Having passed up the opportunity years ago to run DOJ’s Civil Division, I’ve never run a large organization, let alone at DOJ.
So I’m no expert.
But I’m gonna spitball that if hundreds of your subordinates want to tell you to “go fuck yourself,” you might, perhaps, have a management problem.
So I’m no expert.
But I’m gonna spitball that if hundreds of your subordinates want to tell you to “go fuck yourself,” you might, perhaps, have a management problem.
Just to underscore the tension at DOJ at the moment, here's what one federal law enforcement official told me about the acting deputy attorney general:
"I, along with other career FBI and DOJ personnel that I’ve spoken with, really have one message for him and that is, “go fuck yourself, traitor.'"
"I, along with other career FBI and DOJ personnel that I’ve spoken with, really have one message for him and that is, “go fuck yourself, traitor.'"
The FBI should be able to arrest anyone who breaks the law, without fear of revenge.
That alone should be grounds to arrest everyone playing a part in this retaliatory culling.
These sorts?
He and Stephen Miller.
We must not go along with or remain silent under tyranny.
I am prepared to go to the streets.
It is part of my First Amendment rights.
They are like Criminal Trump
The Children of Kali.
Emil Bove did...
Actually, if you manage people and any one of them says 'go fuck yourself', you have a problem -- you failed.
No leader gets to leave their people that violated.
Don’t resign.
Make them fire you.
Just stop all work.
Do not obey.
Make them fire you!!!
Workforce. Call them what they are. Traitors.
FBI are head bangers. Don't piss off actual cops.
Someone who runs with the foxes then hunts with the hounds.
Get a Private Investigator to look into it
Not who you would hire. For anything meaningful. No anchor to our common reality. Drifts with a tide. But can spout stuff that almost sounds logical even if it’s not legally correct.
Some well thought out emotions.