And to think we could have had a sane, serious government run by an intelligent person who would have acted in the best interests of Americans, and not Vladimir Putin.
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I actually hate those Gaza-Firsters the most. They have the nerve to complain (still only to Democrats) about the mess they made, and even though they didn't save Gaza and just doomed Ukraine today and probably Taiwan later, they'll still say "their souls are clean." Where's ICE when you need them?
Yeah, well too bad all of Dearborn hated trans people more than they wanted to save Gaza. Or were they just dumb enough to vote for Mr. Muslim Ban all along?
There is a special place in hell for the people on the left who voted for Trump (or essentially voted for Trump by not voting or voting 3rd party) because of Gaza. Kamala would have fought hard for a 2-state solution, but Trump wants to cleanse the Palestinian people from the Earth.
I will never stop bringing this up until the guy’s gone, but the analysis that and are doing seriously suggest that any election numbers we’re looking at are wrong. It was even less a landslide than what we’ve been told.
Gaza didn't keep people home. Democrats failure to campaign on the economy *from a working class perspective* and failure to prevent election theft (Texas) lost them the election.
Yes I do, and I've got several. I make it my mission everyday to text them the headlines of the next thing he's destroying. And some has already came back on them. I have no sympathy. Call me a bitch. I love our country, they apparently love a dictator.
Every day. Everyday I think this to myself. Even if Kamala would’ve done a bad job. Never ever would she have been as bad as Trump is right now. She wouldn’t embarrass our country the way Trump. She wouldn’t shame our country the way Trump does. He makes me absolutely sick every day
Exactly, and she wouldn't have handed our beloved country to Putin. Most of America (not me) elected a traitor to the presidency. Today was not only embarrassing but frightening. So sad.
Right wing populism is bullshit. Now, economic populism like Bernie Sanders polls great. She was the better choice not the lesser of two evils. She would have likely been status quo but damn... It's a shitty thing that we who voted responsibly have to deal with this asshole again.
I would have settled for her being a bad president (not that she would have been bad), it still would have been the doors off of having a South African Nazi running the show by pulling an orange marionette’s strings.
Let's make this go viral! We have to get Trump and Vance out of the White House!
Please sign and share my petition to impeach Donald Trump and remove Elon Musk from government affairs.
God damn! What could have been. And yes, she would have been better than Biden. Also yes, I was a Biden supporter. But it was time for a change. #FuckTrump
But you gave her ONE BILLION dollars!
after that the race wasn't THAT important to her anymore!
after that came the fastest concession in history, and never even ONE mention of putin....
they got their billion and threw you to the dogs, and guess what? losing was the only way for them to be able to DO IT AGAIN if the orange psycho allows elections in four years! "give us another billion to save democracy". Your dicothomy is making you blind
10 million sorry bums who didn’t bother to show up on election day and vote to save their own damn country like they did four years prior threw themselves and us to the dogs. FTFY
Shows what you know. I already know I live in the matrix. But even in the matrix, the non-fascist choice is still the non-fascist choice. No excuse excuses for anyone who playing and mugwumping themselves into thinking and doing otherwise.
at least I'm not gonna sober up like you in a few months when the election is proven stolen by putin and you realise kamala just let it happen and never even said a word about it, with A BILLION in her pocket
I so agree with this, and if a man could give birth, I believe it would feel like the lead up to this. For other men that don’t understand… take your lower lip, stretch it out and over the top of your head, now staple it to the back of your neck.
To think. Boy I wish it was more than to think. I wish with my whole being that we could have had a competent honest servant cruel murderer who none of us want to be aligned with. Trump is a photo copy of that murderous behemoth. Set us free and destroy the behemoth monster.
When trump said Z was risking WW3, he was right about one thing, because Z refused to sell out his country, trump’s weakness is going to be a signal to all America’s enemies to increase their aggression. Trump’s weakness will move the world into war.
I am thrown into utter despair daily by this thought. Every time, I think it can't get any worse & then it instantly becomes infinity worse 😭😭😭. We could have had a kind president, the most qualified we have ever had, but instead, we have the largest waste of human existence that ever walked the 🌏.
