Unfortunately, the odds are VERY much in his favour, especially if the government continues to do jack shit all about the cost of living crisis. It's happening all over the world.
Well, I doubt that PeePee is gonna get the guillotine out and start eliminating billionaires, bankers, and monopolists. Only an outright simpleton would vote for a career politician who has never earned a paycheque outside of government and expect this politician to bite the hand that feeds him.
The solution to the cost-of-living crisis is to make Canada a place where small and medium sized businesses can thrive, but then the law of diminishing returns kicks in as a business grows larger than that.
Can Alberta get a refund for the billions, BILLIONS spent on keystone expansion? Because that was a conservative government that spent that last I checked.
It's not just any wild conspiracy
It's Qanon quackery and rooted in anti- Semitism
Yes 🇨🇦 and beyond
This is the leader of the official opposition..CPC
1) 9m$ for a feed worm factory is pennies
2) no one’s gonna be forced to eat something they don’t wanna eat.
3) he has grocery lobbyists in his policy consulting team, the same people that have jacked up the price of basic commodities to sky high prices for the last 3 years.
When I was a kid I’d go to the Montreal insectarium with the school and get hyped to eat feedworm pizza… I don’t get why they’re so afraid of feedworm, it’s exceptionally cheap, low in fat, high in protein, and it tastes like nuts…
All politic tactics nowadays is driven by stewing resentment. I fear the kind of crap 💩 we see south is going to cross over soon, it’s going to be even easier with more than two competitive parties…
La réponse bête c’est que ça prend pas tant de votes pour passer d’un tiers parti au parti au pouvoir quand le PQ et la CAQ s’échangent la tête… ça brasse de la marde là parce que c’est ça qui mène au pouvoir
Je comprends le calcul, mais n'empêche j'ai pas souvenir d'un fond de l'air aussi populiste qu'en ce moment, et qui semble être encouragé pas nos dirigeant en plus...
Et je suis assez vieux pour me souvenir de la presque prise du pouvoir par l'ADQ de Mario Dumont, c'est ben pour dire!
Ironically, I wrote an article about entomophagy years ago for a kid's magazine. Insects are a huge part of some culture's cuisine, including France. While I have never tried them, the CPC rhetoric is another insult to other cultures.
Man, I’d love if it I could buy bugs to eat in my small remote city. So many Mexican dishes I want to try. I wish just once that one of PP’s conspiracy theories were true.
Well, if PP is so adamant about not eating bugs, then maybe he should be doing more to combat climate change. You know the very thing that is making crops harder to grow?
Most of PoiLIEvre’s rhetoric are cheap debate tactics intended to waste the mental energy of anybody listening… he needs people to be too exhausted to muster anything more than “common sense”. He can’t have people thinking too hard about the things he says.
Tackling all disinformation would be a huge undertaking. But something that was just focused on politician’s lies, similar to how there are rules for marketing in Canada to protect consumers, would be amazing.
When you see ads on Youtube and PP's all like "we'll help you pay your bills and feed your family" it all sounds great, but sooner or later the façade comes away and you realize they have brain worms or something.
I replied this on PP's post on the hell site but if he had any brains he'd know that crickets are a highly sustainable protein source which is being used as alternatives to our more common proteins in human & pet foods. It's good for allergies & not as unsustainable as animal meat. He can eat shit 💅
I once heard Pierre Poilievre say, “it is almost undeniable that Justin Trudeau is the worst Prime Minister in history.”… which, to common sense-folk, might sound like an insult until you realize it means he’s NOT the worst in history. If something is almost undeniable, then it is deniable.
My family believes all this crap. A big thank you to Pierre for taking advantage of scared, misinformed people and using a conspiracy to further break their brains. But he’ll get their vote and that’s all that matters.
I was under the impression that crickets are a similar allergen to shellfish. You can’t force an allergen on the entire population. Forcing everyone to eat bugs just wouldn’t even be possible.
Hard to accept that this is what a federal party leader sends to his supporters. It is just toxic bile aimed at the lowest of the low. It isn’t an argument, there isn’t an appeal to policy, just hateful junk. It worked for Trump and speaks volumes abt PP’s character choice of tactics.
It's Qanon quackery and rooted in anti- Semitism
Yes 🇨🇦 and beyond
This is the leader of the official opposition..CPC
2) no one’s gonna be forced to eat something they don’t wanna eat.
3) he has grocery lobbyists in his policy consulting team, the same people that have jacked up the price of basic commodities to sky high prices for the last 3 years.
They don’t want to eat it then don’t buy it…
(La frontière entre patriotisme et xénophobie est embrouillée, et il semble être bien décidé nager dans cette zone grise...)
Et je suis assez vieux pour me souvenir de la presque prise du pouvoir par l'ADQ de Mario Dumont, c'est ben pour dire!
Also wtf is wrong with cricket protein? Have you actually looked at I mean really looked at a lobster before?
So, we will not eat bugs, huh? Who said we were going to? What on Earth is this in response to?
Having said that, there are a number of countries, mostly in the Global South, were insects are eaten:
This is the Maple MAGA Equivalent of "Their Eating the Dogs. Their Eating the Cats"
What lying PeePee WILL axe is your lifesaving universal healthcare & lifesaving right to retire (pension).