REPORTER: Is the US planning to give up the position of NATO Supreme Allied Commander?
TRUMP: NATO was gone until I came along
TRUMP: NATO was gone until I came along
None of that is true. He is just so stupid. He still thinks NATO is like a private club that has membership dues.
Therefore, America is a Russian asset.
Let's stop pretending.
And, fuck fascist Nazi Elon & his Tesla Swasticars…
But I gave you a chef’s kiss
He’s so up his own ass… sharing the space with the entire MAGA/GOP… I mean it’s big enough to leave space after all that too… fucken gross pig
I appreciate you doing, but Christ....
I can’t listen to this jerk for more than 20 seconds
Reporter: You supported the GOP House budget that cut Medicaid. Why?
Trump: The fentanyl is killing so many & the failing NYT just lies.
Headline: Trump Demands GOP Budget Include Provisions to Stop Fentanyl At The Border
him slide. Remember when W would say stupid shit and everyone would laugh at him?? There's been a massive group intelligence loss in the last 20 years.
Last term there were some rational advisers who stopped him. Not now.
This time he’s got nothing to lose
We are in a rolling series of crises. But pre-surrendering on elections is a bad path and I will not accept it.
makes America
smaller & smaller.
We have been
a giant upon the stage,
WWII, one Atlantic hand
& one Pacific hand
molding a world.
The UN, all nations, come
to our home to talk.
The Orange King wants
Allies shunned;
Adversaries hugged.
Down, down.
He would be passed with a 65, and sent on to the next grade no matter what.
Funny how he doesn’t see that he’s the biggest frikken lunatic who ever lived!
Make no mistake, Trump is looking for a fig leaf of an excuse to sell to the GOP members of Congress.
“What the fuck are you talking about?”
What could that statement POSSIBLY mean in his mind, even by the most charitable assumption about his capacity to use the English Language?
Just seeing his face or hearing his voice makes me ill. Very ill.
It’ll be SO fucking nice when he’s dead and we don’t have to hear about the dooshnozzle anymore.
Just think, we won’t have to name our turds after him anymore.
but then, trump wasn't - he was too busy on tv bragging that now HIS building was the tallest.
Make him explain himself, or make him run away from the question on camera, like a pathetic bitch.
Why does the media constantly treat him with kid gloves no matter what he says?
I'll bet dollars to donuts he has no idea what the acronym NATO stands for, and what countries are members.
Remember, this is the addle-brained dipshit that confused the Balkans with the Baltics.
Another thing a cult leader has to do is to blame everyone and everything else for the damage he actually causes.
No I guess that wasn't asked.
Billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions and billions of dollars.