In April 2024, Trump asked Big Oil execs for a $1 billion donation in exchange for deregulation and tax cuts.
Who helped broker Trump's dealings with Big Oil?
Doug Burgum — who testified today before the Senate to be Trump's secretary of the interior.
See how this works?
Who helped broker Trump's dealings with Big Oil?
Doug Burgum — who testified today before the Senate to be Trump's secretary of the interior.
See how this works?
Here's the list so far:
This is the term that was constantly used by the old GOP without evidence against Democrats.
How is this at all legal? Where are the gatekeepers?
Great job, Republican voters.
Defendents: Trump, Bergum, and all Oil Execs who made the donations!
And I foresee the verdict of the people as: GUILTY on all counts!
Soliciting a Bribe is NOT an official act especially since before the election!
These 4 years will see the largest transfer of wealth up to the 1%
Criminal Putin & his billionaire Oligarchs don’t care about Russians. Over 20% of Russians still don’t have indoor plumbing.
They’re in it for themselves they got their own agenda $$$$
Welcome to fucking Biffworld.