We wanted to show you a tiny snippet from the optical gas imaging we did recently at an LNG terminal in Louisiana.
Seems like they are setting methane gas free hoping it will find its way around the globe, a savings on liquidation costs.
Seems like they are setting methane gas free hoping it will find its way around the globe, a savings on liquidation costs.
And 7% more water vapour per 1°C warming means fewer radicals are born https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adn0415
Oh radicals, where are you?!
Zickfeld et al did a review on the research status wrt inciting radicals to bomb more methane molecules. Methane capture and bombing is one method. Proposed in cow stables, near landfills where CH4 concentration is high, eg 6000ppb, ie 6ppm... needle-in-haystack 6ppm. But golden needles.
Capturing these haystack needles to let OH radicals bomb them is gold for civilisation.
But ozone is toxic for plants and animals. Can't do this in the "wild" without causing other damage.
Down here you can get methanogens (e.g. on tree bark*) to feast - up there you either get blimps or we learn a lot about bacteria in the clouds, fast
* https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-22333-7
And tropical wetlands receive more water in climate change on average, and the zone is expanding. Keep it in the ground won't suffice anymore
We will have some actual videos put together soon. This is just my iPhone held up to the LED screen so it's harder to see.