Data PROVES VOTING ANOMALIES (tampering) in 2024 Presidential Election Pattern discovered across several states.
SEE👇 GO to 39:33 minutes in video with reputable Nathan Taylor @ Election Truth Alliance. Algorithm interference identified. DEMAND INVENTIGATION!
He thanked musk for delivering him PA. He told his voters that they didn’t need to vote because he “already had enough votes”.
And that we’ll “never have to vote again” (?)
Don’t doubt what his plans are.
#47 will gleefully burn us all the the ground. Red or blue. He could care less.
Keep in mind I'm just a moron, and only commenting on our national politics because of the dire straits... but what if every American who was humiliated by our President, Vice President, and cabinet today just sent a small donation to President Zelensky? Go easy on me. A brainstorm has no bad ideas.
Think about all the time, effort, money and emotional costs that would have been TOTALLY avoided. The US would be forging ahead like it was, instead of circling the drain. It only took him WEEKS....
Yes, but in fairness, a person meant to lead this country should have done something to stop him. I'm sorry, I don't believe the election was fairly won given who her opponent was.
Instead of just voicing how we feel about what happened today we can put our money where our mouth is. We can donate directly to Ukraine. 🇺🇦💙💛
They couldn’t vote for a woman / of color 🤷🏼♀️ or they voted 3rd party to make a “statement!”🤦🏼♀️ 1/3 of us just couldn’t be bothered to vote. I blame them all. And I will NEVER forgive them.
After seeing the Oval today, I am now wondering … who the leader of the free world will be NOW. It is not us. 🇺🇸
I was very sad she lost. Up until that, I had predicted with pinpoint accuracy everything that has happened since the 1994 red midterm wipe-out. Now, I guess, I was even right about Harris winning. BTW, the GOP went full Nazi in 2000. Remember how freaked out they were about Al Gore that night?
I was shocked that we have that many stupid un-educated dumber that a box of rocks toothless thumbsuckers. Red Hats that MAGA's wear is a badge of honor to show the world 'I'm stupid, look at me'. We need to thank them for that heads up that we don't need to talk to stupid since there is no cure. 💙🇺🇦
It's not too late to create change. We The People demand a leader that will put pressure on Congress or we should just march on DC by the millions until he reigns. please stop living in the dream. Harris lost because, again, they underestimated Trump. Democrats are weak and stupid. But the other party is utter evil.
No one is living in a dream. Least of all George Conway. Yes democratic leadership is pathetic. WE have to gain control of the party from a grassroots level. That means getting involved and pushing constantly. Get together with others in your area and make the local party hear you!
Tbh I’m increasingly frustrated with Dems for fumbling the ball so badly that we lost to this loser. I don’t blame Harris at all, but my resentment towards Biden and the Dem establishment is growing.
It is time to face the fact that those who voted for trump are the enemy. There is no coming back. There are lost and never coming back. Time to let them know they fucked our country and they will now suffer our wrath. NO MORE HIGH ROAD. Do not be afraid to tell them- FUCK YOU
You will never convince me that she did not win the election. Between Trump's comments about "not needing votes", his "little secret with Mike Johnson" and "Musk's computer prowess in PA".. Yeah, there was some Musk thumb somewhere on a computer. Juuuuust enough to give Trump the win.
Except it's actually impossible. Musk can't perform magic. He's just a man. It could not be done. If you believe Harris won, then you must logically believe Trump won in 2020.
Thanks millions of registered Dems for not bothering to show up to vote for a perfectly qualified, competent candidate who would’ve made a fine President.
We are in this position because this is what millions of people…including some of our family members, friends and neighbors. voted for. They should be ashamed, but none of them are.
People dont understand what the president does and just like talking points and rally cries to feel part of a community in a very isolated world. Theyre sad, insecure, and lonely. They saw community in a place that promised them everything just like nazis after WW1 but like them were lied to
Imagine the competence of her administration & cabinet. THIS should become the shadow cabinet. Make news every day-call news conferences, make policy announcements-done in front of American flags to look official. If the notable, competent alternatives to this speak out, the press will cover them.
