Elon is not an engineer. I am. I'm not going in to technical details here but duplication in the database does NOT enable massive fraud. Databases build up redundancies, records get duplicated. De-duping the database only makes it run more efficiently/faster and saves space. Fuck he's stupid!
Yeah, clearly president Musk doesn't understand how relational database systems work. I'd bet dollars to donuts they're using an old ass version of Oracle too.
Spousal benefits would account for duplicate pmts to a social security number. Typical example: husb gets $2,000 on his soc sec, wife gets $700 on hers. Wife is entitled to additional $300 spousal bft to bring her total to $1,000 (50% of spouse). It goes out as separate disbursement.
Oh FFS. From a Database Admin - could be each SSN has multiple listings because, my God, people live in more than one place during their life? God forbid they move! How many of the records are ACTIVE? Oh, they didn't look THAT HARD. Most toddlers won't. Sigh.
Ahh!! They’ve discovered the big dark secret. Undocumented poor people are working under Uncle Sam’s SS# and paying into Uncle Sam’s retirement account. The non-citizens does all the hard work and never sees the benefit. But Uncle Sam does.
If Elon saved the U.S. that much can we get him to build his rocket ship this year and head to Mars. He could even bring Trump with him for the ride.
Time magazine could make Trump man of the century for being the first President on Mars 🤣
Spousal benefits would account for duplicate pmts to a social security number. Typical example: husb gets $2,000 on his soc sec, wife gets $700 on hers. Wife is entitled to additional $300 spousal bft to bring her total to $1,000 (50% of spouse). It goes out as separate disbursement.
The Republican Party didn’t just change—it has become unrecognizable. Now, the GOP isn’t a party—it’s a machine built on grievance, conspiracy, and power for power’s sake. This piece I wrote lays out exactly how it happened—and why there’s no going back.
Ha ha!
It will also cause people to go hungry, miss rent and car payments, incur fees they can’t afford, skip refilling prescriptions, etc. You have no idea about living on the edge of poverty, but you’ll gladly use the poor as a political pawn.
He’s just an idiot.
Anxiety is in overdrive
So far he's provided zero evidence for any of his many fraud claims.
Time magazine could make Trump man of the century for being the first President on Mars 🤣
Let us know if you need help with your trot. 🦋
It will also cause people to go hungry, miss rent and car payments, incur fees they can’t afford, skip refilling prescriptions, etc. You have no idea about living on the edge of poverty, but you’ll gladly use the poor as a political pawn.