AOC: "I want folks at home to look at what members of Congress are invested in private prisons companies, and look at the votes on this bill. It is atrocious that people are lining their pockets with private prison profits in the name of a horrific tragedy."
If you're not a grifter, need not apply.
Where the purpose of the justice system is merely to punish for profit & no thought to rehabilitation, privatized for-profit, prisoners used for cheap labor, & even family phone calls are for profit.
CoreCivic, Inc. (NYSE:CXW), Etc (see link)
Private, prison, profits,
Damn she is good. (And spot on)! It is shameful!
Stop voting for Democrats who:
- Take donations from any AIPAC affiliates
- Have stock portfolios and trade while serving in congress
- Are invested or take money from private prisons, the NRA, or any group that will benefit from their seat.
If incumbent, then we can scrutinise their voting record.
Unfortunately America isn't ready for that.
Increasingly difficult to tell Afghanistan and USA apart.
He's smart and brought the GOP to its knees over the vets benefits.
He can message.
Literally Trump's Style
Political divisiveness is the vehicle for the rich and powerful to gain power and get richer.
And the public treasury is the biggest pot of gold around.
She’s brilliant!
You want to be part of the government - you own it!
However, stock trading has no place in Congress (Kelly Loeffler). Put their interests in a blind trust. Re-write the 2012 Stock Act.
Well, when the top felon can line his pockets with no consequences then any republican will. When criminality is out in the open the law comes to a halt. Laws were made to protect the innocent but its become the laws to protect the criminals. No consequences has consequences.
I will NEVER consent to autocracy. I fight to my last breath for restoration of the Constitution.
I believe that Your vanguards, fidelities, Voya’s… many of their funds that we’re all invested in via IRAs and 401ks - they’re also heavily invested in this category as well.
The only reason is as a pure punishment that doesn't fit the crime and contributes nothing to society.
Punish non violent offenders with community service, house arrest,...
Clear and Direct Communication.
Ice Immigration Raids start today nationwide.
Know your rights #aclu
Tus Derechos. Conoselos, Consulado Mexico Listo teinen abogados: llamalos!
Apoyo a todos Mexicanos!
Diles: Abogado Abogado Abogado. say attorney attorney: #Mexico #ICE #StopIce #USDemocracy
Imagine that.
Less Chuck
I know a MOC I'd love to check out.
How the hell do they sleep at night?
How the hell do they not care about anything but $Trump anymore?
They DO know better, but 💵 and power talks for corrupt folks and it’s truly sad what’s about to happen, especially for the vulnerable.
And once we've resecured democracy, that can be on the list.
But first, we need a functioning, non-fascist government
Private prisons and 1400 acres set up in Texas
From what I read
Cuellar, Henry (D-TX) Texas $210,140
Who has been charged with bribery and money laundering and voted yes previously.
That burden should incentivize us to rehabilitate the inmates to keep them from coming back as the burden.
Prisons should not be a money making endeavor because it dissuades rehabilitation in favor of full prison cells and big fat profits for the ghouls.
It’s modern slavery in America.
And taxpayers pay for it.
Their stock more than doubled for "unrelated reason"
The world’s second-largest private prison company. It owns and operates prisons and jails, including immigration jails and “community corrections” centers
You’ve done your homework 💙💙
How do these ghouls sleep at night?
Things are so bad decided to partner with a person like Matt Gaetz to ban lawmakers from owning stocks
Private prisons are pure corruption profiting on human misery and slavery.
They destroy so many lives.
Read that AGAIN.
Yes, I am going to ask this every time I see AOC out there doing what every Democrat should be doing.
Call them out…
Scream it from the congressional rooftop…
Norwegian prison director:
"You're the ones who said "no cruel or unusual punishment."
AOC is fun. AOC is clear. AOC is smart. AOC has great intuition.