Every domino that topples willingly makes the coup easier. Paul Weiss could have fought and became known as a protector of democracy. Good lawyers don't bend to blackmail. Paul Weiss might end up the fanciest law firm in a dictatorship, but they'll always be known as the first to lick the boot.
While ffotus is the mouthpiece, he's a lap dog of someone who controls a lot of strings, collects information on more groups than the NSA, and uses ffotus for daycare....
Just about anyone can be persuaded by a team with sufficient resources...
What needs to happen, but probably won't, is that law firms that fold to Trump lose their Dem-leaning or anti-Trump clients. Perhaps that will take some time to develop.
he goes after law firms for revengeful reasons and its because they worked to defend the 2020 election,just a shit hole one big shit hole when will it be enough for him
“Capitulating out of fear only feeds the bully. I was bullied in middleschool until I stood up and fought back—one punch changed everything. You don’t win by giving in, you win by refusing to be afraid.”
having a congress that will agree with Trump & DOGE position on ending FEMA will cost Florida billions in aid that pays for damages insurance won't pay. Thus your insurance crisis will get worse. Impacting everyone in your state. https://youtu.be/SfVvjxNMy4Q
I believe that the former Republican party now has enough members for a Castrati choir for holiday parties and such... Maybe they'll sing at the coronation ceremony for King Caligula
If the legal profession now does what the regime wants (and we can be sure more big law will follow Paul Weiss into the abyss) who will be left to hold the government to account? The courts can’t do anything of there are no advocates left. As a former big firm lawyer, I am sad and livid all at once.
Why are law firms afraid of this f@cking bully? When will they learn that that once they give in to Trump he’ll be back for more? Why are they contributing to the total collapse of law & order in the US?
Message to Law firms - Trump isn’t transactional. You cannot make deals with anyone who has no principles and no interest in anything but power. This is the lesson of all previous authoritarian regimes. Law should be a profession with a moral center that guides, not a chase for $$ per partner.
Do you think it’s possible, given the deal was for legal representation that they would do it to get entry in to legally bring them down? It’s just too counterintuitive otherwise, given their past behavior.
I don’t understand how some people are born with zero compassion for their fellow human beings. To see people suffering and knowing that their billions could go a long way, and to be so greedy as to want more and more is truly unforgivable.
I’m sorry but Black folks lived under constant and oppressive threats. Do you forget that 4 little girls died because a church was burned? The Children’s March? If you know it’s right, you have to stand up.
People are more sensitive to the escalation of threat than the amount of threat. I have visited places where missile attacks and bombings were a routine part of day-to-day living. I think this administration is threatening people in ways that they haven't been threatened before.
Please, elaborate, for a simple Midwest girl like me (I have 2 undergraduate degrees, I’m a former teacher and journalist but I’ve no clue who this is or what this means).
Maybe I can’t currently wield my bow (I was once an excellent markswoman) but by George I haven’t lost my ability to knock doors, write blogs, teach others what little I know, or love my neighbor. I will not change who I am even when my heart takes its last beat.
Before anyone mocks/attacks me, I have lesions on my brain and spine now and memory problems but I’m still trying hard to fight the good fight, I just need a little help understanding sometimes.
No judgement zone…, I think there is so much here to try to understand that I let some stuff slide. I cannot read and comprehend it all. Way too much noise from every direction. So don’t sweat it if it doesn’t seem clear , there is a lot of info here💙🦋
This is why I love my fellow BlueSky friends! Yall understand that those of us with good hearts but some otherwise currently struggling body parts still want to be part of the good fight and you help us keep up! Love yall and thanks so much for helping this simple Midwest girl get it!
Karp is the chairman of law firm Paul, Weiss et al. His firm was targeted by a trump executive order. Instead of fighting it, Karp caved to trump thereby shaming himself, his firm and all the attorneys in his firm. Also incents trump to further target perceived enemies. Cowardly decision by Karp.
We read over & over again of election workers, teachers, civil servants, journalists, and more who make modest salaries and yet stand up to this bully, but these multi-millionaires cannot. And they are the professions we turn to for legal counsel? These law firms need to do some real soul searching.
