Yes, because tariffs raise prices that WE pay, not the other Countries. There will be many more downstream layoffs from Trumps disastrous economic policy.
Didn’t insinuate they wouldn’t. They recoup by raising the cost of the goods they import.
I work in the coffee industry. The cost of goods has increased exponentially over the last couple of years…from green coffee to packaging materials to equipment and the cost to get the product out the door.
Fenomenal 😁
You do realize that if the shitshow keeps going crazier, at some point Canada and Mexico will be invaded by americans running away from their own government
Layoffs from jobs because of declining customers. Thousands of civil servants fired suddenly. Benefits denied that stimulates the economy. I hope those tax breaks are worth closing their businesses.
it is what they wanted. It’s what they voted for. If you listen to them talk, they are elated, delighted, tickled, and increasingly braggadocious.
Do not deny them the very thing they voted for.
We must shut down the country on 3/22-23 for 48 hours, and again on 3/25-27 for 72 hours. Stop work as you can, call in sick, take 1/2days off, come in late, take long lunches, leave early. We must work stop our airlines, trucking, transportation and retail and industrial manufacturing.
But....but....but..... nobody will ever need to work again with all of these beautiful tariffs bringing in so much money from all of the foreign countries that have been ripping America off with the lousy trade deals signed by #45.......
The petty me would remind them of this all the time - “sorry you lost your job, but Trump did say this is what he’d do. Weird you voted for this, and not prosperity for USA”
Right? But then they’ll want jobs so they’ll fight to ruin our environment in the Boundary Waters. Sigh. The majority will never admit they were bamboozled.
As a Teamster, these polls were absolutely biased from the top, especially the magazine poll. It appeared on the back of a magazine most people toss, and my entire unit of higher ed employees received error screens when they tried to log in to vote.
As far as I can tell, IBT only donated to each of the conventions. D.R.I.V.E. donated to senate and house candidates. Each Joint Council was provided the flexibility to endorse a presidential candidate of their choice.
If you read the article you’ll see that the owner of the mill is attempting to claim that eventually tariffs will turn the market in their favor, but he has no idea when and it did very little good the last time.
He is afraid to say his company + 600 workers are being undermined by the Mad King.
In other news, let’s hope they stocked up on salt & pepper bc they’re going to need a lot of it when they can only afford to eat all of their Trump memorabilia. #FAFO
and don't forget they rescinded their endorsement after the election they claimed they were deceived because they thought he would prosecute the Jan 6 terrorist BS!! they turned their back on the officer that died and those who risked their lives!
Trump/GOPs —Records For Killing Americans Jobs And Destroying U.S. Industries And Manufacturing—Is Set To Surpass All Their Previous Economic Desaster Records And Hoover’s Great Depression! THE WARNINGS/CONSEQUENCES BY ECONOMISTS, FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND U.S. CEO’S -
Also had 2 dozen rape and abuse accusations before the 2016 election. People voted for that trash. And then led an insurrection that killed cops and had some police unions endorse him. It’s fucking cuckoo.
Yep. Bet they regret their vote now. 🤷🏼♀️
If they finally realize that their vote directly affects them & that DJT isn't their advocate, I'll welcome them into our fight. Nobody will fight harder than a worker scorned.
Well the executives of this company is gaslighting the workers by saying “eventually” the tariffs will help this community.
I’m sure these are the same people who are waiting to reap the benefits of trickle down economics 🙄
All of them? No but you can’t say that it’s not true for a good many of them.
I heard an interview w/a farmer b4 the election who said he lost his farm b/c of the tariffs in Trump 1.0 but would still continue to vote for that man. Cult mentality is hard to break.
Minn voted for this! Iron workers should look at why they voted for Trump, Dems told you what would happen and were call liars! Clinton has told us for 8 yr what Trump is all about! She is called names, trolls with so much hate! And for only telling the truth!
