Is there a reason why every headset I buy wants to sound like a muffled movie theater in my ears??? Like give me flat audio! How do I even fix any of this???
I’ve tried G4TE and Arctis Nova 3
I’ve tried G4TE and Arctis Nova 3
Last I checked, Sennheiser and Audio Technica had some affordable options.
If it's good for reference work, it's probably excellent for playing Elden Ring and Baldurs Gate.
If you want a cheap solution, you can buy replacement speaker driver for studio grade headphones and replace the speaker in your current headphones.
You will need a soldering iron.
A pair of headphones later which then also broke but because of their newer "high tech" design I couldn't fix it
So then got a different one and it sounds like somebody put cotton in my ears
Yet The old headphones that My family keeps calling disgusting and that I need to toss them, that I was able to fix to a usable standard, has a better sound quality
(=^ ◡ ^=)
The one I like best is taking a good set of headphones that you like the sound of, and using a "Mod Mic" that attaches to the headphone making it a headset.
If the headphones have replaceable cables there are some aftermarket boom mics you can plug in.
Only downside is, that they are expensive.
1 - have you checked headphones on other devices (like your phone)? If its normal it may be your PC
2 - Looking at the sound profile for the nova, it seems to boost the low end but sucks at the highs which makes it a bit lopsided.
3 - turn off any "spatial audio", it's naff
Get some sort of EQ app for your setup. I'm not sure what you use OS wise, but giving it a boost via software in the highs and cutting out some of the 100 > 200hz range would do wonders.
that, or if you tell me budget/setup/need I can probably recommend a decent headset for you? lemme knoo
I really like the beyerdynamik DT770 Pro 80 ohm. That's what I use for my studio. Flat as a board.
MIGHT want an outboard headphone amp.
Reference has made such a huge difference for me, and they have a bunch of headphone profiles built-in! I had to get the expensive version for speakers with the mic, but if you're just doing headphones should be much more affordable 💜