Because THEY get MORE WEALTHY with his feckless (policy... i. e. the entire Project 2025 agenda), with a large sprinkling of Musk/Miller, Proud Boy, Oathkeeper, et al, to ensure white supremacy!
It's not unf***ingbelievable. High-powered folks are caving because Trump is affecting their wallets. Trump is forcing these folks to show who and what they really are!
So why do you think that is George? Do you think they’ve threatened him? I do. Question is with what? Violence? Or did they have dirt on somebody and it’s blackmail?
Cause - it doesn’t compute. You have an insurrectionist/rapist/felon/extortionist as a president. Critical thought is all that
We have been in a constitutional crisis for 61 days. That is the obvious reality from not an Ivy League law expert - that’s just the humble opinion of this tradesman based on nothing more then the result of critical thought
If it were me and between immense personal embarrassment and rule of law, im choosing rule of law. I am not a coward. But I’m not in BigLaw, I’m just a little mid firm civil lawyer lady. I don’t make millions to sell my soul.
I think every newsroom editor would agree the consistent difference in capitalization of "justice" vs. "Justice" is significant. PW memorialized the US Constitution+249yr body of law vs. Felon47's DOJ for 4 years. Lawyers veer from pedestrian-speak in UC, so use of the generic LC is meaningful.
Mr. Karp loves making money more than he loves democracy, and he's clearly got a lot of it to play the extortion game with the Orange Idiot. So very pathetic and damaging to the legal profession and the Rule of Law. WHERE ARE YOU, DEM LEADERS????
Interesting: Paul, Weiss still has inclusion matl on its website, & the exact language of the EO that rescinds the original EO provides them leeway in its wording to continue to do exactly what they've been doing, while providing $40M of PB for vaguely defined causes. Karp may have played them.
If the reporting is accurate, the sad and demoralizing aspect is that they appeared close to choosing the right course. Interesting that the transactional partners were persuasive, but you can’t extrapolate success in their realm of doing deals to making deals with an authoritarian leader.
They won’t fight because they’ve never had to fight for anything in their lives. These are mediocre white men born on third base who think they hit a triple because everything in their world tells them that.
My Mom's boss was the senior partner at Paul Weiss and he's spinning in his grave. I grew up at the firm. Even way back when my Mom didn't like Karp. Jesus, depressing.
I worked at a firm with a partner named Marvin Karp - been trying to figure out if they were/are related. (I don’t think he would have behaved this way tho.)
My Mom didn't like him as a young associate, then partner. Couldn't put her finger on it but she didn't trust him. And this is about 40 years ago! This would not have happened with Arthur Liman as senior partner. I'm glad my Mom is not alive to see this.
Yes, he was! My Mom watched Doug grow up, go to NYU for film study, and she was invited to the premier of Swingers. ☺️ He also directed first. Bourne Identity
No, it wasn't only his and I probably knew most of them as young associates and it was a staunchly Democratic firm. If Arthur Liman were alive, a former and legendary senior partner we wouldn't be having this conversation. Absolutely gutted on its comedown.
Hey, George, just curious… WHY WERE YOU NOT THIS OUTRAGED IN 2015? This ALL started bc of YOUR EX-WIFE. This is only unbelievable if you don’t think about how far back this 🐂 💩 started.
He definitely started out on the wrong team, but he declined a Trump admin position, divorced his cult member wife, campaigned for Kamala, and has been consistently rock steady on his small-d democratic values. IMO there’s a lot to admire about GC.
He divorced her YEARS AFTER the 1st admin. I simply don’t take him seriously. He cares about restoring the status quo where the GOP just 🤥 and hate-monger like they have since Nixon. He wants the cover of respectability that MAGA ripped away. MAGA is the GOP endgame. That’s not what 🇺🇸 needs.
Seems to me that the scales continue to drop from his eyes. I doubt he would go back to the GWB years w/out any hesitation now. But totally get your disappointment and skepticism.
