CNN went through the ritual humiliation this morning of having Tim Burchett on so he could trash them and say things like, "That's why your ratings continue to plummet."
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I am trying to figure out the 4D chess moves behind the MSM thought process.
We need to be nice to these morons because we don't want to lose access. However your access is obviously all lies with no push back so no one is watching or reading you anymore. I am obviously missing something here.
Deserved for giving bad faith actors air time. CNN has always like to set people up to argue (passionately debate) on air, but now they do so with unethical people who view outright lying as strategy and grade school insults as discrattionary tactics.
CNN platforming the worst maniacs only to get insulted and giving them clips to grow their popularity in their own social media ecosystem. Brilliant plan.
That's why I'm done with CNN. Won't even turn them on any more. I'm done with Schumer, I'm done with Newsome ..and if Carville wants to dissolve his spine and sing Dixie on FOX, I'm done with him too.
Only room for true patriots at this point. Otherwise, we're just wasting precious time and energy
Unfortunately I watch them in the am while getting ready for work because Mika and Joe make me want to punch Dollar Store pillows. After that it's MSNBC or podcasts
Podcasts are also available on demand, no? Why not find one that's not in your current lineup and stream yesterday's cast in the time you would usually fill with CNN?
Why does CNN give him and Scott Jennings any air time? They are man-children who only see the world through their MAGA glasses, that can't openly or coherently express themselves when pushed back upon with truth and facts.
These motherfuckers won't answer and when you press them on the question they immediately go in for the attack. The only reason they show up on CNN is to try to normalize what the administration is doing which is an attempt to destroy their last barrier: the judiciary.
Really sad when being asked an important policy question the best answer involves a snide remark about ratings of the network. This habit was definitely one made by #47 himself. Sidestep, don’t answer and insul
For someone who goes on TV as much as he does, Burchett needs to be coached to look at the camera, not his monitor. It's bad enough when people do that in work Zoom meetings, but FFS, if you're going to be a TV whore, at least learn to put your camera ON your monitor.
Burchett also has the added benefit of being as dumb as a bag of thumb tacks and not nearly as useful. The guy has no insights, little understanding of the Constitution, sponsors nothing in the way of interesting or effective legislation. He just scored a really killer job in Congress. Sigh....
They platform all sorts of assholes. One of the reasons I stopped watching.
Really —this is the best they can come up with to show “both sides?”
This hillbilly moron?
Tim Burchett went on live television to tell us that he does not support the Constitution or the legal processes protected by it. Clearly he needs a remedial course on the first and sixth amendments if not the entire Bill of Rights!
He’s the dregs, like all the other TNGOP bc gerrymandering and voter suppression have given them all safe districts. They don’t do public appearances, even campaign stops.
If they are criminals where are their court records? Arrest records? Sentencing information? Oh wait there hasn’t been that down because they were rounded up and deported against the constitution and imprisoned in a foreign country.
Their ratings are plummeting because they let these MAGA douches on there and don't push back. Even to some of the most horrendous bullshit anyone has ever heard. It seems that they aren't allowed to push back on GOP talking points, but for Dems it's game on. It's Fox Lite.
TIM BURCHETT IS AN IDIOT!!! He’s as DELUSIONAL & CORRUPT AS THE REST OF THE REPUBLICANS! 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻 He’s just a “Yellow belly coward” afraid of loosing his seat! 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
This should be Burchett’s last appearance on the network. He’s of no service to the country let alone the network. I’m sure he’s an inspiration to the spineless morons of our great nation. 🇺🇸 🫡
They fall because liberals an moderates and young people don’t watch the news but every single republican watches Fox News in a dark room all day everyday
Why is CNN and other non Fox Noise networks giving air time to these assholes? It’s like fanning a piece of shit. They already stink. Why spread the stink?
CNN does it because they are run by right wing billionaire John C. Malone. I imagine MSNBC is similar except they have a board of right wing multi-millionaires instead of one billionaire.
