While thousands of veterans are getting fired by Yam Tits and Elon, they’re asking January 6 criminals to apply for jobs. They’re also offering home loans and grants to all those domestic terrorists.
This is by far the most anti-American administration ever.
This is by far the most anti-American administration ever.
Please send her an email like I did.
Let's maybe drop a line and say hey?
this is very bad
Sign the petition
There will be trials for all.
Accountability will prevail.
Truth is a liars nemesis.
Speak truth to power 🫶
Do we get to use the old armbands or do we need to design new ones?
Perhaps one on Brian Sicknick? Maybe interview Michael Fanone?
“ now he has his own private militia “
I can’t believe what I’m seeing and hearing out of US
Truly scary