Someone posted the entertainment clients of Paul Weiss yesterday. All I can say is I will give those actors and Production companies the weekend to have their names removed before I choose other sources of entertainment. I’m not an Apollo client but I can sure choose not to utilize their companies.
It is. The mega white shoe firms in DC have made a fortune in the US legal system. Maniac47 throws a dubious, if not blatantly "law suit"and they cave in a heartbeat. Try to convince otherwise me that they don't have the wherewithal to defend themselves.
Ironic when a lawfirm chooses to "settle" rather than have a "long drawn out court case." They only like those when the $$ are coming on, not going out.
Let’s all just roll over and let Felon45/47 run our democracy into the ground, never to be seen again.
What a Pathetic law firm! Their financial bottom line is more important than our democracy……🤔
So he betrayed a vulnerable business that had an excellent reason to expect his firm’s help? Does this firm expect clients to trust it? If you’re crazy enough to hire Paul Weiss you should be prepared.l for betrayal of trust.
Was there anyone else in the room when Trump met with Karp? Because I think that, once again, someone who seemed to have some ethics was swayed by Kompromat.
It’s sad but how many of us will fight for justice when faced with wrath of Trump JoD threat of El Salvador? Many of us will bend over. Many of us still use Twitter and instagram. We are the problem. Sure it’s easy to point fingers. I’m guilty of not fighting this with my life.
What a bunch of rich, spoiled designer suits they are! Haven’t any of these wimps realized he only has as much power as they give him? That goes for you too Congress!!
This is disgusting. And, from a Democrat firm! We're all going to be suffering from PTTSD (post trump traumatic stress disorder) when this term is over.
I honestly don't get why anyone would be surprised by big law firms caving to trump. I've never had to deal with one, thank god, but assume the goal is just making a ton of money, full stop
I’m surprised since these “elite” firms hold themselves out to be the best of the best. Indeed, there are many talented lawyers in their ranks. This attorney was hoping for a coordinated joint effort among them to absolutely demolish these outrageous EOs in clever, decisive fashion.
We took an oath - I thought these “elites” might want to be the showiest at upholding it, given their attitudes and resources. In law school profs were so adamant about protecting the profession - but Paul Weiss said nah, money. Embarrassing, shameful.
Respectfully, I disagree. There is nothing worse than a parent (mother) selling her child. I would put this law firm's kowtowing on the same level. What they sold is their integrity and their country.
I'm surprised all of these "men" who are caving survived elementary school without any bruises or broken bones from the 3rd grade bullies. Seems to me they were ripe for "give me your lunch money or I'll punch you in the face" tactics.
Karp took the road less traveled like former Harvard Law School dean Roscoe Pound who, in 1920, defended the rights of immigrants swept up illegally in the Palmer Raids to, just a few years later, friend of Hans Frank, a prominent Nazi lawyer and convicted Nuremberg defendant.
"Throwing a former prosecutor under the bus for doing his job and agreeing to tens of millions of dollars in pro bono work for Trump-aligned initiatives compounds the problem. They effectively sold themselves into servitude for the next four years."
It’s actually DISGUSTING all these people who have the power and financial means are caving to #Authoritarianism and that includes the #TechOligatchy as well……smh
God almighty’s dollar takes the spine of most men.
Amazing how that works.
And people wonder ehy Boeing’s planes are crashing more often…. Commercial decisions all for a dollar!
Sad and scary.
But sadly not unbelievable or surprising in today’s environment.
Shocking (and I hope this kind of thing stays shocking!!!) but not surprising
Bow down and pay through the nose. This is the state of the con man's politics today. If you promise to donate to him, he'll give you a reprieve. If not, you face the full force of his cherry-picked judges, lawyers and attempts to subvert justice and the law. He's not a king or dictator yet.
We see the leaders. AOC. Bernie. Frost. Crockett. Pritzger. Walz. Kinzinger. Buttigieg. We need to stand up to our own party and tell them who WE want in charge of this fight, and everyone else needs to join or get the hell out of the way.
Yep. Look at that coalition of people you named. Left and center. Women and men. Black, brown, white. Different religions. Gay and straight. THIS is America. The common thread of leadership is simply the willingness to fight and the belief that democracy should work for all of us.
