My neighbors are Trumpers. One is a postal worker and the other an immigrant. Yesterday they hung an American flag on their mailbox…. WTF?? I don’t understand!!!!
I think we need to change this to say “most evil” instead. They’re smart enough to understand the cruelty in their choices and relish in the pain and suffering they are causing to others.
And their dumbness has become dangerous enough that it will require a new kind of "affirmative action" they'll hate a whole lot more than the one they hate now.
to the 80 percent that think that any polititians give a fuck about the people, u are delusional. they all are in politics to get rich and have power. neither party gives a fuck about you.
Me too. I want to know why they persist in the face of everything he has done. There has to be some logic to it. I refuse to believe that 30% of US citizens are idiots.
I used to doubt that. I've lost my faith in the face of clear facts. The part that hurts is that another 20% have joined them. I'm hoping the 20% will see the light before it's too late.
They are brainwashed. They are programed by a steady stream of false narratives coming from what they believe is news (tv, radio, social media). They believe dems are liars, commies,etc & GOP are patriots & only they can save our country, blah,blah,blah. Repeat a lie often enough it becomes truth.
Where do they get their statistics from? Just people who still answer their landlines? I see so many variances and they always seem high for the wanna be dictator.
Not sure where u get 30% from but trust me, he has majority support over here now. And I'm ashamed to say that. I have former friends — lifelong Democrats — who I never thought were racist or bigots who have proven they are exactly that. The US has been poisoned.
Right after his inauguration I heard from relatives in Ireland that many there were ok with election results. Now I’m hearing the majority hate him as much as we do because he has made EU vulnerable to Russia.
we strive for improvement, a little prosperity and a happy life. This type of people cannot be reached with positive messages.The GOP and DT serve this pressure on the lives of their voters. Everything is bad, dangerous, unfair. These people are lost and they will remain so. They are lost.
Nothing will improve the lives of these people, because they want to wallow in suffering and blame others for it. They are not looking for solutions, for improvements, suffering is their life. For me and many other people here, this is incomprehensible because…
Since Covid, people have been looking for someone to blame for their personal misery, in the USA and also in Germany. It is easy for populists to win over these people with simple messages.
This “supporters” are a direct result of eight wing propaganda that began with FOX since 1997. Most people that still watch FOX don’t comprehend how deep they are in the fascist cult who is now fully engage in the treason against America!
FOX should have been taken off the air! You would have thought their viewers would have stopped watching when they were sued and had to pay all that money. Dummies
I got a MAGA all unhinged for questioning DOGE. He didn't know that the Republicans had just gutted Medicare & SNAP. When I said that the most vulnerable among us were the first to get hit, he could not respond. Everybody at the table just went silent. They don't even know what they are defending.
They are exactly what our brave soldiers who froze in fox hole, who burned on ships and who gave everything they had to protect the US from! They are Russian Putin Dictator loving fascists! They are NOT what the US is and should NEVER be!
Sadly, many in the Maga base have systematically been brainwashed. They don't realize they are in a cult that most of them can't afford. It'll be interesting to see how they react when their SS and Medicare are messed with.
MAGATs will continue supporting that criminal POS & GOP enablers even if they run out of food & are homeless. Blows me away d amount of MAGAT morons. The cult is real & it NEVER ends well.
I believe there are too many MAGettes that are just too embarrassed to admit they were wrong out loud. In their thinking that would be giving into the libs. I’m finding they suddenly don’t want to talk politics at all now & even bringing up the news at all is claimed as an “lib”attack on them.
I wish it was 30%. Last I checked, his approval was still 45%. That's way more people supporting a child predator that's destroying everything than I could have ever imagined, but, he's consistently been at that approval for a while.
The Problem is - you pull the rest of us down into the slimy gutter with you. And you don't even realize that's where we are! Ah, to live in your white polyanna world.
Trump is trying to tap down Americans disgust with his Alliance with Putin, He posted Sunday: "We should spend less time worrying about Putin, and more time worrying about migrant rape gangs, drug lords, murderers, and people from mental institutions entering our Country.."
America and Russia have so much in common. Both want to take countries that don't belong to them. Neither can be trusted, and both Trump and Putin lie each and everyday.
Let this be clear … the United States is NO LONGER the leader of the free world. That moniker now belongs to the UK and France, and 2 highly normal, fiercely loyal friends of democracy. The White House is now a branch of the Kremlin.
My father has become a Russian asset by staying loyal to Trump! He might angrily yell an "ARE YOU F****** HAPPY?!" in the event we finally remove Trump and get a kindhearted Female-in-Chief...
I should say, "Hell yeah...!" With a crying smile in the event, we finally get a female POTUS...
