This is tough, because my favorite villains are either big guys like Dr. Doom & Darkseid or colorful smaller threats like Captain Boomerang & Batroc the Leaper.
Is Veronica Cale B tier? She might be. She's not widely known outside of comics, which is a shame, 'cause she's great. Let's go with her.
Is Veronica Cale B tier? She might be. She's not widely known outside of comics, which is a shame, 'cause she's great. Let's go with her.
Still, I’m looking forward to seeing Kelly Thompson’s take on her.
Always thought he was cool, but I fell in love with him in John Ostrander’s Suicide Squad run and Deadshot’s two miniseries. Such a great character.
I’d love to talk about Veronica (or any lesser known villain you like) on an episode.
Her story, especially during the Rebirth run, with her daughter, is so compelling!!