Friends, i don't know the letter writer. It was posted by a friend in Bloomsburg, and I copied and pasted it here. I told my friend that it was getting attention, and he said he'd share that with the author. If I find a way to reach him directly, with his permission, I'll post it here.
- have parades
- threatening other allies
-install a mediocre alcoholic as secretary of Defense
They care even less about veterans.
- They will gut the VA even further
- They consider the VA entitlements to be eliminated.
I wish fervently he were still here, but no veteran should be in the position your Marine is, struggling through cancer & other service-related issues while his nation’s twice-elected leader denigrates him
& eats away at so, so much.
Watching our children lose the freedoms our friends died for.
Some who died in our arms expecting US to carry on the fight for them.
Fees like we just lost all Of the wars. .
call your Senator.
He is the rare breed of poet-warrior that the current Administration slanders. Mattis, Milley, McCain, Mueller, Kerry… the list is as endless as their are veterans…
I feel your pride. It hurts me as well to see our country in the hands of an overlord daring to call you "sucker's & losers" PLZ know what you've done for America is not a waste & the pain you feel so deeply is felt not only by me but worldwide.TY Much ❤️
It’s really difficult to watch American under the current regime.
His letter has really bought home the impact on individuals 💔
Your life wasn't wasted because of the actions of a few evil men.
Your life wasn't wasted, you taught those serving about holding themselves to a higher standard.
Service greater than self.
If I met him I would salute him.