♦️Everybody they are pushing for an audit of the paper votes yay! They're asking for your help please listen and share. If you can't listen you can read the pics for what to do. This is the best news!! 💜
People lie, numbers don't, data can tell a story, and this data does.
I have been pounding on this since they pointed out the early anomalies in Clark County Nevada. I know everyone is sick of hearing the "election was rigged" crap, right ? Don't wanna even look at it..see what POtuS did ?
They're not dumb. Let's stop giving them that excuse. They are hateful bigoted NAZIs. They WANT what he's doing. They voted for him for exactly this purpose. They support him for doing exactly what he's doing.
All GOP politicians are currently chained to Trump. If they cut the chains, they fall from power. Things will need to deteriorate much further for them to be willing to put their country over themselves. How low must we go?
dumb, racist or just assholes - those are the three categories I see as donald devotees. And I saw a RV emblazoned with donald regalia - and it's like, if you don't have sense enough to see how bizarre your behavior, then you probably are mentally ill and should be removed from mainstream society.
It's an Idiocracy...and MAGAts seem to have some sort of 'roid rage. 🙄 These trailer park dwellers who wear diapers on the outside of their clothing and Kotex pads on their ears have nothing but white privilege. WTF are they so angry about. It sure as hell wasn't the price of eggs. ✌️🤓✌️
IT WAS NOT A TRUMP LANDSLIDE‼️ if America wakes up to his dictatorship, treason and disastrous economic policies, we can hand him a massive loss in true landslide form 🇺🇸
If God sent a child predator to blow up services that benefit the poor, then God is evil and I don't care if he will punish me for it. I won't ever follow that kind of monster.
Perhaps, not God but god. God doesn't need those. I think of these time just like the end period of Catholic Empire, selling notes of forgiveness in exchange of money. What they are doing is nothing to do with God but something to do with money & the power they learned through lying to the sheep.
I agree. If there is a benevolent deity out there, it would have nothing to do with a neo-reactionary movement headed by a child predator. Nor would it need a child predator to speak for it. It's all about money and power.
Church folks has started creating their own party. If you see the candidate for special election in FL1 and 6, you will see unusual party name. They are all pastors or graduates from seminary. 3rd party that I have not expected as.
I used to know people that voted for him because they believe he's the antiChrist and will bring the end times... so they can go to heaven.... for voting for the antichrist....
Most are misguided, misinformed, ignorant even. But what concerns me is even though it's probably a very low percentage, those few who align themselves with this Cult and aware of it's damage are truly troublesome and deeply concerning of those few who dream of this.
Just for the record, this is 30% polled, not the 🇺🇸. Only 60 million ppl voted for trump, there's 340mil in the USA. That's approximately 17.5% of the US population. It's time we stop blaming his supporters and start blaming those who refused to go and vote. His dopes actually showed up. Just facts
It isn’t that I don’t agree but I want to win as many of them as possible over to our side. I feel we have to try to show them the positive side of our message as we try to do this if we will have any chance of changing their minds.
2016, maybe confused even conned?, 2020, you might be in a cult and not know it?, 2024, you’re an idiot!
Unfortunately, their stupidity is consequences we ALL have to live with
They’ll go down with that ship.
It reveals such a horrible side to people it does make us sick.
I holding hope.
They, on the other hand, can't help themselves but call other people names to raise their own self-worth.
Just sayin'
“Elon Mask” by RavenPhyre
Who the f$ck is Peter Thiel?
#resist #persist #exist #RiseUp #AmericanHistory #FollowTheMoney
#bluecrew #punchnazis #Elon #Musk #Trump #Thiel #Vance #Bongino
I should say, "Hell yeah...!" With a crying smile in the event, we finally get a female POTUS...
they had their analual meeting last week.
Some are just f’n evil and now proudly have a spokesman
I have been pounding on this since they pointed out the early anomalies in Clark County Nevada. I know everyone is sick of hearing the "election was rigged" crap, right ? Don't wanna even look at it..see what POtuS did ?
5% are the supporters closest to Rump, they are cowards and just afraid of him, why I don't know...
The 25% are dumb as rocks, most of those are chickenshits as well
Evil leadership.
Stupid followers.
Now we know. Zero critical thinking skills.
Mind you, the Republicans work hard to keep them that way, providing poorly funded and poor quality education, no world history, economics, civics.
Trump: "I love the poorly educated".
Soon FAFO will replace WOKE in said vocabulary.
I explain their bullshit below:
Oh, Trump is chosen by God. God has sent the Trump.
You would reach more people, when you add a good description into the Alt-text field.
That is pretty easy, especially, when your image just contain text.
This way, you support visually impaired people and everyone else, who rely on a good filled Alt-text.
These poll numbers are before the BS stunt pulled in the Oval Office last week & I fully expect a lot of those numbers to change.
Unfortunately, their stupidity is consequences we ALL have to live with