on earth would any of the Blue states want the higher crime, sub-par education, and general mismanagement associated with the majority of Red states? GTFOH with that.
The part where billionaires don’t get enough breaks for their liking or the part where social programs actually have a small chance for funding in blue states.
Rhetorical, cuz it’s both 😑
I didn’t listen but doubt it.
It’s funny republicans think they have some kind of advantage in morality after electing a felon rapist of children who has a cabinet filled with moral problems and illegitimate SCOTUS holding the sham together.
Look at why the drinking age was raised to 21 nationwide.
Of course, they got their stooge judges to overturn even that when it was used with the ACA. fucking hypocrites.
EXTORTION, using human suffering as leverage, is no problem for him.
Sure hope that any disaster relief from Miss. River floods or tornadoes do not require them to change their behavior.
Rep. Zach Nunn is a hypocrite.
What does Zach Nunn’s flyover state contribute to the general welfare of our country? Pig shite fertilizer?
I have so many questions
Like his dumb ass president, a broken tool.
Wonder how many red states would survive without the blues propping things up…
Blue states tax policies are what keeps these red states from not going completely bankrupt, Blue states subsidize red states.
Have red states start operating within their means and we'll talk.
Blue states should withhold taxes until red states agree to the terms of taking social support.
Plus his features remind me of the pigs in our farm
Do tax policies create 100 mph winds with drought conditions?
Do tax policies deliver the hottest year on record in 2024?
I hope that fat check from Exxon helps you sleep at night...
(I’m from Iowa, I know the deal)