It is vital for people to cause good trouble, to poke the bear, to be courageous, to take on the powers that are now dominating America — especially now. I had the pleasure to speak about this on the Break Fake Rules podcast from the
It reminds us that we're millions
TrumpTrash will probably call in the military to shoot people
Leave it much longer and he will.
They have declared war on us. And they will never lose another election. All the backstops are gone.
We need a steamroller.
Do you live in an area hooked up with public transit so you don't have to give the oil companies money?
This is general rhetorical "you" not "you" personally.
Can you go "dark"?
R Rapist
U Unhinged
M Moron
P Psycho
J Jackass
D Delusional
V Vicious
A Asshole
N Naive
C Corrupt
E Egomaniac
Boycott the speech
Wear Putin mask
Trun your back in protest
Make it clear--we won't accept his destruction of our democracy!!
There’s a whole bunch of school teachers who owe me an apology.
But we all must, in our own way, do our part.
Each battle, each word, each wound.
Carry on. Be strong.
I need that flag; we must all take to the streets.
Everyone must get involved for our voices to be heard and seen. #goodtriuble
In between trading stocks?are they waiting till they privatize everything so they can buy stocks in privatized federal agencies ? I swear I'm not being cynical.
Put pressure on Republicans. Call them everyday!
The power is in your hands, our hands!
You are strong!
What you can do today AND everyday!
Call your representatives in the House and Senate
Local and Federal.
Especially if they are Republicans.
Everyday a different subject.
this one !
Russian military intelligence had a bounty program to pay Taliban-linked militants for killing American and other allied service members during the war in Afghanistan.
Also gave them weapons and logistical data on our troops movements .
Russia is not our ally.