As an Iowan, I can assure you that Joni doesn’t give a damn. The only female she supports is herself. She’s nothing more than a hypocrite wearing bread bags on her knees
Ernst had a chance to help women veterans a couple of years ago. Instead, she hijacked the bill and changes were made that rendered it nearly useless. Joni Ernst is a selfish pig.
can’t it just be that he is spectacularly unqualified? It’s never going to work to go after him on the moral high ground given our current president’s ethics
0–should vote count for this guy!
Police record…Pete supposedly Locked the door & hid the lady’s cell phone… doesn’t sound like consensual sex to me!😱
Wife was fearful, hid in closet, code word for HELP!
Things do not stack up!
Ah, hell no!
Ms. Mayer....I think phony Joni shits her pants every time she hears the felon's name. Actually that goes for every single Republican especially the Christian fraud MAGAt Mike.
The dems are not going to stop his nomination this way. They need to cite why he’s not qualified. The personal attacks didn’t stop Trump from being elected. It doesn’t work.
What the hell is wrong with Joni Earnst? She knows he’s an abuser, an unrepentant alcoholic, and without experience to run such a huge organization . She’s a woman and a military veteran. She would rather vote against her own country? Sickening .
I suspect if left to her own devices she wouldn’t support him. The idea of harassment, death threats and of course a primary challenge sway her confirm and then toast his confirmation. 🍻🍻🍻
I've sent Sen Jonie emails telling her she is a disgrace to the uniform and more. Every veteran should send emails to all veterans in Trump's posse telling them they are oath breakers and traitors.
And Joni Ernst: she hid in the closet and had a safe word. I hope you see past protecting your position and join with those who know he is an unqualified, inexperienced drunk.
Senator Ernst should be deeply ashamed. She tossed her military career into the dumpster fire that is this administration. As a consequence of doing that she threw women and trans members of the services under a deuce and a half. Shameful.
Iowan here, she absolutely doesn't care!
Her willingness to throw anyone under the bus that gets in the way of her advancing her personal agenda is why we call her "Phony Joni"...
What she "feels" is fear. It shouldn't take courage to stand up and say she cannot support an abusive misogynist who is completely unqualified, but she caved anyway.
Remind Joni, confirming a national security threat is a violation of her oaths of office.
The people of Iowa can prosecute her.
Contact Joni by using a Home Depot or Walmart address from the hateful state of Iowa.
Barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen? And you have BETTER have his cold beer ready for him when he gets home, or he'll beat the ever-loving fucking shit out of you.
Joni has forfeited her right for us to give a fuck about her. If she can’t find it within herself to do the morally, ethically and frankly in the long run politically correct thing, then she is irrelevant. If her rape and the sexism she endured in the military don’t matter to her why should we care?
You are forgetting the golden rule of the GOP, George. Nothing matters. If Trump wants it to be, pretty much nothing matters. The bought and paid for politicians will fall in line and make excuses for these unqualified, seriously flawed candidates all day, every day. There is no low too low.
It. Won’t. Matter. Focus on his INCOMPETENCE. There’s not a Republican who gives a shite about his character, his rapeyness, his abusiveness. If anything, they are positive traits to these lunatics. I am sure Ernst & her loved ones have received sufficient death threats to cower her.
Folks stop wasting effort. The MAGAQs voted in a felon and a rapist. They are beyond redemption on the morality front.
Make her own his incompetence instead. Be loud and clear about all the future bodybags being dumped on her doorstep.
If he believes women shouldn’t vote, shouldn’t it follow that they shouldn’t serve in congress either? I’m sorry, any vote for this man is just a failure of their senatorial duty to protect our country and the people in it.
Joni Ernst is a big disappointment to this Iowan. Even though we disagree about everything I always thought she would put her country first- especially the DOD!
With these maga enthusiasts, emboldened as they are, become full throated of late, they increasingly seem to want to show us they are striving to become the American Taliban.
She's been all gaga over him and tossing the softest questions during his hearing. For someone who was SA'd, it's pretty sickening to watch her fawn all over a man who has committed several SAs against women. All to please the FOTUS.
Joni wants to be Hegseth’s back up. When they find him passed out on the floor of the Pentagon, Joni will be hoping to fill his shoes. She doesn’t get it that SHE won’t get the appointment.