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have a nomination for “post of the night “ !! Bravo, I salute you sir 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👍🏾( Informative/Real 💩/ Truth + when steel and iron workers get pissed 😡…. Whatever they do to your remains are hung a 100 stories high, 😳😱🤢🤮….🤣🤣🤣 categories)
Said in the article "While Cleveland-Cliffs executives say they expect President Donald Trump’s tariff plans to shift the industry in their favor". . . so after the tariffs are in place, then new factories built in U.S., then maybe by the time the current laid off workers are dead.
So what are we gonna buy back all the steel,scrapped from USA,for last 20 years,that we sent to China,Back at higher tariff pricing..Brilliant... WINNING
I happen to be in Wisconsin/Illinois at the time that he flew in to break ground for this Foxconn factory. I've driven by there since a few times and yes, not at all impressive. And a con. And so much for Paul Ryan.
As soon as I read the headline, I immediately thought that cars are going to be so astronomically expensive that most won't be able to afford one. Less people with the means to escape.
And he thinks lifting the tariffs in his game if chicken fixes it too. No, it won't. Europe, Canada, and Mexico will stop buying US goods even without dumbass tariffs imposed. I only buy one US product, Colgate toothpaste, and I can easily buy something else.
Yes give it time for tariff inclusion performance abilities
The impressive results will be noted in foresight analysis
Dt Will error on hindsight as always
Remember the last hip hip hoorah tariff project employed by Dt
Against China
But this time he put hit on MX & Oh CN
Hmmmm? anybody have any idea who those 600+ workers voted for?.....against the recommendation of their union. TRUMP....overwhelmingly because he is a businessman. Well he is a bad businessman...and he just flushed your jobs down the toilet. Too bad. Thoughts and prayers
And Hulu is running Trump ads about how great he is for steel. The ads are pissing me off because I try to avoid his traitorous face and they keep popping up 🤬
I don’t know anyone who works in taconite mining who calls themself a steel worker. They are iron ore miners producing taconite. No steel workers on the iron range. Headline is wrong.
I work in a taco nite mine. I don't know anyone who would call themselves an ironworkers because that's a separate union. We're all members of the United Steelworkers of America.
No sympathy from me for the Iron Rangers out of a job. Thanks to Dem support for unions for 50+ years they had good pay and benefits for a hard job. Now the Range votes red similar to the rest of outstate MN. They voted for this, let those stupid fucks choke on it!
How many top rank academics, those who are the respected experts in their fields of study, will be looking to leave the U.S. for positions in Europe and Asia?
The union? We don't choose who the company hires. We're duty bound to represent them. We absolutely know who represents us and we back them 100%. You can't hold the union responsible for what individuals do.
As an ex-UAW worker, I cannot comprehend that so many blue collar workers, especially unions blue collar workers, have been enchanted by MAGA and Trump. 20 years ago, they would generally not give him the time of day.
Now they packed his rallies. And, knowing the drill, they will I acknowledge them again, as the Trumplicans will blame Biden for the loss of their jobs. Wait until he kills the ACA, they will be thrilled to lose their health insurance.
The funniest thing I hear in the south is, well, I want to get rid of Obamacare and medicaid, not Tenncare and the ACA! Oh, so you want to get rid of "Obamacare" bc he is black, so that provides care to "blacks." No, dumbass, you're racist beliefs made you vote away your healthcare. Assholes.
And the craziest thing is Biden honored his promise to Union workers and did more for us than most. But, the racism and misogyny wasn't included, so they flocked to Trump and the GOP.
How these people get their news is a big driver. But obviously a lot of it is just as simple as they love Trump because he has many of the same grievances as these Union voters
Hmmm..weird. almost like there might be another element. Who was the last candidate to sweep this country? Yeah he WAS A CHANGE CANDIDATE. Hillary,Biden, Harris, all a return to normalcy. PEOPLE WANT DRAMATIC POPULIST CHANGE. They are low information and yes, misogynist, but it's more than just that
Who do you like for the President, VP spot? I'm truly interested. The way Bernie, Jasmine Crockett and AOC are out there for the people, I could totally go for them as candidates.