Rep. Burchett exemplified the epitome of rudeness, arrogance, and condescension during that interview. He is everything that is wrong with today's GOP. Tennessee, PLEASE vote this poor excuse of a Congressman out in '26. He's not helping you. He's hurting you and us.
Nothing matters anymore, so they should just overlay a censor bar with the text "treasonous asshole alert"with an almighty wet fart sound effect dubbed in until the 'guest' shuts up or they cut to the ad break. MAGA would fucking love it. It would do more to save the U.S. than whining ad nauseum.
Me: If you are invited to my house and insult me or my family, you would he invited to leave or face consequences.
CNN: Come to our house, disrespect and insult us at will. No problem.
these ignorant people in congress want to take us back to the days of the KKK and lynchings, I thought we had evolved since then but this is where we are! They just want all the people they don't like to die or get out of the country.
I honestly believe that the sole purpose of cable news is to feed you a sufficient amount of pap, so you'll stay tuned till the next round of commercials. The sponsors are their raison detra.
This is one of the reasons why I don’t watch CNN! They continually have these liars on spewing their garbage and rarely push back! These liars don’t deserve a voice!!
Typical Maga. All talk and no listen. When you see an elected official as dumb and obnoxious as him, you have got to wonder how his voters are able to sit up and take nutrition. When all this is over, and America is back, we really need to step up education for many parts of this country.
We're not taking the side of murderers, we are taking the side of the American value of the writ of habeas corpus. Show your goddamn work, you lazy assholes.
What matters is Noise, MAGAts create lots of it. Their followers don’t understand logic or reason, they understand HATE with lots of Noise. And that’s what this so called congressman is doing. It’s equivalent to pouring kool Aid or throwing red meat.
If you are in power you are going to be criticized. It goes with the territory. The five-year-old boy defenses coming from the administration are pathetic though.
What people don't understand about the news and the public is that when one entity is in power, a significant portion of the populace takes the opposing view. Sometimes out of principle, sometimes out of obstinacy, but there you go.
Remember all the time CNN had on Rick santorum or newt gingrich? They always go to the same people who always say the same bullshit time and time again. And with virtually no pushback. American Media has failed for years and that helped give us exactly the fascism we are experiencing
Every time, the fascists do this, cut them off!! Period!!
It's really that simple.
YES or NO.
If you cannot answer a simple question then you should not be sitting in office.
It's as simple as that.
We need to be nice to these morons because we don't want to lose access. However your access is obviously all lies with no push back so no one is watching or reading you anymore. I am obviously missing something here.
Mocking them is hollow when you're paying their bills.
No wonder their ratings are slipping
Is just another way of saying:
"I don't care about American Law"
Only room for true patriots at this point. Otherwise, we're just wasting precious time and energy
Republicans know they can kick meek journalists in the balls, and they'll stagger back to their knees, wheezing, "May I have another, Sir?"
Tennessee Rep Tim Burchett should take a civics test before he bellows like a carnival barker.
Fuck CNN but how’s your own party’s ratings looking, congressman??
Really —this is the best they can come up with to show “both sides?”
This hillbilly moron?
It’s such a weird display of unbridled anger combined with pathological ignorance.
Dems may get an opportunity in 2029
I am very skeptical
It is very ironic considering his dear leader.
I won't answer your question, I'll just scream over you. Absolutely childish
Him (probably): “Because the President said they were.”
CNN (hopefully): “Should that be tested in court, or should we just accept the word of the President, no questions asked?”
That's why he always acts like that uncle that nobody likes or invites over.
Then CNN has to do a welfare check on Tim to make sure he hasn't choked himself to death while anal gaping a can of SpaghettiOs.
CNN: Come to our house, disrespect and insult us at will. No problem.
me more about your shitty priorities.
Now it has morphed into propagainment.
They are also afraid these liars won't come back on their show if they push back on anything ...
Stop watching this bullshit
Just so I can keep my job
JFC @cnn
Let’s hope it’s a metaphor.
It won't happen.
MSM just sucks
They are the reason we are in this mess
Fuck them!