I believe so, who would hire a law firm that doesn't even fight for themselves, yet tell you they"all fight for you? I'd never trust them again, especially if I was fighting the government in a lawsuit.
What kind of clients were leaving as a result of this - not the right kind for sure..now hopefully all the best clients and best people will leave - if they have any morals
Clients that needed government security clearances, or wanted to stay on the government's good side. Presume Trump is telling Raytheon and others they can't do business with blacklisted firms. They just needed to fight this nonsense and it would have been struck down
Yes - if the powerful fight back then they can affect change but if they bend the knee then it becomes the norm. Thats why consumer boycotts can be really powerful - they send a clear message
No. It’s worse than that. Even after a court struck down the EO, Trump could always reach in and whisper what he wants. E.g., don’t settle any lawsuit if PW is the law firm. I agree PW did the wrong thing- but either choice was bad for them.
I think clients have because of Trump's XO. I'd quit now if I was their client, if they wont defend the rule of law and fight for themselves, how would I ever believe they would for me??
I tend to think organizations/people who bend to his will did so because they were threatened. If they didn't fall in line, harm or worse would happen to the person or the family. $$$ was probably in the equation. Why else would so many GOP senators and reps pretend they're OK with the destruction?
If you look at the period leading up to and through until the middle of WW2, most people in Germany and the occupied countries ranged from happy to at least acquiescence in the actions of the Third Reich
Ordinary citizens with professional degrees who had no outspoken political ideology were recruited into adjunct police forces and willingly committed atrocities, some murdering tens of thousands of people per day.
Don't underestimate the evil that ordinary people can do.
I agree - Hannah Arendt talks about the “banality of evil” - because few people pull the trigger but many many are complicit in the process to get to that point and think of it as simple administration disconnected from the end result
Agreed. That’s the sad part. And with the propaganda machine, algorithms, and 24 hour news feed it makes it even more difficult to break the news cycle.
Yes - it boils down to believing that someone else that you don’t like is suffering, not you so why fight back. The technology changes but the message and approach is the same through time
Except, just about everyone will get touched at some point. Too many may end up earning an approximate 14K/yr salary, imprisoned, deported to El Salvador/or wherever, accidentally falling over a balcony, poisoned, and on and on.
That’s exactly the point - the fact that you are not on the first list doesn’t protect you from being on a list at some stage - eventually everyone will appear on the list as control becomes increasingly tight to protect those in power
Remember the Trump admin has the Epstein files and they are not afraid to use them. Just not release them. It would be interesting to see if capitulations are somehow linked!
big law generates massive sums of generational wealth for its partners. the rest of us incorrectly assumed that they would, at the very least, uphold and advocate for the rule of law, which has given them so much. their cowardice is an indelible moral stain.
This quote from the article makes no sense: "concerned that other firms would now face a choice between bowing to Mr. Trump or abandoning their principles or political beliefs to avoid financial calamity." Are those two the *same thing*? The third choice would be to stick with your principles.
This is why the public has low regard for lawyers. They are right there with politicians. We don’t like them, we don’t trust them, many are in it for themselves, yet our system of government makes them necessary. We only hope that a few good ones will outweigh the rest.
I wish they'd all realize you have to be willing to make these people look weak and little. Their hold over people is fear, but we don't have anything to fear yet. We'll have plenty to fear if we don't tear them down very soon. Call them names. Challenge them to fights. They're weak AF.
WE have plenty to fear NOW! Look at recent blatant unconstitutional actions... deporting people to another country, no vetting ir due process, based on what?
Yes, unbelievable. How many times do we see this? You can't touch Trump without getting dirty. Everyone thinks they're the one that can placate him and solve their issues, but it's impossible.
It's almost like somebody dangled some incredibly compromising personal details about the guy in front of his nose, and he flipped. And here we have domestic and international U.S. intelligence under the control of the White House.
Never forget who bent the knee. They will try to walk back their behavior in the future. Be ready to remind them exactly what they are, and what it cost them to support Trump.
