Trump on Republicans voting against Hegseth: "I was very surprised that Collins and Murkowski would do that. And of course, Mitch is always a no vote, I guess. Is Mitch a no vote? How about Mitch?"
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Make sure you report every Republican senator to the DEI hotline because they hired a totally unqualified person based on the color of his skin and his stance on diversity.
It’s amazing how McConnell will defy Trump now that he’s retiring with nothing to lose. He’s going down in history as part of the transformation of the Republican Party to the Maga party
McConnell to Jewish Insider: “It’s alarming that people can clear vetting after claiming U.S. interests in the Middle East are ‘minimal to nonexistent…”
I was so grateful when announced that they would avoid airing video clips of him as much as possible. It seems like some of the late night guys are limiting it too. I hope they do. Less air-time is better.
It helps with their propaganda. Like now he wants to end FEMA. So, if that happens, and another hurricane hits. What is going to tell his red states (who need blue state $$$)? He words were to let the states pay their own.
With Melania lookin like the Unabomber in the background! Combined with the Hamburglar look she had at the inauguration she is definitely a character embarrassed to be seen with Agent Orange-atang!
Are we surprised he has no clue re where the votes stand? It’s like not bothering to properly check Hegseth’s rape,sexual harassment, & financial mismanagement after he lies about them….
Christian Nationalist, White Nationalist, Xenophobic,
Misogynistic, BlackOut Alcoholic, Abuser of Women, Serial Adulterer, Possible Rapist, Grifter, Liar, Embezzler ~ Man Utterly without Honor.
A blackout drinker and likely an alcoholic who has an actual physical addiction to booze.
If there is one thing that the Trumpistas apparently don't have in common with the Nazis, it's that Hitler would never, ever have put an utterly incompetent, drunken clown like this in charge of the whole fucking military.
Poop Deck Pappy doesn't even know who voted against his blackout drunk SECDEF nominee?? Also, is he back to having Margo Martin being Melania's stunt double?
He doesn't seem to really have a grasp on what's going on. He's just doing what others tell him and basking in the attention -- but he sounds even more confused and ill-informed and stupid than usual.
We’re all now at War with Darkness of Trumps Musks and Thiels ,, whether we like it or not , it’s Light versus the Darkness of these Corrupt Evil Families and thier Backers ,, Good versus Evil ,, that’s where we all are now in the World . 🛸👽🏴
He’s nothing but a dirtbag piece of human Trash , a sellout of good American and Allied peoples . I wish to God he Would Die , Burn you Treacherous Bastard, Burn .🔥. 🛸👽🏴
If Mitch is a no, maybe he can get one or two other people to jump on board with him. You’re probably right, but stop giving up so easily. We have many more years of this. It’s not going to help if people throw up their hands right away.
I'm just being realistic. I did email one of my Senators last night urging a no vote. At the end of the day, these Senators are cowards afraid of the threat of being primaried or the wrath of the magats.
Just like a man in the 1930s, he also traveled the country to keep his face and his rehortic out in that guy and Trump, they need that adulations. it's like a drug they need to feed their narcissistic soul. Trump doesn't care about these people he just like the power he has over them.
The more you keep his face and his voice off your posts, the more likely I am to engage with them. In fact, the entire press would do is all a favor by keeping when his name off their coverage. I mean, think how pissed off he'll be!
It's really petty compared to the current hellscape, but does it make anyone else nauseous how mrs trump is all sucking up the spotlight next to a person she's disgusted by since she was allowed to write her book? Is it just ego, or did the brainwashing finally stick?
I imagine her "meme coin" warmed her up a bit. However, it's amusing to see her clothing these days. She suddenly looks like a mourner trudging in a funeral procession.
it's concerning that party loyalty is prioritized over individual conscience, and the assumption that a senator is a guaranteed "no vote" undermines the democratic process.
He's completely insane and out of touch. But the bigger problem is he was in the GOP ticket. The GOP are out of touch with reality. Sex crimes dirty money lies exaggeration of the facts if they even have any facts. End the GOP
He is UNQUALIFIED!! He doesn’t check ONE BOX of having the background / qualities of being a Secretary of Defense, let alone him being a scumbag personally. How ANY GOP Senators vote to approve his nomination is the REAL scandal!!