But the media were BoReD and he swore he had nothing to do with Project 2025. I cannot forgive the Americans who put us here. This is impossible to bear. My heart is broken and my rage is fierce.
This might sound crazy, but hate is exactly what the trump admins want. They want to divide up the nation so we can’t unify as the majority. Help your family see them for what they are. Try not to shun them out of your life
My heart breaks. Harris was so good; Walz was so good. Smart, sincere, pragmatic, DECENT people. Instead we have this clown show of putrid moronic venality. Why?
But my dad and mom and millions like them fell hook line and sinker into the stream of lies that caused them to vote trump or stay home. Sadly, my parents are in the former camp even though their Cuyahoga county went 63/37 for Kamala.
Can’t blame her for 70 millions of morons who had an initial taste of the Orange turd in 2016 and thought “Yum, I want more!”
There shouldn’t have been any campaign needed.
It’s a choice between a turd or a presidential candidate (with her shortcomings, sure). But she was facing a turd.
While I like your style, we could just send him to our own supermax prison for waterboarding and other torture; Guantánamo Bay. Republicans love torture!
Also: my vision no matter where he is is that he gets zero attention. Why waste the water? Or time? Stick him in a room and treat him like a potted plant.
Well, when half of your country is comprised of idiots in love with a cult leader who is opposite of everything Harris stands for, then we who are not idiots are forced to watch this country spiral into a very dark place. My fear is that congressional GQPs are hopelessly paralyzed--with fear.
You know it wasn't going to happen. America's brand of Christianity is deeply misogynistic. America's brand of "masculine energy" is deeply misogynistic.
The GOP (not Trump, the **GOP**) is stanning the Tate brothers this week, FFS.
Supported by a team of intelligent and experienced professionals that always would keep focus on ensuring the prosperity and safety of American citizens.
Completely false and not even possible. The left as prone to conspiracies as the right. "But they said it!" You believing what you want to believe because it's too hard to accept Trump won.
George, respectfully, this is not the time to rub people’s noses in this fact. We need to get away from sorrow and fight like our lives depend on it. We need 🔥 now.
77 million Americans would rather have a convicted felon, wannabe dictator as their president than a sane, qualified woman. Unfortunately, that is the sad state of our nation!
Yeah but she gave up too soon. She just rolled over & capitulated. She hasn’t said a damn thing, where is she now? She had millions of us behind her. Not so much as a peep. If she’s not trying to galvanize us now when we need her she wasn’t meant to be our president. I proudly voted for her too.
She doesn't have to say a damn thing. She doesn't owe America anything. You voted for Trump and you expect the black woman to save you from yourselves? She's not your bitch. Go fight for your damn self.
That’s rich coming from a non citizen. I didn’t vote for OJ. And yes she does owe us. WE supported her. Just like me she’s an American citizen. It’s just easier for her to stay quiet and hope the orange jackass doesn’t try to come for her.
The fact that she's not in any kind of office and your vote for her clearly was contingent upon her being your lil bitch is crazy. Instead of arguing with non citizens like you said, go mobilize and organize shit yourself.
Oh fuck off. Black people did what needed to be done. Like I said, your country chose him, so you deal with it. That woman tried. Go talk to all the people who voted for him and leave her alone.
Oh, but it does. It's exactly why you think she owes you. The fact that you came on here to say she should continue to work for you after all the years she did and y'all disappointed her is amazing. You are a private citizen just like she is, so you can do yourself, exactly what you want her to do.
The reason Kamala isn't fighting is she has a reason. We know she's a fighter,we've seen it. There's a reason,and a good one. I just hope we get to find out,that she can finally tell us,soon....
I can't stand this shit. She lost because we failed her, it was over there was nothing she could do. Stop blaming her and blame your ignorant neighbors.
I don’t blame her. Not at all. But she didn’t even fight. There were reports of irregularities in PA, nothing. She knew what was@ stake not even a recount or audit. The dems are in total disarray& the fascists are taking full advantage of it. Would be nice to hear from not only her but Obama&others
Don't forget that the majority of Americans (no education or at best 6th grade literacy) elected the illitrate low IQ felon orange pile of shit scumbag so that immigrants in Springfield do not eat cats and dogs.
