REPORTER: What do you say to military families who are seeing Musk at the Pentagon, are hearing about DoD cuts, and their thoughts are immediately going to the safety of their loved ones?
TRUMP: We're making our country strong ... what they should do is realize that the NYT is a corrupt institution
TRUMP: We're making our country strong ... what they should do is realize that the NYT is a corrupt institution
Weakest it has ever been.
May this regime's demise be swift and certain.
Somebody do it already
Step 1: Stop worrying about fake news. With dictatorship comes the death of the free press. Things will be simpler with only one propaganda channel to choose from.
Thats the question. Follow the money.
Everything else is deflection and propaganda.
Why? Because the NYT did what great newspapers are supposed to do, investigate the crooks in government!
YOU are a corrupt individual, Donald Trump.
And so are your sycophantic supporters.
The question is...for how much longer will you be in your self-aggrandizing position?
How much longer before all your voters realize you intend to do NOTHING for them - and EVERYTHING for yourself?
Twisted words, lies, false info., misdirection.
It’s classic manipulation & with half the country he’s getting away with it.
That’s the scariest part.
People must realize that their worst fears are a reality
I mean - seriously - he doesn’t seem to be able to comprehend what the reporters are actually asking.
Trump and DOGE are corrupt and are tearing down American institutions, leaving Americans to suffer while he wages his bullshit fantasy tariff wars on everyone outside of the USA.
I hope the USA goes broke within the next 4 years and Trump is put on a pig-pole for his actions.
Knee capping all institutions that help elders and sick people are on purpose.
He believes that people will die off as a result to achieve his goals.
Thus lowering the cost of doing business. Let that sink in. How much are YOU worth?
It’s all he knows how to do AND PEOPLE STILL SUPPORT HIM
Answer the fucking question you were asked and stfu about the media WHO IS IN YOUR FUCKING CORNER
Seize the staff and frog march them into El Salvador.
They fucking earned this
I feel my IQ drop every time
Lincoln lost an 11 y.o. to typhoid. He served in the military, possibly suffering from marfan syndrome/flat feet.
Donald Trump has both avoided military service and sold slaves to a South American nation.
1. DoD planted the Musk/China meeting story
2. So they could complain about fake news and then
3. They had no choice but to brief Musk on China
4. Per the original plan
the last thing they are looking at are threats to the country.
the us will be attacked
But no, he’s obviously full of 💩
Not that it will go anywhere... 😐