You left out racist. The blue collar dislikes the brown citizens much more than voting for their own self interests. Same with the farmers, who will be living their farms when the tariffs really take hold.
The people you listed create a circumstance where the middle class expands.
The problem is the first reaction of that middle class is then to shut the door & pull up the ladder. Those GOP single issues become important, lower taxes etc…
This goes for all races & genders and is a known phenomena.
The people I listed are donor funded and they will NEVER deliver. It's a hard reality, I get it. Biden achieved MAYBE 10% of his agenda and barely fought for it. "Middle class expands"... That's convoluted. Univ hcare 74% Aprvl, expanded ss 89%, wealth tax 86%..respectfully, stop with pablum
An expansion is an expansion. It doesn’t necessitate the creation of a Utopia. Adjusted earning of all Americans went up even after it was adjusted for inflation things were better for people.
For as the rest I don’t have the inside scoop like you seem to have so I plead my ignorance.
The crazy thing is that most of these Union voters that voted for Trump will do no self reflection about their vote. Trump hates who they hate. That’s all that mattered to them
It is hard to feel for those who supported Trump!
But when high paying jobs are gone the real trickle down happens & many more will also feel the pain!
We are all victims of MAGA stupidity 😡
Boo hoo! We warned you!!! But your misguided worship for this guy has landed us in this position. You have only yourselves to blame. I hope you enjoy the life you voted for! 🤷🏻♀️
What a shock. Unemployment is going up because tariffs imposed by the felon in Chief are affecting orders.
I highly doubt we're headed for a recession. It's going to be a depression of unprecedented proportions unless we get that MF out of the WH, and I have no idea how that's going to happen.
Stickers or signs need to be made and posted everywhere... grocery stores, pharmacy windows, schools, and these businesses that are laying off workers and will soon be closing. Rub it in their faces til they get it! That's the only way to combat this.
This is the result of trickle down or rather “lack of” economics… big business got their tax cuts but did not invest and modernize their manufacturing facilities due to anti union/ wage economics… it won’t be different with Tariffs only investment will minimize US labor… jobs are not coming back!
Yes, this union voted for Donald! How did that work out? Who are your union leaders? Betcha they are blaming Biden! The Billionaire oligarchs want low wages and no unions. They are not on your side! They are laughing at you!
I like pretty blondes as much as the next guy but if they’re slinging bullshit on fox 24/7/365 in an attempt to undermine American Democracy, I think I’d notice.
How these maga “men” can allow themselves to be so easily manipulated by cleavage is pathetic.
they wouldn't know what democracy actually is even if they got taught it in a respectable school, education in red states has been a joke forever, they only care about guns,beer and god
In 1929 the US stock market crash caused civil unrest in Germany. Hitler used it as an excuse to delete civil liberties and give himself more power. Trump copies Hitler every day. A crash would also lower interest on his millions of dollars in loans.
Oh, you know how they will spin this— if I were the comms person my story would be this was all caused by a downturn in Tesla sales bc of Dems' violence toward cars/dealerships, sales are down, so it's all the lib's fault.
Cuz facts don't matter and their base will swallow that shit whole.
Oh they are definitely trying. I’m from the Iron Range and my family still lives up there. My sister has heard “this was going to happen with any president” 🙄 they’re SO delusional.
So many. They screamed from their rooftops i.e. F@cebook
I grew up, up there and it makes me so angry that so many classmates, their kids and even grandkids drank that rancid kool-aid and voted for their own demise😡
MN is home for me, and I can assure you the Hibbing-Virginia corridor was absolutely littered with Trump signs when I was visiting this past summer. They chose this. et al
We need to be running these stories day in day out: Trump screws over steelworkers, interviews with these workers that lost their job, farmers talking about how much better it was when Biden was prez. Rinse. Repeat
You’re saying these white racists are going to start blaming white racists when they are in foreclosure. No fucking way. They’re going to blame woke as they throw ashes to ashes
You and I aren’t required to pay any of that.
The companies that are stuck with unused and high cost goods are going to feel major pain. Massive.