Every domino that topples willingly makes the coup easier. Paul Weiss could have fought and became known as a protector of democracy. Good lawyers don't bend to blackmail. Paul Weiss might end up the fanciest law firm in a dictatorship, but they'll always be known as the first to lick the boot.
NOTICE: The Paul Weiss law firm will not vigorously advocate on behalf of their clients. They will sell out their clients if they determine that's in the best interests of the law firm. Smart clients will seek other counsel.
Sometimes, it doesn't take the chips being down or the possibility of death. It just takes threatening their account balance to show you people's true COWARDLY nature.
The thing you must do is remember who failed & revealed themselves a coward & never trust or forgive them. Ever again.
What were you saying the other day about integrity of big legal? You really should read some history about the details of how democracies die. The people at the bottom are tricked into electing them with false promises while the people at the top are complicit to preserve their power and wealth.
Me, I have 👋. If we ever see a non redacted release, I'll eat my words. Until then, everyone who bends the knee and kisses the ring is either on that list or putin's.
I think there are a number of politicians and high profile people that Trump has dirt on. Schumer being one as well, after all they both run in New York circles.
American cowardice. This is why I'm encouraging my children to pursue brave partners out of this country. Too many weak-kneed who have no integrity or courage.
This truly makes me sick inside. How will this law firm advertise their legal services going forward? Who will trust them for difficult cases? Seems to me their firm just became pretty dim.
Paul Weiss has trumpeted how it was the first major New York City firm to have Jewish and non-Jewish lawyers working alongside each other, to hire a Black associate and to have a female partner.
Just about anyone can be persuaded by a team with sufficient resources...
In 2025, Trump is the Mafia mob boss.
Dep Secy Miller's AFL law firm likely benefits the most by Paul Weiss caving in & taking their knowledge to his white s*premacist advantage.
Musk, having unfettered access to his foreign and domestic competitors, enables him to TAKE things and get credit for it.
having a congress that will agree with Trump & DOGE position on ending FEMA will cost Florida billions in aid that pays for damages insurance won't pay. Thus your insurance crisis will get worse. Impacting everyone in your state.
What did trump have on them?
Did he threaten to put the DOJ on them?
However, my guess is that the threat might be worse and more imminent than that, but only revealed in private.
Cause - it doesn’t compute. You have an insurrectionist/rapist/felon/extortionist as a president. Critical thought is all that
So yeah, why would any legal firm want their names associated with that?
This is not governing. They are ruling. Big difference and just the tip of the iceberg
Just another way this administration mimics the fascist - if not the Nazi playbook.
America is a country of laws. It is the glue that holds the fabric of society together. Without it, everything is lost.
Ever since the United States of America was handed over to a criminal - FULL STOP
Because it was easier to bend over for Trump to kick him in the —s
I believe this all can and will get much worse.
We all need to bolster one another.
Sorry for the omission. GCR
It’s treason for personal profit.
What a Pathetic law firm! Their financial bottom line is more important than our democracy……🤔
What do WE do with people more invested in their own small lives than in the safety of the globe leading others down the garden path to dictatorship?
Republicans make everything worse.
That's plain suction of Trump's arse!
Amazing how that works.
And people wonder ehy Boeing’s planes are crashing more often…. Commercial decisions all for a dollar!
But sadly not unbelievable or surprising in today’s environment.
Shocking (and I hope this kind of thing stays shocking!!!) but not surprising
Honestly, there's nothing more embarrassing than being a cog in the machine of totalitarianism!
Don't underestimate the evil that ordinary people can do.
Oh wait.
The American elite: doing their part for themselves to Make American Great Again.
It’s ridiculous at this point
Sometimes, it doesn't take the chips being down or the possibility of death. It just takes threatening their account balance to show you people's true COWARDLY nature.
The thing you must do is remember who failed & revealed themselves a coward & never trust or forgive them. Ever again.
Summer Associates:
Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Elena Kagan
Sonya Sotomayor
Hakeem Jeffries
Got a better explanation?
Very interesting conspiracy theory.
#Ftrump, #fElon, #RESISTANCE, #Wakeup
this explains a lot