Compassion and decency are for suckers and losers
Reposted from
Andrew Weinstein
Truly impossible to overstate just how badly America messed this one up.
When do we get to use the guns?”
*Please note the querent’s finger
Instead, like all knew, tariffs are a total loser idea. They will break the bros financially.
It’s really very sad.
Donald Trump heriocally charges in and immediately cuts down ALL the trees
Then, standing amid the piles of felled timber muses…”…Now what…?”…
More like a small creep.
Yes, creep.
I like it. He creeped to victory.
I could use nudge, nah.
The comeuppance that is headed our way is fully justified.
Except, that while Churchill did it deliberately to make his speeches more direct and to communicate more easily, Trump does it because he's thick.
They didn’t laugh when President Biden addressed the UN!
Did I mention he’s also our President elect?
Mom and her three kids wearing the appropriate shoes on the plane.
Sad, my daughters will grow up in this time of hate.
(But I’ll also be sad about it..)
Spoonamore: Election results machine generated, STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE to be human voting
ex NEVER before:
NC:25k had BLANK Pres
1:EVERY Pres crossover: Dem>DT
2:EVERY Pres only: DT
1+2: 663,984 votes
What they don't want to admit is that Republicans lied to voters and the media normalized Trump.
They're guilty. Harris was excellent!