81 million people voted for Biden...that's his mandate to use his absolute immunity and stop this billionaire funded coup...if he fails democracy and the rule of law is dead... gone forever...
Focus on the working class message, the republicans are going to tear this shit down. We need to be there as the safety net when these people are finally deprogrammed from right wing propaganda.
What we need is counter-propaganda. We need more people meeting them where they are who project an archetype of engagement that we want people to have. We need left-wing sports commentators who don't shy away from "talking politics". RW propaganda is ubiquitous and needs to be broken by force.
Yep. The right wing media machine is massive. It’s disgusting what they put out but there’s no doubt they reach they have. Dems need to push harder on social media and get on the biggest platforms they can to actually show people what they want.
Not just social media - we need local TV news and radio stations, podcasts that rival Tucker, Candace, and Rogan. There is no 24-hour financial news network for the left! If you want to know how the economy is doing, you turn on CNBC or Fox Business - the consequences of that are painfully obvious!
this. this. this…we should have run on the economy. minimum wage should be $22 an hour…happy it got bumped to $15 but that is still an unlivable wage. people also should know which party “wants” (tho hasn’t delivered) on strengthening anti trust laws & other means to protect consumers
While I do believe we need to change our messaging to be more effective.. I also believe that we are fighting against nearly a decade of the most effective misinformation campaign in modern US history. We have to unravel all of these deep seeded ideas that have been implanted by right wing media
11M Missing souls that didnt do what they did for Biden. You could say that mail-in made it so easy to vote that Dems picked up a lot during the pandemic, we know Trumpians are motivated enough to go through anything to cast that vote, including plowing through a swamp of endless BS.
Robert I have a great respect for you and the job your doing. I am happy your on bsky now. I came across this piece on IMGUR yesterday. https://imgur.com/gallery/from-robert-reich-this-morning-nJDkDOO Its very disturbing . I am wondering if you actually wrote it or if its misinformation being spread in your name.
Well, I think it’s safe to say when we have 7 fake bomb threats in Black communities in swing stage on election day causing the polling stations to evacuate there’s going to appear that less democratic votes were cast.
I wouldn’t rush to call that Democratic abandonment.
And also, there was Russian and Chinese interference through manipulation of media algorithms. It’s like competing against Lance Armstrong in the Tour de France.
Hoping the Democrat oligarchs do anything is a waste of time (and I voted for Kamala).
They failed to put Trump in jail. They failed to get the economy under control. They failed to codify Roe. They enabled fascist rhetoric to thrive.
Tied-hands when in office, all-powerful when not (or to fund war)
trump not being jail is 100% on the GOP. They could have stopped this shit 4 years ago! Instead we are stuck with a corrupt and stolen “supreme” court who granted the POS Immunity. It’s literally un-fu@#ing believable.
Hope isn't the same as optimism. Optimism is expecting a good outcome without doing anything. Hope is believing that a good outcome is achievable if we do what we need to do.
Trump gets to break all of the rules, stand up on national TV and spout off lies. Whatever gets him the win.
But Democrats are too precious for that. And maybe they can't compete with that and play fair
And if that's the case then we need a new party that breaks the rules to protect our basic rights
The economy has been booming under Biden - for the rich elite class.
The job market's been horrible since June 2023. Grocery price gouging. Rising housing prices.
Biden hardly providing any support to UA, but donating bombs to IL.
And of course Trump won, he lied and claimed he'd fix the economy.
Providing arms assistance allows us to "recycle" and replenish our nation's stockpiles and provide American families working for the defense complex jobs and a sustainable income:
Which trickles down into the local economies and contributes to job growth and opportunities.
We're still materialistic weasels. We're so focused on money and financial stability--that we never even *acknowledge* the real face of America anymore:
Except duriing elections and then...it just goes away and resurfaces (again) 4 years later?
We haven't fixed these issues because the other side would no talking points and our own concept of "existing" would be forever changed?
Other nations around the world have already done the things that we (ourselves) aren't willing to commit ourselves to executing and laying the groundwork.
We're not pushing the right message of equality for all.
We get killed in the elections by the "belief" that everything is "socialism" or"communism" and Republicans are more than happy to be the Grim Reaper on the issue at hand?
Talking about a living wage, universal healthcare, workers rights, unionized jobs, etc...it scares the shit out of a lot of people--because (in our mindset) we have to give up a lot of creature comforts and income just to make things equal (and accessible) for the vulnerable and less fortunate?
Like I pointed out earlier? Democrats can only do so much. The party had to rebuild itself after the Bush years.
We're still in a stronger position, but we haven't been able to break through the log jam successfully--because of our cherished policy ideas and ambitious agendas?
