I swear to god I can see a corneal scar in the left eye from here. Probably from that ginormous facial fold full of yeast that I can smell, too. At LEAST he’s not as exophthalmic as most.
I love pugs, but we need to set a better standard for the winning dogs to ensure they are in peak health. Many brachycephalic breeds, like French Bulldogs, pugs, and Bulldogs, often have breathing difficulties.
I completely agree. I saw DVM and was being playful with the boo'ing, but having worked in pug rescue for years, I too worry about the negative effects a win like this can have.
I can't look at an English bulldog without thinking of the breathing struggles by the one our neighbors had, and that was in the 1960s. Norway has tried to make rules about these breeds, to mixed progress.
I agree. German Shepherds with sloping weak hind ends, brachycephalic breathing issues, mastiff puppies with heads too big to birth naturally, King Charles with skulls too small for their brains, Sad what people do to these animals.
Bowie the brindle and his cattle dog mate!