"In attempting to explain away their surrender of last Friday, Schumer and some of his fellow Democratic senators have unintentionally confessed to their political malpractice — they viewed the March deadline entirely through the lens of budget battles as they have been fought in DC since the 1990s"
Expecting a geriatric, center right, wealthy, White guy who has always prioritized the interests of Wall Street to lead the Democratic fight against fascism is preposterous. Begging Democratic Senators to elect a new leader who understands what is happening.
No more. Get out of the Democratic Party, Schumer.
Your post here had over 12,000 comments by Friday morning, telling you a unified message: DO NOT PASS THE BUDGET!
You failed. Move out of the way.
Cheering for snap and Medicaid to be under the sole purvey of Musk and Trump. Those things would be cut within a week.
Y’all win petty political points while countless children and elderly suffer.
Wild stuff from Bluesky “democrats”
Who will put a pause and review these illegal executive orders/policies then?
What mechanism will democrats have to slow the executive then?
I believe we’re in uncharted territory.
Seems Bluesky would like to gamble with America’s most vulnerable population on the hopes and dreams of how the government ‘should’ operate during a government shutdown. That seems to be the popular opinion here.
-is chuck just an ignorant fool or more a useful idiot? 🤔
It’s embarrassing how out of touch, naive, and condescending Schumer is.
Schumer can not see through his own bravado wrapped in a bubble.
He is hiding from his (D) party for his actions.
New leadership is required now.
John Stewart for Senate!!!!!
Special shame goes to my senator John Cornyn, who is the son of a Veteran. As I am a daughter and a sister (go Navy).
It's one or the other.
A Govt shutdown plays into his hands... those affected might never get back to work.
trump is gleefully making a resesion look likely ...
Don’t let these crooks ho hum fiddle fuck our nation into a white surpremacist oligarchy because they’re old. EXCUSES! Yeah, I’m sure Neville had good intentions giving other nations lands to Hitler.
What's it going to take?
Can we get back to fighting the actual evil please?
36 of 45 Dem Senators voted no on the CR.
Eight from swing states who risked their necks. Let’s talk about them.
I’m not spending one more minute worrying about Schumer—a guy who knows he can NEVER side against his caucus again.
This is not a thriller, not a comedy—just a slow, stumbling walk into the Twilight Zone of political incompetence.
Thanks, but no.
@schumer.senate.gov is a fucking #MAGADEM
Under “USELESS CUNT” in the urban dictionary is photo @schumer.senate.gov
Democrats really have never dealt with the Civil Rights backlash/Reagan Revolution. That's four generations.
Bullshit. FIRE the fucking Senate Minority leader TODAY.
They've been telling us for years the filibuster cannot be eliminated for EXACTLY THIS FUCKING REASON!!!
RESIGN @schumer.senate.gov
When they are the minority there are always just enough Dems to help pass repub bills.
The End
70 and 80 yr olds have no business making decisions for all of America
Don't worry it will still crash. Inevitable
2) follow whenever they go
You know, like all the other times an unelected billionaire Cabinet was gleefully destroying the Federal government under a felon President whilst ignoring the Judiciary (who are mostly complicit anyways).
It's not the 1990s any more. We -- or most of us, at least -- have moved on to the 21st Century.
now he’s just a slow walking mummy.
"In attempting to explain away their surrender of last Friday, Schumer and some… viewed the March deadline entirely through the lens of budget battles as they have been fought in DC since the 1990s"
Why are politicians that are responsible for the lives of the citizens not required some kind of formal training?
Would you let a doctor operate without training?
This isn't an "oopsie." It's a catastrophic miscalculation carrying incalculable damage to this country.
Anything less than him stepping down is unacceptable. Schumer is not equipped for this fight.
But the senate Ds don't fight!? They are useless allies.
That’s right @schumer.senate.gov - we’re all waiting for YOUR #MOMENT
They simply belong to an established system that made it possible to make a convicted felon president out of selfish interest.
There should be no excuse for this betrayal on friday
It happened on purpose.
Worse, if their staffs felt as though they couldn't express dissent to their elected bosses then they're just as bad as Presidents Elon and Trump.
Get them ALL out!
Once R's passed their bill Schumer was lost, cause he never made a plan with the house or just a plan for Senate. He planned for the house to do it all.
Instead he just handed them the lube and told them when he'd be bending over.
Because you whining pissbabies gave Republicans control of all three branches of government, hth.
No one gives up the pay, benefits and pension.