People today can barely work a calculator. Most can't read, write or know how to decipher an end cap at a grocery store, let alone read a grocery receipt?
If you can't do none of these things, how are you going to be able to do a high-level job in accounting or working for Boeing as an engineer?
You can be afraid of the bully and still stand up to the bully. And you certainly don't hand over a democracy to them just because you're afraid. That's still letting the bully win, and lots of people are still going to die.
Why should we accept 4 years of rampant violence? Biden controls the fed agencies, the intelligence.
Why are right-wing thugs (completely infiltrated) allowed to roam the streets & assault people? Why's a Russian comped asset our president?
Sounds like typical cishet white male ignorance of reality
We have almost no gun laws on the books--at the federal. The right has turned the Second Amendment into a blank check to kill others and commit mass murder. (Even though they deny that's their "intent"?)
They have caches of weapons and ammunition you can shake a stick at.
Republicans aren't stupid. But a lot of them realize that the machinations of our own federal government structure is so entwined and complex, that creating a "small government" would be impossible--without impacting the whole nation and the people?
The way the world *works* with governments like ours is that nothing is easier said than *done*.
They think they can do whatever they want--do the things they promised to do for *years*: Ending the Fed, getting rid of the Department of Education, things like that?
At times, we have to play the role of the defeated man. To make ourselves indispensible and invaluable--while laying the groundwork for our own brand of revenge:
Which would cripple the other side and make things impossible to get things done?
I personally think it was rigged. I'm sorry but there's no way Republicans went from barely winning the mid terms to taking over all three branches of government. And Trump won the popular vote??? GTFOH....no way.
Manufacturing jobs actually increased for the first time in 2 decades. DoJ was trying to actually enforce Anti trust laws. NLRB was actually empowering unions across the nation. All of this happened under Biden. Did they talk about any of these?
When I talk to Trumpers, I quickly realize that we are living in completely different worlds when it comes to information. I was told this week that Tim Walz is a pedophile, Epstein was a CIA agent, and pretty much all negative info on Trump was manufactured by “the deep state.”
They are listening to RW talk radio shows that amplify Russian disinformation. This is what we are up against and this type of brainwashing is very difficult to combat. The Biden admin should have been trying harder to tackle this problem.
Agreed. I was feeling confident about the polls until I started traveling more this fall. On every plane ride I saw middle-class looking, business-type people reading Newmax and the like.
Unfortunately The Establishment Democrats only stand for Neoliberal Political Correctness.
From the Clinton era on the Democratic party was trying to be centrist to "Hold hands and sing Kumbaya" with the Republicans, resulting in pushing the Republicans further to the right.
Criticism of Dems' political messaging isn't necessarily useful right now. Here's why:
The election was defined by disinformation, lies, brainwashing, billionaire interference (Musk's $200-mil), and distortions of reality. Harris may have won without Musk's PAC shifting public opinion at the end.
The party needs to put labor voices in the forefront of its messaging -- there are union members capable of reaching the podcast demo we've lost (i.e. @unionproundwarrior)
That's why they don't want to listen to him. Many people can't accept they are wrong, so when they hear Bernie preach, they automatically jump to their stupid instincts and deny everything. It's always easier to blame others than to own their own problems
I respect you but disagree. Biden created more jobs than the last 3 R presidents combined, resurrected the economy and fought to preserve unions. The Rs blocked price gouging bills and any other bills that would help the public. The media refuses to blame both sides for fear that Rs retaliate.
"We now know that nine million fewer votes were cast nationwide in 2024 than in 2020." -- I've seen people disagreeing on if this number is accurate. Could you say what your source for this number is?
And what did Republicans give them? The Dems gave plenty of economic solutions to people who were paying attention. I suppose you think that the 54% of the country reading below a 6th grade level now had nothing to do with it ....
Fairer economy? For who? Just say white folks feel like too many of you black & brown folks have more than them & they feel entitled to it just because it’s owed to them for being white. Enough
Why do we need a democratic party? We'd be better served by a website that let voters choose agendas through ranked choice voting. Use ranked choice voting to select candidates and get them on the ballot as independents.
Not sure I can agree, abstention can’t be the only cause of Double Trump, it’s essential appeal and repetition of the message, fundamental resonance , suspension of belief, theatre if you will, million $ per night for xx Las Vegas Christian Nationalists. #usa #election
Said exactly this yesterday. I am certain that the labour government here in the UK is going to lose after a single term too. Their tough choices are all for the disabled, the elderly, the poor. The economy can be doing well, but with inequality, it doesn't feel like that for most.