Woulda, coulda, shoulda George.
Instead of restating the obvious, how about offering a clue on how to un-fuck this situation.
We're painfully aware of the creature roaming around the Oval office, slurping Diet Cokes and muttering Russia, Russia, Russia constantly between feedings.
I agree. George is a good guy and he's smart, but like the media they all seem to call OUT what Trump is doing day after day without offering a bit of LEADERSHIP or ideas on how to MOBILIZE and fight the good fight..I'm ready!
There's a chance that their message is being squelched by whatever platforms they occupy but the entire narrative is turning rapidly from the theatre of the absurd to the theatre of the obscene.
Post something, pitch the narrative, curry donations, sell the merch.
It's public discourse gone awry.
I do not understand why she and Biden did not do everything in their power to keep the fascists out. I acknowledge that I don’t know what ‘could’ have been done, but they treated it like business as usual while many of us were terrified.
So where the f did she go? Radio silence except for a few lame post-inauguration fundraising emails. Nobody seems to be driving the opposition bus except AOC, Chris Murphy, and Bernie - Kamala seems to be MIA. Maybe she's pissed (I would be) but why not even try for a swing state audit???
and instead of recounting, they abdicated.
It is so hard to know where and how to express this RAGE.
Am from Australia so idk, but just wondering.
I'm a teacher
54% = F
92% = A
Black women understood the assignment.
do. She could be comatose and deliver what this mfer is delivering. This is not incompetence. This is intent.
Please sign and share my petition to impeach Donald Trump and remove Elon Musk from government affairs.
after that the race wasn't THAT important to her anymore!
after that came the fastest concession in history, and never even ONE mention of putin....
come one guys at least understand what happened!
they got their billion and threw you to the dogs, and guess what? losing was the only way for them to be able to DO IT AGAIN if the orange psycho allows elections in four years! "give us another billion to save democracy". Your dicothomy is making you blind
you guys have two paries on the right and you can't even tell that! two liberal parties , zero parties on the left, both playing you like fiddles
It's almost more than I can bear..
SEE👇 GO to 39:33 minutes in video with reputable Nathan Taylor @ Election Truth Alliance. Algorithm interference identified. DEMAND INVENTIGATION!
And that we’ll “never have to vote again” (?)
Don’t doubt what his plans are.
#47 will gleefully burn us all the the ground. Red or blue. He could care less.
VOTER SUPRESSION in USA: Trump lost the election.
Data proves it👇
As an American, I will henceforth root ALWAYS against this Fallen Nation.
After seeing the Oval today, I am now wondering … who the leader of the free world will be NOW. It is not us. 🇺🇸
Especially considering that she lost for a reason (best interests of Americans, my ass).
If you don't have a plan for the future other than whining about the past, please shut your mouth and disappear.
Almost every Republican is a traitor to this country.
The great negotiator! Yeah right!!
me more.
Donald Trump has been working for Putin as soon as he became President.
Trump has been on the phone planning this for the last four years with Putin.
"Country Club Republican" client tell me?
"I had to choose who I thought would be best for the country."
Me, too.
There shouldn’t have been any campaign needed.
It’s a choice between a turd or a presidential candidate (with her shortcomings, sure). But she was facing a turd.
I think we effectively left NATO today.
Or stick his ass in the ADX Florence Supermax where he will never be seen or heard from again.
The GOP (not Trump, the **GOP**) is stanning the Tate brothers this week, FFS.
To settle this?
There's indications she won , it was rigged.
No pets have been eaten since.
But we are embarrassed globally.
To ensure gates aren’t there or needed. 😉
Instead of restating the obvious, how about offering a clue on how to un-fuck this situation.
We're painfully aware of the creature roaming around the Oval office, slurping Diet Cokes and muttering Russia, Russia, Russia constantly between feedings.
Post something, pitch the narrative, curry donations, sell the merch.
It's public discourse gone awry.
today for the 10th time.
Empowering Putins mounting
rise is equivalent to starting
the third WWW.