I work in the coffee industry. The cost of goods has increased exponentially over the last couple of years…from green coffee to packaging materials to equipment and the cost to get the product out the door.
You do realize that if the shitshow keeps going crazier, at some point Canada and Mexico will be invaded by americans running away from their own government
Do not deny them the very thing they voted for.
Shut it down, but don’t neglect your community.
The obvious question of the day: Who did they vote for? Because it does matter.
JOIN THE PROTEST SATURDAY, APRIL 5. Click the link and find a protest near you or organize one.
Hard to be sympathetic.
The petty me would remind them of this all the time - “sorry you lost your job, but Trump did say this is what he’d do. Weird you voted for this, and not prosperity for USA”
He is afraid to say his company + 600 workers are being undermined by the Mad King.
I’ll never trust a fucking cop again… not that I ever really did.
If they finally realize that their vote directly affects them & that DJT isn't their advocate, I'll welcome them into our fight. Nobody will fight harder than a worker scorned.
I’m sure these are the same people who are waiting to reap the benefits of trickle down economics 🙄
I heard an interview w/a farmer b4 the election who said he lost his farm b/c of the tariffs in Trump 1.0 but would still continue to vote for that man. Cult mentality is hard to break.
Ask Wisconsin about Trumps Bigly Foxcon con.
Maybe some Americans want 2 trucks.
The impressive results will be noted in foresight analysis
Dt Will error on hindsight as always
Remember the last hip hip hoorah tariff project employed by Dt
Against China
But this time he put hit on MX & Oh CN
He also makes claims other news sources are "illegal". Sometimes, it is way easier to use their own platform. 😊
Keynes said - in the long run we are all dead.
Day after day
This is my night ticking away
I try to pretend
It’s over at last
This time the big hurt will end
~ Toni Fisher, 1959
I have no fu*ks to give now.
Federal workers
Public educators
They’re FN committing treason. We don’t have to let them…
Yes they did!
He despises those people. It’s why he loves the poorly educated. They’re easily confused.
Good job MAGA.
Get involved in local and change the culture there if you can.
Repugs did one thing well, they put in the work in local government for over 40 years.
It’s time to do the work as well.
The problem is the first reaction of that middle class is then to shut the door & pull up the ladder. Those GOP single issues become important, lower taxes etc…
This goes for all races & genders and is a known phenomena.
Reason has been replaced by prayer because desperation seeks hope where reason can be harsh & when one feels alone they will assimilate for love.
Half the the time I spell things wrong, forget a word, get my languages mixed up.
But I appreciate you and the effort you put in to help me out for free.
Thank you.
For as the rest I don’t have the inside scoop like you seem to have so I plead my ignorance.
But when high paying jobs are gone the real trickle down happens & many more will also feel the pain!
We are all victims of MAGA stupidity 😡
there's going to be a little pain."
Tots and pears
They voted for Trump.
I highly doubt we're headed for a recession. It's going to be a depression of unprecedented proportions unless we get that MF out of the WH, and I have no idea how that's going to happen.
The leopard is eating their face.
They’re getting what they voted for.
So, all Libs I’d imagine…
How about these days?
Yet the magas all voted for this shit.
Fox brainwashing has reached peak effectiveness.
They are good, aren’t they?
We’ve let their cancer eat away at our sense of national unity long enough and it has to stop.
How these maga “men” can allow themselves to be so easily manipulated by cleavage is pathetic.
Cuz facts don't matter and their base will swallow that shit whole.
I hate that the people of the nation are losing so much and that it's going to continue until the fascist regime is overthrown.
What their members did is an individual choice.
Karma baby
I don't understand the logic behind thinking billionaires are going to look out for you.
I feel for you/us!
I grew up, up there and it makes me so angry that so many classmates, their kids and even grandkids drank that rancid kool-aid and voted for their own demise😡 et al
We need to be running these stories day in day out: Trump screws over steelworkers, interviews with these workers that lost their job, farmers talking about how much better it was when Biden was prez. Rinse. Repeat