It’s incredible how much easier it is to enjoy AEW on here man… like, no one gets angry at me for geeking out over shit I love
It’s the simple things innit…
It’s the simple things innit…
How can somebody not like Toni Storm right now? Dahling.....
I look forward to having lots of chats during Revolution.
Hope they trip on their way down the stairs
It nice to have to freedom to block or mute someone that insists you owe them honest discourse while they attack you.
Thank you
Damn, I wanna be that washed up.
Absolutely horrific website to try and have actual discussions on.
I legit almost gave up on pro wrestling because I felt that I was hated for enjoying aew and I couldn't afford to watch aew anymore
And the whole comments in other media post EC was agonizing.
#wrestlesky helped me stay passionate about pro wrestling. I'll never forget
How dare you!
Something something dickride, something something glaze, blah blah blah neckbeard mark.
So many of these people gave their enjoyment...
Likewise, there are those who need to be on the winning side and therefore want AEW to fail...
And let's not forget that there are those who call out anything where black people are shown as anything but stereotypes as woke and hate on it, so we all know which shows they hate and which they love.