Reminder that I block folks for "Oh, you think they care about the law, you rube?" replies.
Making the case that the administration is acting lawlessly is a form of organizing against it. Not the only form, but one. No one here is claiming that it's a magic bullet.
Making the case that the administration is acting lawlessly is a form of organizing against it. Not the only form, but one. No one here is claiming that it's a magic bullet.
These trashclowns are criming in plain sight. Given a shift in the winds, it could come back to bite them hard.
A huge thank you to everyone fighting the resistance on that front.
Thank you for the anti-constitutional term by the way, it is clarifying
What are we supposed to do with this information? Call the cops?
Oh what a horrible night/day to have a curse!
It all feels like screaming into the void.
To tired mom "i am going through so much. I'm tired. Please protect us, and call for his impeachment"
And if thetes something personal that makes me pisses I include that.
Civil servants (both my parents before they retired) and Military Officers (dad/me) swear to the Constitution.
Enlisted members swear to obey President and the officers appointed over them, which is where it could get a little messy.
Both officer and enlisted oaths in this article:
What an awkward way to set things up!
Officers spend a lot of time studying and wrapping their brains around the Law of Armed Conflict and
I appreciate that the Constitution is mentioned first.
I have served with a lot of quality enlisted personnel many with advanced degrees.
I don't want to depend on their ability/determination whether an order is lawful when we're already seeing non-DoD orgs forgetting.
SCOTUS says do X. That's fine, they don't have any enforcement power. They literally said he can't be arrested.
You won't stop the machine, but it's not just you.
Push back against the narrative that they repeat, call out that THEY know it is lies.
They need to feel that there is more pressure to do their duty, than to not.
And remind that they grow weaker they longer they don't, and if they DO, it encourages the others to.