New in PN: Trump's hostile takeover of big law
"Paul, Weiss is now in the same boat as Columbia, constantly needing Trump's approval to stave off new shakedowns. But the administration, like any bully, will keep attacking & no acquiescence will be enough. That’s why bending the knee is a bad idea."
"Paul, Weiss is now in the same boat as Columbia, constantly needing Trump's approval to stave off new shakedowns. But the administration, like any bully, will keep attacking & no acquiescence will be enough. That’s why bending the knee is a bad idea."
The worst AG in USA history.
Lied to get confirmed. Always planned on kissing trumps ass.
Zero sympathy for Columbia and Paul, Weiss. They assumed the supine position and now Trump is going to stomp all over them.
Then they come back and make you bend both knees.
Before you know it you are face first on the ground.
At this point you will never get back up again.
I’m very worried. Needless to say, but I don’t trust Krasnov’s regime to report the truth. Searching for facts. Please help.
We can NOT trust USA longer
Educational institutions
They'll just change the deal whenever they feel like it because they know you'll cave.
That is why our policy of not negotiating with terrorists exists. I guess these people haven't learned that.
You never get rid of the Dane."
It's a pretty basic lesson that they seem to have forgotten.
Man the fuck up