Don’t worry; the inflation may wind up being moderated by a massive recession caused by tariffs and random government spending cuts and uncertainty caused by domestic and international turmoil
Reposted from
Alex גדעון בן װעלװל
Tariffs+tax cuts+lowering interest rates = higher prices for consumers, better known as inflation.
If you thought it was bad from the Covid inflation, you ain't seen nothing yet, because this one is self-inflicted by fools.
If you thought it was bad from the Covid inflation, you ain't seen nothing yet, because this one is self-inflicted by fools.
History shows us that the Republican brand is to hurt people.
The older I get, the more I see republicans as corrupt and inept. But, they message well, right George?
Do NOT turn frustrations on each other.
That just supports his sick selfish agenda!
Stay “unwilling” to follow his agenda.
As; DO NOT OBEY (the brainwashing cue)
k g b
studies how to turn people against one another 🚨‼️
R people going to dip into savings. Or run up massive debt to pay for essentials?
These doddering clowns are completely out of their depth.
(He’s weakened international standing, power, the economy, military, public programs and agencies that keep people safe. He’s overturning the constitution and he’s only just in)
We’ll also be required to send thank you notes to Trump daily on these rations he so generously supplies
He's going to destroy Biden's economy in 2 months by mishandling everything!
all will get darker because going to black.
Happy Mardi Gras.
This shit show is for everyone to experience, there is no escaping, no amount of mitigation will shield any of us.
Strangulation consists of making sure the economy suffocates resulting in an unemployment rate in the two digits, decrease of the GDP by two digits over time this will result is high poverty meaning less inflation
On February 28, 2025, it became clear to more people that tRump will always prioritize himself, even by siding with his idol, Putin.
These magats allege that inflation before was Biden's fault. Yet they're 100% okay with inflation IMPOSED by orangetard, because they "deem it necessary."
William T. Kelley
Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.
*Russian oligarchs and rapists excluded
Prices have to go down if no one can buy anything because they’re unemployed or underpaid.
Le dollar va lui rappeler rapidement...
Trump is the fucking moron that managed to bankrupt three casinos singlehandedly!🔥
💯Casinos!!! …”where the house always wins”💯
‼️this self proclaimed genius businessman has no clue what he’s doing and everything the guy touches turns to crap‼️
This time, the rescue is (at a minimum) 3 yrs 10mos away.
And his stupid comments.
Yes, you ain’t seen nothing yet, under Covid you got a check from the federal government, loans, grants, Social security, Medicaid.
Now you get nothing
You goddamn fools
I remember when this orangutan president lied to the American public about the seriousness of the COVID outbreak. All his insider friends sold their stocks, but I took a big hit, never forget!
The same Trump that hasn't run a successful business aside from the one his daddy setup and left for him.