Ah this is bullshit. Smoke and mirrors. Someone said this was going down exactly this way for optics. Was it you? Johnson said free passes to vote conscious for these three specifically ….. and just like clockwork it went down the next day. This was planned this way
There goes Collin’s and murkowskis careers. You want to know why so easily hurts people? He was born without a soul. Mom and pop made a deal with the devil
They are both from very purple states. Many of Murkowski’s constituents are Alaska’s indigenous peoples they are not white nationalists. Please don’t broad-brush the remaining few who aren’t MAGAloons. They can be allies when it matters most.
The president should be on top of issues important to them. Ask him how DJT and $TRUMP are doing. Ask him why his first call to a foreign leader as president was to MBS. Was he checking in on his son-in-law investment plan? $4 billion in Arab petrodollars is a big deal.
Every one of the #Scumpublicans needs to own this vote. Those that vote to confirm must be reminded daily that they voted for an unqualified, abusive drunk for Defense Secretary.
hehehehehe.....forced to stand out in the cold with not even a necktie because we gave him so much shit about being a sissy on "inauguration" day. Maybe he'll get sick....sicker.
What can dems do to ensure the damage is undone in 4 years? The trumpaganda machine is gearing up for a complete takeover. The brainwashed will be even further from reality. The educated are a minority. How do we survive and win back democracy?
Nothing. The voters made sure of that. It takes a lot longer to rebuild than it does to destroy and voters will have to put them in power/control first or the Republican will just block everything they try.
Voters made their choice and now they will face the consequences of it.
I honestly believed people were decent before this last election. I thought good sense and hope would prevail. I realize how nieve I was. Hate and fear dominate. It will never be the same. It will take more than another election to cut through the bs and take back control, I fear.
On the HBO show Veep with Julia Louis-Dreyfus, she eventually assumes the office of president and her staff gets her a cake to celebrate that she's going to pass William Henry Harrison after 31 days, so she won't be the shortest serving president.
[email protected]
Melania looks good
in those Joe Biden aviators.
Polluting us all.
Can anyone rid us all of this turbulent fucking priest...?
(202) 224-3121
I completely forgot that Trump used to do these stupid pressors like this in the morning time outside. Four years we gotta see this shit. 🤦🏻♀️
3rd time’s a charm.
It may be a tie. Both off the scale. Trump is so fucking dumb and he thinks he is so brilliant. And when you are a sociopath you are pretty evil...
Listening to him talk about anything important or business related is fantasy. How can people not understand this? Critical thinking is dead.
> Hegseth for DoD
> Gabbard for DNI
> Patel for FBI
>>> These are nominees PUTIN would want in these critical positions!
You have people who are MUCH more qualified! For the safety and security of us ALL, find THEM and vote NO on these 3.
Christian Nationalist, White Nationalist, Xenophobic,
Misogynistic, BlackOut Alcoholic, Abuser of Women, Serial Adulterer, Possible Rapist, Grifter, Liar, Embezzler ~ Man Utterly without Honor.
A blackout drinker and likely an alcoholic who has an actual physical addiction to booze.
I'm referring to trump's POLITICAL demise, of course.
True, I am very used to Republican Women doing what's worse for themselves. I too was surprised
Those two voted to convict you twice after you got impeached.
The more you keep his face and his voice off your posts, the more likely I am to engage with them. In fact, the entire press would do is all a favor by keeping when his name off their coverage. I mean, think how pissed off he'll be!
Thought I'd let you know on this one.
We need elected DEMOCRATS to STAND UP against Trump.
Let’s shut down the DNC. No more tea with Trumpers.
Friday, January 31, 2025
9:00 AM
National Harbor
Exact location TBA, National Harbor, MD 20754 US
I can't believe they're willing to put a rapist and a drunk in line with the nuclear codes.
They don't care about the safety of Americans.
*Notice we didn’t say general election.
It's the OnlyFans people that Evangelicals have a problem with I guess...
They're taking the political cover from their white nationalist party, so median voters think they are moderates.
Replace them
Primary Them
Vote Them Out!
Voters made their choice and now they will face the consequences of it.
Standing next to the felon after ignoring him for years is quite gross.
Is she a bit more “concerned” now?