Just came from an eye appointment and my doctor and I were talking about this very fact. She is encouraging her staff to get out and vote and not to split it. Our ridings here in Mississauga can all turn Liberal if we vote strategically. Optometrists in Ontario has felt the squeeze by Doug Ford.
The provincial PCs are equivalent to the American Republican Party
They want to privatize everything so a few can profit from tax payer money
They would rather the population walk around blind then pay for a eye check up
If you need any information about the where, when and how of the Ontario election, its all available at https://www.elections.on.ca.
Remember to use the website below to vote strategically for the best option to stop Doug Ford and the Conservative Party from selling out Ontario. https://votewell.ca
Remember there will be no price gauging during the pandemic
All just talk
Trying to open the green belt for his friends to profit
Robbing future generations of food
Neither do I. Most will stay home and those who vote will split the vote. I am still voting and my riding sees the Liberals as the best to unseat the conservatives. That's if the NDP stay home here in Mississauga Streetsville.
Caught in too many lies
They want to privatize everything so a few can profit from tax payer money
They would rather the population walk around blind then pay for a eye check up
People like his stupid hat I guess
Remember to use the website below to vote strategically for the best option to stop Doug Ford and the Conservative Party from selling out Ontario.
All just talk
Trying to open the green belt for his friends to profit
Robbing future generations of food
LOL ROB ford, robber ford
Makes me wonder about the Provincial poll numbers and if they could be manipulated since she has obvious biases.