Work requirements don’t work, but the goal is to get able bodied adults regardless of the reason off. And also states are extremely aggressive about Medicaid fraud
Statement - "Social Security and Medicaid are off the table."
Immediately Negating Your previous statement -
"But with respect to Medicaid, THAT IS A SUBJECT OF DISCUSSION."
Bull Puckey on the hoof
This is because they don’t think people who are on the Medicaid program, or the people who care about them, have any “power”. They are wrong. Fool around with that program and find out.
It isn’t your parents Medicaid program anymore, many people used it during COVID. It’s mainstream. Idiocy.
maybe they should write their comments down before going on air to blurb out what they’re thinking or not thinking. nah let them continue with making fools of themselves
Why not cut the military budget. How does putting resources into building killing machines and killing people help move this country into the future of going to the stars.
Didn't he say "Medicare " is off the table? She corrected him to Medicaid but these are two separate programs that people often confuse. Neither should be facing cuts to help fund tax cuts for the 1%.
Medicaid - that helps the poorest of us survive. Seems like those old death panels we used to hear about. Screw you poor folks! 🤨 United States? Idk if that’s accurate anymore.
"waste, fraud and abuse" is the new "fake news". The latest mantra that the MAGA zombies will bleat ad nauseam while never providing a single shred of evidence that proves it exists.
Ask him how many of his district #1 are recipients of Medicaid. Oh wait, I forgot ,he's a carpertbagger and doesn't actually live there, so he could care less
Also these aren't entitlement programs. We all pay into these systems expecting to need them at times. Medicare we all expect to be on at some point. These are social safety net programs not entitlements.
had they made medicaid an integral part of the ACA as opposed to leaving it an option to the states, they wouldn’t have this talking point of making sure there are work requirements for abled body adults. abled body adults would be working because they could finally get the healthcare they need
"Waste, fraud, and abuse" has become their latest trigger phrase. If they say it over and over, people will believe it. It's important that those 3 words are in the same order or else the propaganda doesn't work. My hope is that this time people will see through it but they fell for more stupid ones
Medicaid helps in everyone’s family.
A major assist in a messed up industry.
GOP tax cuts will take healthcare away.
Billionaires over family? No fucking way!
Time for the US to join the "grown up" countries and implement healthcare for everyone. The Fraud is in our Corporate Wealthcare System (See Sen Rick Scott and medicare fraud). Start there!
What is he saying? Medicaid is off the table and is a subject for discussion? Which is it? It feels and sounds like the usual tried and tested R jiujitsu play. Urinate on folks and claim it’s water. They think we’re all ignorant or obtuse.
If they are cutting Medicaid and/or proposing work requirements then the very least Dems should do is propose an amendment to increase the minimum wage to $15.
That you can't tell the differnce between Medicare and Medicaid shows the poverty of our journalism. And do you know that Medicaid supports care for 63% of residents of nursing homes? And lots of those are members of middle class families gone broke from paying for that care.
Do you mean "Social Security and MediCARE" are off the table? That's probablhy what he said. Medicaid, which GOP is targeting, supports 63% of nurshing home patients, many of them white, middle class people gone broke from paying medical costs. GOP wants to send granny back to the family.
I'm on permanent disability, Medicaid. My children are on Medicaid. So essentially, under Republican rules, they would require me to either try to find a job or volunteer, if not me, at least one of my children. #TaxTheRich
LaLota- who doesn't live in NYCD1 talking about waste, fraud and abuse with Medicaid..
They should ask his fellow Republican, Senator Rick Scott about it.. His company was found guilty of the largest fraud at the time in history $1.7 Billion.. GOP states protests across the country are “orchestrated”, therefore the people agree with Musk’s operation. This is BS!! How to you counter that perception?
every second that we sit and wonder they stuff their pockets. some dark evening they’ll slip away with EVERYTHING and we’ll wonder what to do. that CANNOT happen!!!
The government is required to provide General services under Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 that empowers Congress to provide for the "general welfare," which has been interpreted to allow funding for programs that serve public needs.
Immediately Negating Your previous statement -
"But with respect to Medicaid, THAT IS A SUBJECT OF DISCUSSION."
Bull Puckey on the hoof
It isn’t your parents Medicaid program anymore, many people used it during COVID. It’s mainstream. Idiocy.
There shouldn’t be any discussion at all.
"Colorado paid more than $7 million to insurance companies for care to dead Medicaid members, audit finds."
What audit? I'd love to see it.
Putting words together isn’t his strong suit?
It's driving me crazy. It's not rocket surgery.
Don’t let the conservatives warp the meaning of words.
Is there proof of Medicaid fraud?
Are they aware that many workers are on medicaid?
Can’t hurt the elderly. They’re organized & vote.
The poor aren’t organized & don’t vote.
It’s not about fiscal responsibility. It’s about keeping my job by attacking the powerless.
Medicaid helps in everyone’s family.
A major assist in a messed up industry.
GOP tax cuts will take healthcare away.
Billionaires over family? No fucking way!
Taxpayers subsidize Walmart.
They are getting axed became everything that comes from our mouth is deceit. We just have to use Incrementalism so you don't catch on.
Disgusting and immoral, yes. But not surprising at all from the Republican Party.
Every. Single. One.
This motherfucker is full of shit like the rest of them.
Some, please make this make sense to me?
They are shocked, shocked they tell you! This is the first.time they have heard of this possibility!
They should ask his fellow Republican, Senator Rick Scott about it.. His company was found guilty of the largest fraud at the time in history $1.7 Billion..
These guys are so full of shit it's ridiculous..
They want to make sure people in need don't have access to healthcare. Also, who determines "able-bodied"?
You can just see how the use of slimy language here ends in Authoritarianism.
But also, the disabled are required to work.
Congress is not doing their job.