many tens of thousands of us wouldn't know, because we cancelled that sub either last fall or this week. i took bezos at his word that the only opinions allowed are now his.
I looked at WaPo opinion headlines today just to see how cowed the writers are. I unsubscribed back when they didn’t endorse. The longer writers stay will make them less and less relevant.
That review is interesting in the light of recent interference. It critiques powerful men who see staff as playthings:
"'Anora' is a movie that understands that the vast, seemingly forever-growing nature of inequality doesn’t just take away opportunity; it takes away control of your own life."
Dude. A buncha press dudes standing up to Bezos right now doesn’t mean they’ve beaten him. He still OWNS it. He’s just giving you time to feel smug, then he’ll come back and hammer his workers again. Dunno what gives you a hard-on for this rag, but it’s dead.
Opinions are gonna reflect actual opinions. Biggest one is ABSOLUTELY GOING TO BE for Jeff Bezos to stay out of the news in the service of free trade and our personal liberties.
I didn't buy it then, but I heard it from my Dad that the almost balanced budgets of the Clinton presidency were due to the Reagan tax cuts... 🤔 but then, the voodoo economics president, George Bush senior, driven from office for not carrying on the Republican tax cut framework, was in between...
Federal budget surpluses occurred at the end of the Clinton presidency in 1998-2001. GDP growth during Clinton's second term averaged around 4.5%. Can't really see how any of that came from Reagan, whose 2nd term ended in January 1989.
LOL... yes, but everything bad that will happen, is happening, under president Trump will be because of Biden. It's the nature of politics. Now, for example, the extension of the tax cuts for the top 10% doesn't add anything to the deficit because it was already embedded in current taxing.
That corporate tax cut was the carrot and stick to buy trumps presidency. A temporary tax cut that was planned to expire to maximize corporate leverages. It added trillions to the deficit for the average American to pay for.
Or if the economy takes a stumble, it's because Biden overestimated its resilience. Or 9/11 occurred because Clinton didn't properly brief us on the risk... etc., etc.,etc.
Wow, McArdle's headline isn't that we shouldn't condemn the outbreak of and deaths from measles because of the possible costs of measles prevention, like she did with the Grenfell Tower Fire?
So is anybody actually reading WaPo anymore? Since it became a rich guy's megaphone, I've not had any inclination to do so. Maybe if he loses enough money on it, he will sell it to its employees for a song?
It makes sense to me that the impact won't be felt in the next few days, but more weeks/months as people find new jobs and Bezos has his interference become part of his regular schedule.
I imagine most of the opinion writers plan on ignoring Bezos’ dictate until they are threatened with direct attempts to suppress specific things they’ve written.
Personally I think it would be great if people made Jeff Bezos spend all his time arguing with op ed writers about whether the piece today can be categorized under personal liberty and free markets.
Obviously Bezos is a boot-licking shitbag, but let's keep things in perspective: that op-ed from Dana Milbank is spot-on, and worth sharing. Great work from Dana! And thanks for sharing it, Peter!
Free is fine, but we really should stop using Wapo links and stories entirely. All we do when we post them is deliver another info gathering opportunity for Wapo to get your email and another cash request.
Well-crafted. I love the interview with Libertarian/ASS Law. Scary to be in agreement with them and excellent to add that perspective. I’m relieved WaPo published it, curious to see if that openness fades after the initial outrage attention fades.
unfortunately, even with a gift link, WaPo forces one to sign up in order to receive, in a transparent attempt to recover lost subscribers and boost their stats.
Your passion and energy are infectious! I appreciate how you share your ideas and experiences. Let's stay in touch and explore more topics together – I'm excited to learn from you
Can anybody tell me why we're not boycotting the Washington Post? If we're canceling Amazon, and Prime, and all other Jeff Bezos companies, isn't that a bit hypocritical? I guess keep paying for that subscription.
Also doesn’t do anything to his bottom line. Just a small write off. By my calculations, his $250B worth and the $250M for what he paid for the Post, it is literally worthless to him. 0.1% of his net worth. A hundredth of a penny out of a dollar!
Yeah for sure I get it, but just don’t want anyone thinking it makes any financial impact on him. Better to probably support the writers there and show our Amazon cancellations
It's happening -- tons of people are cancelling memberships. It started when WaPo decided NOT to endorse Kamala for President. The Post has such an amazing legacy and it's heartbreaking to see it go down like this.
His statement was likely performative—like Trudeau promising to “keep an eye” on the border 24/7 … wink, wink. I don’t want to give cover to Bezos, but it will be interesting to see if the opinion page changes in the ways he has promised.
The same thought has crossed my mind but I presume the editor didn’t resign over nothing, so we just haven’t seen the change yet. When we do, I’m waiting for how self-respecting members of the staff respond
If I didn't cancel my subscription already
"'Anora' is a movie that understands that the vast, seemingly forever-growing nature of inequality doesn’t just take away opportunity; it takes away control of your own life."
It should not win Best Picture.
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"..Trump’s ubiquitous sidekick, Elon Musk..."
Revolution is the solution because the American way is the only way. Anything else is treason.