3- Wherever 3rd party candidates were on the state ballot it increased 47’s popular vote total & decreased the VP margins in those states like it did with Hillary
4- Then the missed opportunities by POTUS Biden&VP Harris with timing, campaign strategy&spending by both&VERY BAD MESSAGING
The Biden administration was moving in the right direction. In my view Putin/Trump/Oligarchy taking advantage of the first amendment and using propaganda and misinformation to subdue the system. They have succeeded Repression will be next.
What if the low turnout on the left was because of voter suppression and intimidation, including threatening to use the American military against American people on the left?
While dems try to bribe affinity groups with debt relief and other narrow actions (focusing on “the trees”), they ignore “the forest” WHICH IS the 60% who barely make ends meet and keep hopelessly falling behind. Then dems are baffled when voters ignore the trees, and only see the forest.
Why couldn't they have stood for a fairer economy while making sure a fascist didn't get elected? They are about to understand how much more unfair the economy will be under Trump and his authoritarian/loyalist kleptocratic regime/kakistocracy.
No the real mandate is for a new party, by and for the middleclass....the people. Democrat leaders have made it clear that they think they have the solutions when they are part of the problem.
In July 2024, former U.S. President Donald Trump told a crowd, "Get out and vote! Just this time. You won't have to do it anymore! Four more years, you know what? It'll be fixed, it'll be fine, you won't have to vote anymore."
They started realigning the economy this time but it wasn't fast enough for it to spread far and wide. There's a huge hole for them to dig out of that's going to take more than one term.
And disinformation campaigns didn't help matters. Instead, Trump is going to take office with a stellar economy.
Hi Robert. Was it really that they didn’t vote or someone destroying democratic votes? I know I don’t have proof and it is a conspiracy theory but I think there’s more than enough to question it
“Blue-collar private-sector workers earned more on average in 1972, after adjusting for inflation, than they are earning now in 2024. This means today’s blue-collar workers are on average earning less in real dollars than their grandparents earned 52 years ago.”
Or the game is pretend to not vote, stay quiet, infiltrate, contaminate and bam vote trump.... funny how so many are no longer democrat just in time to vote
Was it truly an abandonment?
The Left won so many races, except for key elections in swing states, just enough to give GOP the white house, and congress.
Strange, ne?
Voting is a civic duty, not an occasional moody whim. There are lots of spiteful missing noses from faces. And yes, misogyny and racism did play a part, either actively or passively, in these people’s voting decisions. May they come to understand their mistakes and stop being fickle children.
Reminds me of the quote "all that is required for evil to win is for good people to do nothing" Too many "good people" were too lazy or sexist or what ever to stop the evil.
Racism and sexism.
Plus an unhealthy dose of external thought manipulation
I wouldn’t rush to call that Democratic abandonment.
They failed to put Trump in jail. They failed to get the economy under control. They failed to codify Roe. They enabled fascist rhetoric to thrive.
Tied-hands when in office, all-powerful when not (or to fund war)
Not military assets on the ground?
This is not post-9/11 Iraq or Afghanistan.
And everyone got mad over it?
We spent trillions on tax cuts for the rich and wealthy and Ukraine is where we draw the line? 🤦♂️
But Democrats are too precious for that. And maybe they can't compete with that and play fair
And if that's the case then we need a new party that breaks the rules to protect our basic rights
Except for Republicans and third party candidates like Jill Stein?
"Since they don't play by the rules, we shouldn't either."
No matter how bad Republicans get, we can't sacrifice ourselves:
In order to sink to their level of cruelty and selfish behavior?
Yes, things will get bad, but we have to hold the high ground!
The job market's been horrible since June 2023. Grocery price gouging. Rising housing prices.
Biden hardly providing any support to UA, but donating bombs to IL.
And of course Trump won, he lied and claimed he'd fix the economy.
Which trickles down into the local economies and contributes to job growth and opportunities.
Is that bad?
You have to grasp the concept of party narratives and marriage of politics and government.
This is what people don't understand.
You can deny it, but the votes don't lie
"party narratives" - If Dems wanted it they'd get it done. Trump's first term proved that. It's a charade.
Except duriing elections and then...it just goes away and resurfaces (again) 4 years later?
That's the vicious cycle we've been mired in.
Other nations around the world have already done the things that we (ourselves) aren't willing to commit ourselves to executing and laying the groundwork.
We're not pushing the right message of equality for all.
We get killed in the elections by the "belief" that everything is "socialism" or"communism" and Republicans are more than happy to be the Grim Reaper on the issue at hand?
We're still in a stronger position, but we haven't been able to break through the log jam successfully--because of our cherished policy ideas and ambitious agendas?
If you can't do none of these things, how are you going to be able to do a high-level job in accounting or working for Boeing as an engineer?
Employers are not hiring for one reason:
Americans *today* do not have the qualifications, education, skills, or job experience for the position at hand?
If anything...things have gotten worse all over in the past 30 years running.
