It is just insane the level of fealty required in MAGA World. These people in her own state, who claim to be 'Christians', but so easily would do the dirty work of a convicted criminal, sex offender and pathological liar, just beggars belief?
Hegseth is actually not very good at this. Among other things, he refuses to show any humility or remorse, even if feigned. He's still acting like a Fox talking head.
Well he promised to quit drinking so there’s that. Maybe the dems should agree to his confirmation if he goes to AA and submits to urine drug screens. He already has a higher power.
He's never been held accountable. SO, how would he learn from his mistakes. They just continue to be what they clearly are. Mullen too. Emotionally unstable.
Republicans generally lack integrity, morals, and ethics. They pretend to care, put on a show, then fall in line like the goosestepping fools they are.
Little? Thoroughly! No justification for voting for that unscrupulous, inexperienced, alcoholic, abusive guy. Understand she wanted that position herself. Entire Republican contingent is shameful and weak.
She's a yes woman. She's done fuck all for Iowans, rather suckling on the teet of Washington instead of eliminating all that "pork" she ran on getting rid of a decade ago.
Truly a D-squad bencher in the Senate of zero worth or value to America or Iowa.
We’re on a parallel timeline from 100 years ago of story repeating itself. Don't expect her to act otherwise when she knows what side her bread is buttered from
I see two forms of bravery.
1st. Not give it one thought. You jump into a dangerous situation. It came from your inner core.
2nd. Methodical consideration of action. Price paid, your family harmed. What will you loose. How afraid are you. If the "brave" does not show up in you. Maybe next time
I am now convinced that there is not one reputable, ethical Republican. Democrats had better not play their old cowardly ‘let’s negotiate’ game for the next four years.
I only know her work through the SBA EIDL program and her unrelenting, unforgiving demand of debt collection.
She's no friend to the small business in that capacity, BUT TO READ "She’s an Iraq War combat veteran and sexual assault survivor" to then confirm Hegseth is SHOCKING to me.
To me, it shows how absolutely terrified Republicans are of Trump. They have sold
their souls to maga, and choose to remain shackled to the insanity rather than admit defeat and join the rest of us in resistance. #Cowards
I somehow think the generals will find ways to accomplish their missions despite Hegseth. But I'm not certain of it, or what missions they may be assigned.
One thing that could work, if you were to join us (not suggesting that you should), each province could become a state, which would give the left a huge majority in both of our houses and the Presidency... I don't think Herr Trump thought of that... Greenland would be one more blue state!
I’m sick of hearing they’re under pressure. They’re in office to represent their constituents as well as the entire United States! This is not about saving your job. This is about saving the country!
The way they were practically making eyes at each other at the beginning almost made me vomit. He has that swarmy, sleazy, I get away with anything bc I’m good looking energy. She clearly fell for it during their ‘special’ meetings, so much for sexual assault protections in the military.
Ugh. She's my senator. I've never gotten over the bread bags on her feet in the winter (I doubt that) and the "make 'em squeal like pigs." Phony Joni remains true to form.
Well I guess Mega got to her she had a little bit of spine but they just ripped it out and threw it in the trash a little threatening a few phone calls in her job would be in peril from Elon Musk and money and she folded like a cheap suit
I wrote her a little love note on IG about her saying her questions were answered after the incriminating testimony from her fellow Senators listing his character deficiencies and him failing a geography test. Did she have a hearing problem?
Sen #Ernst is a perfect example of a soldier who sees the enemy approaching, without saying a word leaves her troops, runs the opposite direction saving herself, leaving the troops to be slaughtered.
No respect for her after this, if she actually votes for Hegseth’s confirmation. Man, I really did have respect for her. I thought she would assess the magnitude of the post and know in her bones this alcoholic was not up to the job.
She will regret it. The man is clearly not fit. He is lying; he won't respect the Geneva convention. He wants to torture ppl. He would shoot protesters and invade Greenland. Awful!
I’ve given this some more thought. Joni’s confirmation vote will ensure that her daughter gets a plum assignment. Quid pro quo. Everything in the GOP is transactional.
Republicans should unite & express their commitment to American values, prioritizing the nation's principles over that of the incoming anti-American felon orange stain. By doing so, they could rid America from the orange blight once & for all. 😷
Did you honestly think that Joni would even consider voting against Hegseth? Her only qualification for senate is her ability to abandon all principles and zero in on the appropriate asses to kiss.
she knows what's required of the job and how important and massive it is. she is a disgrace. they ALL need to do the right thing and say NO to hegseth.....he is a danger - but so is trump and they all went for him. do none of them give a shit about the USA?
Why?? She was always going to vote to confirm him. There are no nonpartisan votes in the Senate or the House. The nation has seen the last free and fair elections. Permanent martial law will prevent further elections and appointment will take place to fill any vacancy.
Ernst: I want to really really really stress that I'm deeply concerned that women in the military be subject to equal treatment and equal opportunity. Can you please lie to me about your stance on this matter?
As an Iowan, the idea that any Iowa Republican would not kiss the ring is preposterous. Her fealty was never in doubt. No one folds faster or feigns integrity better than an Iowa Republican.
Joanie Ernst is an insult to my homestate of Iowa. Her and Terry braindead (gov branstedt) only know how to pander and suck up. They are as effective as a used wet matchstick.
I’m disappointed that voters keep sending her to the Senate. All these crappy lawmakers are there because of voters who can’t bring themselves to fire them. I’m disgusted.
Ernst was to block Hegseth, completely unqualified morally reprehensible person in charge of US military who refusal to answer should frighten everyone.
She apparently was threatened "Political rape," just like all the physical rape/sexual violence being condoned by king misogynist's cult!
Sen Ernst proved she’s not very bright here. If it was up to him she wouldn’t have been in the military and even if in she would have never achieved her rank
If you’re a republican and want to keep your job then they are little forced onto the TChump train to nowhere. Sad not sure how someone can run a country and only have yes people around. Seems like a terrible way to run a business forget an entire country
Fait accompli
They’ll all cave
Because they always do
Meanwhile, at the after party Heggie is so drunk he’s wet his pants
Has there been accountability from any of these since the Clarence Thomas / Anita Hill fiasco?
It's just theater so folks can claim they did their "due diligence" before confirming malignant parasites to positions of power.
Truly a D-squad bencher in the Senate of zero worth or value to America or Iowa.
1st. Not give it one thought. You jump into a dangerous situation. It came from your inner core.
2nd. Methodical consideration of action. Price paid, your family harmed. What will you loose. How afraid are you. If the "brave" does not show up in you. Maybe next time
She's no friend to the small business in that capacity, BUT TO READ "She’s an Iraq War combat veteran and sexual assault survivor" to then confirm Hegseth is SHOCKING to me.
their souls to maga, and choose to remain shackled to the insanity rather than admit defeat and join the rest of us in resistance. #Cowards
I know you're right.
I hate that you're right.
haha sigh sob.
We need a miracle.
I guess she hasn’t learned anything from Susan collins.
She apparently was threatened "Political rape," just like all the physical rape/sexual violence being condoned by king misogynist's cult!