The big, juicy foreign interference report comes out tomorrow!
Do you feel ready for it? Yes? No? Either way, that’s okay!
I’ve got a primer here, with the help of national security expert, that should get you ready to understand what the report says:
Do you feel ready for it? Yes? No? Either way, that’s okay!
I’ve got a primer here, with the help of national security expert, that should get you ready to understand what the report says:
First, download the You Tube app, if you have not.
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It was PP Leadership contest where something illegal went on - that helped PP win!!
Intel goes to Police to be investigated; IF "Evidence" found, then that goes to Court to be proven.
Explained +++
I am kidding, of course! I know longer believe in the "sudden revelations that remove politicians I dislike".
We already know Poilievre isn't going to be specifically named because Elizabeth May told us that none of the current sitting MPs are named.
Trump got "Impeached" by the House but wasn't convicted because he "only" received 56 guilty votes out of 100.
They needed 67.
Impeached a second time for the Insurrection
Was elected a second time with 50% of the vote.
nothing to see here.
These days the opposition demands accountability for everything from the federal liberals. (even provincial matters) But duck, weave and run from any themselves.
Curious how Poilievre will try and spin this.
This digital scroll has 213 posts
including this one.
It is about something
-vitally- important
to -every- body.
Scroll to the bottom
without looking at anything
along the way, and this end
will make sense to Your Literacy
as it does to the one who wrote it.
right on cue,
minutes after the 0616h⏰post
beneath this one
replying the person whose name
appears above one
of the two🖼painting emoji icons.
As the saying goes:
“Those who know, don’t speak;
those who speak, don’t know.”
🍑 🌹
tweet by the world-famous writer
who was the @ to whom
the following 70 posts replied.
There are only a handful of people
in the world who will ever know
what they’re looking at here,
If the writer saw what we see…
one🙇🏻♂️star of
the film based on a novel written
because one Geiko of Gion Kobu,
sat down and told her story to
a🇺🇸man in the line of work of🇨🇦.
who in Greek mythology
is the god of the Sun,
is said to have had
seven [immortal] herds of oxen
and seven flocks of sheep.”
Always the cattle,,
never the sheep… ;)