Greedy landlords are also contributing to the problem.
Renting an apartment has been a vexing issue for 30 years.
Biden did what he could. Credit him for doing what he could.
It's a crime at all.
You guys think only the rich are benefiting from a strong economy.
15.3 million jobs created and you believe that doesn't help the working class any?
Price gouging is because of corporate greed.
Home ownership is due to a hot housing market.
Trump just let it become mainstream and the legacy media backed him up on it.
Funding wars? That's been a Republican staple since the Reagan era.
You can't expect to get anything done when we have a tragically dysfunctional government--leaving Democrats to eke out small victories here and there?
It's the best we'll ever get.
People just pretended it wasn't a reality.
They sold this country out for cheaper groceries and gas because they're too impatient to wait until the damage from Trump's first term was repaired.
Republicans don't care about women's reproductive rights anyway.
MAGA are fanatics. They don't give a shit who lives or dies.
Why are right-wing thugs (completely infiltrated) allowed to roam the streets & assault people? Why's a Russian comped asset our president?
Sounds like typical cishet white male ignorance of reality
It's just going to take *one* little mistep--mistake--or an accident and their house will be a smoldering crater a half mile wide?
But not in real life?
I'm like: "What the hell do you need that for?"
They have caches of weapons and ammunition you can shake a stick at.
The Supreme Court recently ruled the public (and the wealthy) can legally bribe politcians.
So that's now a reality? Like the "dark money" ruling years ago.
But there is a two-tiered justice system in this country for the rich and the poor. (Like me.)
The rich can do whatever they want--with no fear of the consequences. (Like Elon Musk's voter "loterry" in Pennsylvania?)
You're sitting there and accusing *me* of not doing enough! I've done my bit for king and country over the last 32 years as a Democratic voter.
That's all I can *do*.
The battlefield must be done in a completely different way.
There's always other options and venues--instead of the *direct* approach?
People (today) seem to have forgotten about that.
Even with Project 2025...?
The whole list may not even be executed because of strong blowback from the states and heavy criticism.
People won't stand for it.
This is why people think the GOP is "getting away" with everything.
But they aren't. They always end up making things harder for themselves in the end?
They think they can do whatever they want--do the things they promised to do for *years*: Ending the Fed, getting rid of the Department of Education, things like that?
But it never happens.
They think they have a "mandate". That's when they come to full of themselves, their egos and hubris.
Which would cripple the other side and make things impossible to get things done?
Even now, the GOP is having those issues.
But my whole life has been one of bitter survival--day after day.
I'd love to go to arms with this extremist party now...? But I have other methods to choose from that doesn't involve senseless violence?
My experience tells me to take the better part of valor and stay the hell of their way.
Let them destroy themselves--with minimal collatoral damage--to the nation.
My life depends on what I do next.
I'm not letting it slide or ignoring it, but there's little I can do about it.
I have to think about myself now.
I’m concerned our elections will resemble those in Russia.
Then the Democrats became the Status-Quo Management Party and the GOP became the increasingly Radical Right party.
Now Eisenhower is economically to the Left of Dems.
From the Clinton era on the Democratic party was trying to be centrist to "Hold hands and sing Kumbaya" with the Republicans, resulting in pushing the Republicans further to the right.
The election was defined by disinformation, lies, brainwashing, billionaire interference (Musk's $200-mil), and distortions of reality. Harris may have won without Musk's PAC shifting public opinion at the end.
Bernie was right. Again....
Don't sugar coat it. Don't make excuses for it.
Embrace the poor and the working class. Since neo liberals have abandoned them they'll drift to illiberalism
1- voter suppression may have played a roll in a state like GA
2- maybe some Dems&indepts never forgave Kamala in dem primary? Some thought she was an cheap shot opportunist
(P 1 of 2)
3- Wherever 3rd party candidates were on the state ballot it increased 47’s popular vote total & decreased the VP margins in those states like it did with Hillary
4- Then the missed opportunities by POTUS Biden&VP Harris with timing, campaign strategy&spending by both&VERY BAD MESSAGING
They really thought they were gonna win by moving further to the right than they already are? Insanity
On a side note, does Canada accept American refugees?
And disinformation campaigns didn't help matters. Instead, Trump is going to take office with a stellar economy.
“Blue-collar private-sector workers earned more on average in 1972, after adjusting for inflation, than they are earning now in 2024. This means today’s blue-collar workers are on average earning less in real dollars than their grandparents earned 52 years ago.”
Republicans are going to fuck this country up so bad, I wouldn't be so surprised if some states broke off and allied themselves with Canada? 🇨🇦
The Left won so many races, except for key elections in swing states, just enough to give GOP the white house, and congress.
Strange, ne?