She should be totally against him..,.... sadly, she doubles down on support..... she chooses self and her job retention over the USA that she once fought for.....
Joni earnst? The same asshole who voted against financial aid for farmers, while taking said financial aid?
And how the fuck is she farming, when she’s supposed to be in Congress? .
The Republicans all know this guy is dangerously unqualified as well as being a drunken abuser who should be under a restraining order rather than a nominee to a cabinet position. They probably care, but that's outweighed by their own self-interest.
Anything bad you think about this guy is true, that’s why they want him he has no conscience!! If women can’t vote we can’t do any other jobs we are all doing now.
Trump needs Hegseth as SecDef so he will happily empower our military against US citizens. No other reason to push such a douchbag for such an important role.
She is probably ok with it. This is all about White Power. Making sure that White supremacists control every aspect of the government. If she said she would approve his appointment don't even think she will EVER change her mind, for any reason.
Well, Trump did sign an EO:
“Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965 (Equal Employment Opportunity), is hereby revoked.”
Don’t women have protections in this?
I trust them as far as o can throw them. is a coward and should return any medals she received while in the military. She should also shut the f*** up claiming she is a survivor. She is now an enabler and perpetrator.
I seriously don’t understand why people keep focusing on how he treats women rather than his qualifications for the job. 77 million Americans just chose a man accused of being a rapist—as if they truly care about how he treats women.
Good leaders set the example. Past performance is the best protector of future performance. Obviously the people making the choice do not believe either one of these axioms.
Always a focus on what scumbags they are and nobody cares. Why not spend the time on all the reasons his qualifications don’t meet our expectations. This is the USA, not a clown show.
And I believe it is more than reasonable to assume that in his heart (assuming he has one) of hearts he still believes women should not have the right to vote…
How is Joni Ernst sleeping at night having apparently exorcised what was obviously her own personal trauma at the expense of invoking it for thousands of others? What a hypocritical joke of a human Earnst is.
It doesn't matter how she feels; she knows Trump just unleashed people who are violent, and that their pardons will inspire others to violence, too. The party's unwillingness to cull him when they had the power to do so has led them here, cowering in fear of his base.
She won't care. None of them care. Don't you get it? They vote for these shitstains BECAUSE they're shitstains. They LOVE shitstains! MAGA LOVES SHITSTAINS
Thank you, GTC.
Tooting my Cassandra horn again, but trying to tell folks the “repeal the 19th” movement is very real, & now out in the open.
I take this personally because my Yankee grandmother marched for the 19th from 1914-1920!
Women SHOULD take this personally. ALL women. Even GOP women.
Police record…Pete supposedly Locked the door & hid the lady’s cell phone… doesn’t sound like consensual sex to me!😱
Wife was fearful, hid in closet, code word for HELP!
Things do not stack up!
Ah, hell no!
I just don’t think Repubs will think it matters.
Her willingness to throw anyone under the bus that gets in the way of her advancing her personal agenda is why we call her "Phony Joni"...
The people of Iowa can prosecute her.
Contact Joni by using a Home Depot or Walmart address from the hateful state of Iowa.
Shit, all women senators and congress ladies should be against this ('cept for MTG because she is of questionable gender/species).
Make her own his incompetence instead. Be loud and clear about all the future bodybags being dumped on her doorstep.
Her silence is deafening.
How do they delude themselves?
Cannot even call him a pig because that would be an insult to them.
And how the fuck is she farming, when she’s supposed to be in Congress? .
My guess is she'll still cast her vote to the Right.
“Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965 (Equal Employment Opportunity), is hereby revoked.”
Don’t women have protections in this?
I trust them as far as o can throw them.
“Please don't be too nice!” Donald Trump said to law enforcement officers in Long Island, New York.
She is just another feckless MAGA politician.
Tooting my Cassandra horn again, but trying to tell folks the “repeal the 19th” movement is very real, & now out in the open.
I take this personally because my Yankee grandmother marched for the 19th from 1914-1920!
Women SHOULD take this personally. ALL women. Even GOP women.
side (mom) & the Irish/Quebecois settler sides (Dad.) My cousins are all healthy, hardy & gorgeous.