I hate listening to this dude. Just the most racist, ignorant. And outright inhumane asshole continuing to justify upending peoples lives for "national security" When everything he says and does reflects the actions of a complete fucking moron.
In what fucking proof are the immigrants that lived in the United States for so long and have never once committed a crime are considered terrorists? I swear Tom Homan is a complete fucking buffoon.
Maybe he should test this theory of “the law doesn’t apply once you are outside the border” by tampering with a restroom smoke detector on a commercial international flight.
Odd that he hasn't provided any proof that the people who were removed actually ARE terrorists. You'd think that would be the first thing they would do. Unless, of course, he's lying.
Do laws no longer apply when we are outside the US border? Are US citizens allowed to own slaves outside of the US borders? Do we need to declare bank accounts and income that are outside the US borders?
#Homan, how do we know they are terrorists? No public testimony, no evidence, no court rècord. Just some unelected bureaucrat attaching a label to someone. No due process. Y'all are just too LAZY to do things right.
This is still AMERICA, Ho-man.
No one safe in the USA. I strongly recommend against any travel there as they can just detain and hold you indefinitely even if you've commited no crime or did anything to suggest you are crime adjecent. The for-profit prisons are bringing the slave trade of anyone republicans don't care about.
Homan is just another thug-wannabe who shits on the constitution through his words, actions, and deeds further degrading the country and our reputation around the globe. He is a disgrace to the nation and the role he holds.
Listen up phony "Christians".
This is proof that y'all don't believe you'll face any consequence for being an evil prick.
God has never been more dead than in the heart of a Christian in America.
He just literally admitted they defied court orders. Just call it what this is, we arent headed to an authoritarian government it’s already here. If all the checks and balances are gone there is only one way left to continue democracy and it isn’t going to be pretty.
Without due process. Great. Where is that fucking time machine from “back to the future?!”
there’s no escaping this, no denying it, we are at a point of no return.
Mouth full of Marbles Homan is a seriously setting a deadly precedent here. The fact that he just gave other countries the right to harm or torture Americans imprisoned in foreign countries now is sickening.
Been there for months. But nobody who swore an oath to the constitution has the guts to do a damn thing about it. Correction: they'll talk big words until they *feel* better about feeding the American people into the shredder.
Just like every claim from this administration, no proof, just utterances....I mean if these people will lie about cat and dog buffets to get elected, they'll lie about anything, there is no shame and no bottom to these people...Just cruelty, MAGA, isolationism, white supremacy, and grievance
Hitler without the ‘stache: “they are terrorists because I said so, and no, we aren’t going to provide any evidence of that. Why do you think we rushed to get rid of them?”
Ok, maybe we need to focus a little less on math and science and a little more on history? I’m pretty sure the excuse of “just following orders” with the assurance they were doing the right thing as per leader has been used before.
They only changed their designation because they are attempting to enforce the Alien Enemies Act of 1798— a 227 year old doctrine that gives the President authority to detain and deport “foreign born natives and nationals hailed from enemy nations”.
I'm not sure why they would care about that part when AEA also requires that there be "declared war" or "invasion or predatory incursion" in order to operate. Either it applies or it doesn't but they are just going to say it does regardless of the facts.
I didn’t say this administration holds any merit for what they are attempting, but they have continually claimed that “we are at war” regarding their ICE raids and deportation regiment.
The only reason I didn’t mention the Patriot Act is because in some manner, that’s still functioning. It hasn’t worn off and been replaced with more modern interpretations of the same Act.
They are specifically using the Alien Enemies act because there are less guardrails.
Maga is a terrorist group! Think about it! If you don’t agree with everything they say or do, they threaten your life. Post your address, phone number, etc.! Threaten your family! How is this behavior any different than what they say terrorist do? They project all the time! Fuck them!
Once you’re beyond the border, anything goes implies black ops rendition teams are perfectly legal as long as they can get you beyond a border before a court acts. Or after, apparently.
So troops, generals, marshalls and the like under government purview can just disregard it once they're off our soil?
Troops overseas can individually do whatever they want? Generals can decide for themselves what to do once they're out of the 48 states? Pilots can just go anywhere?
How is a 10yr old girl with brain cancer a terrorist??? Someone should ask Humpty Dumpty Homan that. Let him cook himself is his callous sadistic response to that.
“Terrorists”? Did you determine this by nationality or color of their skin? Where’s their background investigation? Where’s ANY investigation? There wasn’t any time for one was there? Think it was good optics asshole? Think that’s what Americans wanted or just your tyrannical leader? Fuck You!
Anyone else find it odd that people recorded on video tape attacking police at our capitol are considered political prisoners but people sent to a foreign prison without trial for an undeclared war are not?
That's how southern people have talked for centuries. It's just stupidity.
This is still AMERICA, Ho-man.
Except Tom Homan is less articulate🙄
I can’t take living in this shithole much longer.
I can’t do hypernormalization.
This is proof that y'all don't believe you'll face any consequence for being an evil prick.
God has never been more dead than in the heart of a Christian in America.
Fixed it for you Homan, you daft fuck. 🖕
Lawless publicity stunt
there’s no escaping this, no denying it, we are at a point of no return.
This is bullshit right?
The notion that federal judges don’t have jurisdiction over US citizens outside the border is nonsense.
By the way: who says these guys were terrorists?
Homan is the terrorist.
They are specifically using the Alien Enemies act because there are less guardrails.
Troops overseas can individually do whatever they want? Generals can decide for themselves what to do once they're out of the 48 states? Pilots can just go anywhere?
Talk about a guy who deserves to get his ass kicked.