And "grave consequences" usually has a very serious, on-the-brink-of-declaring-war, implication. I am sure she and Trump are just throwing it around carelessly because they don't understand diplomacy, but perhaps they should take a swing at learning some.
On the one hand Trump is saying that turning off electricity would result in "grave consequences", but he's also saying he wants America to rely on its own electricity and has said previously that America has all the energy it needs. Color me confused 🤔
Eat shit fascist degenerates. No one asked the US to be assholes to its allies and so kindly fuck off with threats for having a spine and retaliating against this betrayal.
The affected states are MN, MI, and NY. As a Minnesotan, this will suck, but the level of outrage at the WH is totally out of proportion. They started this fight. They don't get to whine when their intended victim fights back. Canada has the right to defend itself using any tools at its disposal.
My husband wanted to know why we're waiting until April instead of doing it right now, and I reminded him that we didn't want anyone to freeze to death, and that Minnesotans in particular are basically Canadian.
Sorry it's come to this neighbour, but we're mad as H-E-double hockey sticks.
Canadian teacher here. Just had a school assembly. The kids asked to sing the national anthem (they never do this). In my 30 years in school, never have a group of teenagers sung our anthem so loudly.
No, we should all use as much AI as possible, as most of the American players, OpenAI, Anthropic etc, are still loosing money on its services. Only good engineered AI like the Chinese have, is currently (maybe) profitable.
It's "losing." And if your only objection to AI is whether it is profitable or not, you don't understand what "good engineered" AI is. All generative AI is shit AND theft.
Odd Karoline missed the memo on Canada & every other democratic country, no longer interacting with the tyrannical administration with presumption, faith, or trust of a Democratic Republic - we’re now a hostile (and unhinged) enemy.
" Grave consequences?" Tom Cruise
"are there any other kind?" Jack Nicholson in A few good men
What do they have in mind? DJT's continuing manic flip flopping like a bass in the bottom of a row boat...hardly threatening. Canada show impose tariffs and raise them as Trump does. and stick to them
As I've said before, Canadians were the reason for some sections of the Geneva Convention. We were the original "storm/shock troopers". I think there's berserker blood in our veins along with that maple syrup.
If Canada shuts off the electricity, that's fine. It'll show the U.S. finally, how our leader isn't gonna continue to do nothing for us anyway. To my neighbors, I love you. I'm sorry that our president is a clown.
If you don’t need our power, why do you care go get American power then. Enjoy building that infrastructure while you have a ridiculous tariff on aluminum and steel.
A good reminder of just how many Americans think they're entitled to our resources. Not able to negotiate fair trading conditions for them, entitled to them. #elbowsup
oh no. first they will cause a crash, then they will blockade, then it will be "peacekeeping" then the suspension of their government, then combat. the textbooks are pretty clear what they will try to do
10 states would be affected. They can possibly hook up to a U.S. interconnection but depending on the location & T&D access, it could take some time. The WH is picking this fight, not Canada.
Why is Trump bothered what Canada does or doesn't do - 24 hours ago Trump was insisting that Canada had nothing the USA wanted or needed. So what has changed overnight Donny?
To be specific, they KNOW that global warming’s real, despite removing all mention of it from relevant government agencies. Canada’s to our north, and global warming shifts climates in the northern hemisphere northward. So guess where our heartland breadbasket’s going in a few decades?
It's more humiliating than to simply cut the power.
#CanadaStrong #Trumpsterfire #Trumpelthinskin
Get fucked and watch us switch off the lights!
This is america's problem to fix. It's your government.
We are defending a country 🇨🇦
Sorry it's come to this neighbour, but we're mad as H-E-double hockey sticks.
An eye for an 👁️ everyone is blind
Swap repubs with libs and you're indistinguishable from maga. Stop fucking acting like maga
"How dare Canada try to kill our citizens first! We want them alive so we can kill them OUR way."
Just like the US, this child has absolutely no leverage and ability to do anything about it.
This is republikkkan politics for ya
We have an egotistical vindictive moron surrounded by yes men who are also morons.
And, he’s so stupid that he’s saying buy American power…you can’t produce it, and your people speaking for you tRump are as stupid!
good luck finding that new electricity magically created.
"are there any other kind?" Jack Nicholson in A few good men
What do they have in mind? DJT's continuing manic flip flopping like a bass in the bottom of a row boat...hardly threatening. Canada show impose tariffs and raise them as Trump does. and stick to them
But not for Canada.
Let's go Canada. 💪 🇨🇦 💪
The US no longer considers Canada an ally !
#elbowsup #Canada #never51
We are no longer allies.
Free market..THEY can sell it, or THEY can hold onto it.
They are holding on to it.
But with what…?
if you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.
Smug lying bint of a muppet.
World’s biggest loser.🤡
"HEY! You can't take away the power we need from Canada!"
Fuck off.
You owe us about 3 trillion for it. Pay up or lights out
Thank you. I am here every night
Why should it be in Canadas interest to serve the US with electricity after how the US has been treating Canada.