The question today is the same as it was during the first Gilded Age: Will we fight for an economy and a democracy that works for all rather than a wealthy few?
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Problem is Americans value democracy only 14% on their top concern list in a recent poll. Economy remains a top priority & that if the economy was better, people may not be as upset. Message needs to be what DT is doing is bad for economy as many folks will tune out the risk to democracy concern.
America is how the most fortunate want it to be. They have spent generations buying members of Congress who would pass the laws required to make it this way. Change would require sending a very different type of person to Congress.
So few Democrats seem to be raising their voices to prevent Musk and Trump destroying the little protection the working class in America have. We have a similar situation in the UK, with few Labour politicians objecting to the destruction of our welfare state by the Centrists.
These motherfuckers forget they work for US! First, we organize. Make a plan and participate! Restoring democracy in the US is not a spectator sport! Next, we go Paris 1793 on these assholes. Because we may, indeed, have to bodily remove them from office. See events posted below and DO SOMETHING!
As bad as those robber barons were, at least they donated to the arts, built libraries, hospitals and schools for the public good. They wanted their name to live on for something worthwhile, not just slapped on a building. This age of robber barons are hoarders, they have a sickness.
It is called being sociopathic- megalomaniacs who couldn't have empathy if their lives depended on it. They don't and won't understand the basic human condition!
I am not at all willing to give those ancient RB's a pass for their flagrant attempt to live forever through legacy. Their hands contained far too much blood for their attempt to buy a seat in heaven to sit well with me. Their avarice solved nothing and added much woe - belying their supposed good.
I don't agree that the ends justifies the means. Philanthropists do what they do for their own benefit. Their munificence is generally a form of control e.g. building workers homes (which they control); reminding everyone who is important and owns everything so stay in line. Now it's a tax dodge.
They, #Republicans---- won't get away w/ that shhhht , as long we stay on Their asses!! ----- Too many 1st grade thru 12th grade kids are EXPECTING us to help them w/ their future, here in 🇺🇸! .... #littlekids & #kids
We are in the "Age Where Brown and Black people will not go back to subclass statuses to appease white mediocracy." for fucking sure good sir in this #4thReich awful pun intended
The annals of American history will provide this answer.
We fought to keep the British out of the country.
We fought our own because MAGA wanted slaves.
We fought in WWII to restore the economy.
We fought in Iran to protect the oil.
Capitalism failed. Because it's the rule of big corporations, billionaires over the poor, leading to autocracy. A mixed economy is the solution. Not capitalism, not communism & not socialism.
The mix of personal freedoms, democracy, workers' share in ownership & taxing the rich is the solution.
It should be OBVIOUS by now that the ONLY constitutes the SPINELESS Russian Republican GOP Communist Party care about are the Wealthy and Oligarchy Community. The HELL with the Middle class and the disadvantage!
I believe know that AmeriKKKa has NEVER been a Democracy & NEVER will be with a Crony Corporate Capitalistic Government controlled by Companies Poisoning & Polluting the Land, Air, Water & Fake Food & destroying our health & that of our children. Democratic Socialism is the only form of Democracy.
Ready for some good news? It appears that most Americans passed their high school Economics class. According to CNN, 61% of Americans do NOT approve of Trump’s handling of tariffs. If you know tariffs are import taxes, you deserve a cookie. Contact Elon for your cookie. Thats efficiency for ya.
It never ended. The super-greedy never went away, maybe they hid. They've stolen so much that it will take eternity to disperse it. Wealth and greed should be outlawed, in the same way they criminalised poverty. We should be truly repulsed by it, not secretly attracted and desirous of being rich.
"Trump's...technological imperialist/monarchist plans of Elon Musk’s Neo-Reactionary (NRx)...philosophy. NRx is a belief that democracy must be eliminated and the country run under a corporatist, technological dictatorship..."
Good episode Mr. Reich. It seems that we are. The other two branches do need to reign in presidential powers as well. Since 2000 it’s gotten way out of hand. Those that aren’t familiar be aware power doesn’t always give up power peacefully. There was a lot of violence used against the workers.
Probably not. Too many Americans dont see themselves as poor or even middle-class. In their minds they are millionaires that just haven't made it yet! TV and the internet have warped people's view of reality.
The first Guilded Age ended with progressive reform. Interesting fact: John Jacob Astor (mega wealthy real estate tycoon and biz man) went down with the Titanic. His remains were delivered to Nova Scotia (Canada) b-4 being sent to NY for burial. Just sayin'.
Any attempts to regulate capitalism are just speedbumps on the road to oligarchy. The rise and gradual fall of FDR's New Deal has shown us this clearly.
So long as it remains possible for individuals or private interest groups to amass limitless wealth, oligarchy will remain inevitable.
you are doing a Bernie. You want to go on & on about inequality. But the white working class is pro oligarchy...if you NEVER face why the WWC chases Trump thru Reagan, you waste everyone's time. Trump through Reagan is Dog Whistle politics. Sucker the not rich whites in, then do policy for the rich
and lead to the collapse of the American
dollar as a global standard. And China will rule
the world economy.
The beginning of the end"
You heard it here.
Platapus 2025 BC
We fought to keep the British out of the country.
We fought our own because MAGA wanted slaves.
We fought in WWII to restore the economy.
We fought in Iran to protect the oil.
Notice the pattern.
When Americans fight, it's for the wealthy.
Robber Barons Robbers
We once had robber barons,
Now we have common crooks.
We once had an age that was gilded,
And mostly the poorest felt jilted.
Now we have cons with gold toilets,
Most of us are feeling joyless.
Greed is allowed & rewarded,
So we have wealth that is sordid.
Bill had it right. We can start there.
The mix of personal freedoms, democracy, workers' share in ownership & taxing the rich is the solution.
I prefer to think of it as a continuation of the Cold War, but without the Communism.
Not overly impressed with level of aggressiveness from Democrat politicians in fight for democracy.
Perhaps we looking at the Gelded Age.
So long as it remains possible for individuals or private interest groups to amass limitless wealth, oligarchy will remain inevitable.
Return of the Robber Barons ...