Hey George Your Lawyer So I Have Ask The Heritage Foundation Legally What Would It To Bring Them Down
I Know It Won't Easy But If We Shut Them I Would Be It Would Less Leg To Stand On
I am suggesting this!Since Acosta threatened to quit CNN. ❤️
Cuban, you and other truth seekers start a new network of anti fascist resistance. Bring over Acosta, O’Donnell, Maddow, etc. The SAFE Network. Save America From EVIL! Never show the grifter’s face/play his voice. Called “First Felon” only.
I would love for someone to publicly ask the orange man to say the Pledge of Allegiance. I would be willing to bet money on the fact that he could not do it!
Yes… the wanna be dictator but deranged and destruction. In fact that seems to be his greatest joy: mocking others, destroying functioning government, all for delight in wrecking lives. That’s pretty bizarre for any acknowledged human being —but not for a destructor par excellence’s
Right before our eyes, there has been the birth of a new dictator. We no longer have a president. There is nothing tRUMP's doing with the obedience of his political lieutenants that is presidential. Is this some kind of sick Karma for the U.S., some lesson being taught that hadn't been learned?
@aoc.bsky.social @hakeem-jeffries.bsky.social @gavinnewsom.bsky.social @barackobama1961.bsky.social @maddow.msnbc.com @murray.senate.gov @jayapal.house.gov @democracynow.org
What exactly are you going to DO? What is the action plan? Who is going to lead it? We need specifics!!!!
Aw contraire. The second verse refers to the ring of watchfires outside the US Capitol during the civil war. The Confederate flag did not breach the capitol, unlike on January 6, the only time this has occurred. It is a resistence anthem, but they may not be aware of it.
Experts agree that America will be great again in the year 100,000. Surpassing all other so-called great civilizations, American civilization is fated to return — yet again — to greatness! On or about that date.
I was on a trip in March 2017 where I met an associate in your firm who said you were not only a brilliant lawyer but a superb mentor. Clearly, you should return.
I live in City, State. Therefore (name) represents me in Washington DC. I want to voice my opinion on the upcoming 2017 tax cut renewal. My opinion is NO WAY until corporations pay a real wage to all American employees.
I’ve always found it unsingable by verse 3: “Thine alabaster cities gleam, undimmed by human tears…” really? And now “confirm thy soul with self control, thy liberty with law” would almost be painfully ironic. (Verse Two is all manifest destiny stuff, so I doubt Native Americans love it.)
FYI... Two of my neighbors and three others have discovered that their Facebook or Instagram accounts have been set to follow or be followed by POTUS or Vance without their knowledge or consent. Most likely happening broadly. Affected states in this case are, CO & CA.
Nonsense. We are in a terrible conflict now. He doesn't get to kill it unless naysayers give up. Get cracking w knowledgeable activists to fight fascism!
There is no question about that, but we need to be very on top of our strengths. They already have made huge mistakes. We need to be aware and ready to take advantage of their innate stupidity.
First thought: calculated cynicizm. Second thought: they really just don't know anything about what this song stands for. Conclusion: either dumb or evil - the fact that it could be both captures all of what they are.
If Donald's Executive Order trying to deny Constitutional 'Birth Right' is affirmed by the SCOTUS, doesn't that deny Donald and all his Children as US Citizens?! His Mother, Mary McCloud was an Immigrant and wasn't Naturalized properly. Then DJT can't be President et al. Dominos! DJT shit himself!!
This verse seems appropriate for the genuflecting oligarchs.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat:
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.
Especially since he was the one who brought the confederate flag into the Capitol for the first time. Those who defended this Capitol from the hate a 160+ years ago “I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps,”
With great power comes great responsibility. Be part of the solution!
It’s never too late to know the truth!
This is brilliant! I can’t wait to see how this would be enforced though. Will there be a “bounty”? Neighbours looking in other neighbour’s windows?
Your humor has helped my depression. Please don’t stop. I lost my bluesky mojo and am depressed. If you keep making jokes about the hell we live in you could save me. I know that’s a big responsibility. I have written before, you ignore me. Always , Not a good idea , I’m a Brooklyn girl.
Lincoln: “With malice toward none, with charity for all.”
Trump: “I am your retribution.”
And as someone noted, so begins the clash within MAGA world between those who want oligarchy to get to fascism and those who want fascism to get to oligarchy.
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword
I Know It Won't Easy But If We Shut Them I Would Be It Would Less Leg To Stand On
Cuban, you and other truth seekers start a new network of anti fascist resistance. Bring over Acosta, O’Donnell, Maddow, etc. The SAFE Network. Save America From EVIL! Never show the grifter’s face/play his voice. Called “First Felon” only.
An observation:
Trump thrives 'cause of 3 second info/snippets,the attention span of most people
The democrats go into detail and high emotions
Take a hint from Trump,3* per week bring your message in a simple NAFO manner to the public.
Show the 🤡 for what he is
master of the obvious you are but i believe it was a signal to his neonazi acolytes
What exactly are you going to DO? What is the action plan? Who is going to lead it? We need specifics!!!!
Experts agree that America will be great again in the year 100,000. Surpassing all other so-called great civilizations, American civilization is fated to return — yet again — to greatness! On or about that date.
I live in City, State. Therefore (name) represents me in Washington DC. I want to voice my opinion on the upcoming 2017 tax cut renewal. My opinion is NO WAY until corporations pay a real wage to all American employees.
Think of it as when your school had a game at someone else's stadium and the opposing team's band played your alma mater.
#TimApple #LeonMusk
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat:
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.
It’s never too late to know the truth!
👁👁🇬🇧💜RF 👑
With the GOP these days it’s hard to spot the sane ones, Trump, and Bannon will destroy everything that was good about America
They are overwhelming America with their horror story
👁👁🇬🇧good vibes Real Patriots
Trump: “I am your retribution.”
And as someone noted, so begins the clash within MAGA world between those who want oligarchy to get to fascism and those who want fascism to get to oligarchy.
Trump’s official Inauguration portrait:
(In disgust)
The America we all know is dead today.